Top 5 Airplane Travel Snacks

I like to always carry plane snacks with me so that I'm not tempted to gobble up the free honey-roasted peanuts that I don't like that much anyway, or buy one of those uber-expensive snack packs that are full of fat, sodium and sugar.  This is my criteria for travel snacks:

  • They aren't too messy.
  • They don't spoil if they're in your carry-on bag for a while.
  • They don't have too much sodium.  I get puffy enough already from flying!
  • They keep you going until you get your next proper meal.

These are my top 5 picks for best airplane travel snacks:

  • Raw unsalted walnuts or almonds: they give you protein which keeps you satisfied longer.  Chips or crackers just make you crave more chips or crackers!
  • Trail mix: make your own with raw nuts and your favorite dried fruit.  I like blueberries, cranberries and cherries with raw nuts and sunflower seeds.  Scoop 1/3 cup of your mix into a snack size plastic baggie.  Be sure to measure, otherwise it's really easy to eat way too many calories from this snack.
  • Low fat string cheese: great protein, plus satisfaction from the flavor and the bit of fat you get.
  • Half a whole grain bagel: either plain or spread with a little nut butter.  I like almond butter but you can use peanut butter.  The whole grains will give you steady energy and fill you up without cravings.
  • Dark Chocolate Peanut M&Ms: I know these have sugar, and caffeine and fat!  I know, I know!  But just a few are a delicious treat and a great pick-me-up at 33,000 feet!  Plus they melt in your mouth and not in your hands!  And they come in fun colors!

Whatever your snacking preference, make sure to pack a few individually-packaged antibacterial wipes in your bag so you can clean up your hands and fold down tray before having your snack.  Who knows what kind of germs are lurking on your plane, right?


Posted under Travel

This post was written by BigSis on July 1, 2009


Clean Program Wrap-Up and Raw Green Soup Recipe

My 21-day Clean Program cleanse is complete, and I'm happy to report that it went great!  I lost 6.5 pounds, and over 3 inches from my waist, hips and thighs. I continued to do cardio 5 or 6 days a week, but this wasn't the time to ramp up the exercise so the weight loss wasn't due to more workouts. Weight loss was not the main goal, although it's nice to be rid of that post-holiday puffy bloaty feeling that most of us end up with in January.

The main goal was to detox; to get rid of all the nasty free radicals roaming around, along with the mucus (sorry, gross) that is formed by the body to try to isolate the toxins. I feel great, as Dr. Junger promised. My achy knees are happier, I'm sleeping much better, I have better energy and mental clarity, and I feel calmer. I can't explain it all, but it's all documented in Clean: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body's Natural Ability to Heal Itself, and everything that Dr. Junger said would happen, did happen.

The only problem is, I want to stay on this program forever! I love it. One of the things I love most about it is the Raw Green Soup I had for dinner almost every night, and am now totally addicted to. I'm still making it a couple of times a week even though the cleanse has been officially over for a week. SisMama said she would upchuck if she had to eat this, but I promise it's delicious. It does take a slightly adventurous palate to try it for the first time, but after the first taste I think you'll agree. It's yummy and addictive.

I based my soup on a recipe from Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life by Brendan Brazier, but I tweaked the flavors quite a bit since I like a little zippety-do-dah in my food. It's essentially spinach blended with water, avocado, lemon, protein powder and some seasonings. I know, I know, I know! It's sounds like it would be horrible. I can't explain it, just trust me. Here's my version.

Raw Green Soup

1/2 large avocado (or 1 whole small one)
2 cups baby spinach, very tightly packed
3 cups water
2 tblsp hemp protein powder
1 tblsp hemp oil
2 tblsp raw unsalted pumpkin seeds
1 raw garlic clove
1/8 to 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice (or to taste; I use a lot)
2 tblsp fresh chives
Frank's Red Hot Sauce to taste
Dash sea salt
Dash black pepper

Pile all ingredients into a blender and whirl around until it looks creamy and you don't see any dark green spinach bits spinning by.

This recipe makes 2 servings. Store leftovers in a glass jar in the fridge and use the next day if possible. It doesn't darken, but the avocado will start to take on that old guacamole taste.

