Time to boost the cardio!

July 12, 2009

Here we go again! Back. To. Square. One.

After eight weeks of having this boot on my foot, eight pounds have managed to creep back onto my body thighs! (Okay, I'm sure everyone is sick of hearing about the ding, dang boot; I promise that I won't mention it again.)

I worked so hard to get to where I was and now find myself back at square one starting over. It's not going to do me any good to bitch and whine, so I won't. I've managed to get through the disgusted and frustrated stages, so now I'm just mad and motivated, which, for me, is a good combination.

Now that I'm able to walk again, I have to crank up the cardio in order to give my metabolism a much needed kick in the pants! I'm not yet able do all the jumping required to do Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred like BigSis is doing now , but I hope to be able to do that soon.

In an attempt to lose two pounds a week, here's my plan for the next four weeks.

  • Boost cardio to an hour and a half each morning. (Either walk, bike ride, or treadclimber at the gym)
  • Start back to yoga classes three times a week.
  • Add one spinning class a week.
  • No Mexican Food or Chips and Guacamole, for now.
  • Eat healthier snacks.
  • Add a 30 minute bike ride after dinner each night.

I'm also making a more conscious effort to watch the calories. For the most part I eat pretty healthy, but sometimes, when in a hurry, I don't make the best choices for snacks. Most trainers will tell you that it is best to eat five small meals a day, which includes a mid morning and mid afternoon snack.

There really are a lot of choices for healthy snacks. I think the key is making sure that you have them on hand so you don't end up grabbing something unhealthy just because it's fast and easy. Check back in a few days for a list of my new favorite healthy snacks.


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