Note: I use my KitchenAid blender to make this and it works like a champ.You don't need an expensive Vitamix to pull this off. A good blender or food processor should be fine.


Posted under Food, Health

This post was written by BigSis on January 29, 2012


Apple Cider Vinegar Purifying Hair Treatment

Cher Apple Cider Vinegar

Maybe we don't want our hair QUITE this shiny!


Did you know that apple cider vinegar is actually good for your hair? You might think it would dry out your hair and scalp, but that's not the case. I have very dry hair, and have been using this natural treatment for a while with only great results.

Apple cider vinegar purifies the hair; removing product build-up from the hair and scalp. It adds softness, body and shine.

It's a natural product, it costs just pennies, and most of us probably already have it in our pantry.

Here's how you do it:

  • Make sure that you use apple cider vinegar, not white distilled vinegar. I've used the more expensive organic apple cider vinegar in a pinch, but I usually just buy the cheap store brand and haven't noticed any difference. I know organic is always preferable when it comes to what we put in and on our bodies, but in this case I'm not stressing about it.
  • Shampoo your hair as usual, rinse and towel dry. Gently sprinkle the vinegar onto your head aiming for your scalp rather than the hair ends. I say “gently” because you do NOT want a drop of this vinegar flying into your eyes! I probably use around 1/4 cup of vinegar, but you don't need to measure. Just keep sprinkling until you feel like your head is saturated.
  • I usually do this over the sink instead of in the shower since I want to leave it on for a while. I think the chance of getting vinegar in your eyes in the shower is greater too, with all that water spraying around. If you're doing this treatment in the shower though, make sure the container you take into the shower isn't glass.
  • Once you get the vinegar on, massage it into your scalp and work it around, again being careful to protect your eyes from any wild splashes. Work it through to the ends, and use a wide tooth comb to distribute it. Be careful, wet hair is fragile.
  • Leave the vinegar on for a few minutes. I usually aim for around 15 minutes.
  • Thoroughly rinse the vinegar out in cool water. I think cold water adds shine too because it closes the cuticle of the hair. Massage your scalp to rinse free any build-up the vinegar has dissolved, and rinse, rinse, rinse.
  • Condition and style as usual.

You might notice a lingering trace of vinegar aroma for the next couple of days when your hair is wet, but once it's dry there's no tell-tale smell. No one will accuse you of smelling like a salad!

I like to use this treatment once a week if possible to keep product build-up to a minimum. Give it a try!


Photo credit: Rapscallion's Flickr Photostream


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by BigSis on August 19, 2012


Last Minute Quick & Easy 4th of July Recipes

I'm a huge planner and a huge fan of being organized, but for some reason, a lot of our get-togethers and parties are planned at the last minute. Trust me when I say that there have been many times that I'm still scrabbling the morning of a party to finalize my menu. Last year, I threw together my New Years Eve Party all in one day and it turned out great! If anyone is like me and might be searching for some quick and easy last minute recipe ideas, here are some of my favorites.

Insalata Ala Caprese

Insalata Ala Caprese

Insalata ala Caprese is my absolute all-time favorite! It's always a hit and can be served either as an appetizer or a side salad.

Heirloom Tomato Salad

Heirloom Tomato Salad

Here's a different twist on almost the same ingredients. You can't go wrong with this Heirloom Tomato Salad.

Summertime Fruit Salad

Summertime Fruit Salad

I think this Summertime Fruit Salad would be a great start for a 4th of July Celebration.

Ceviche Salad

Ceviche Salad

This Ceviche Salad is light and simple and would be great to take to a cookout.

Sun-Dried Tomato Cream Potato Salad

Sun-Dried Tomato Cream Potato Salad

This Sun-Dried Tomato Cream Potato Salad isn't your every day potato salad.

Homemade Pita Chips

Homemade Pita Chips

Healthy Hummus

Healthy Hummus

How about some Pita Chips and Hummus? Easy and healthy, too!

Deviled Eggs

Deviled Eggs

Okay, I know that there's nothing special about Deviled Eggs, but in a pinch, if you have to take something to a cookout, no one will complain about having these at the party!

Angel Hair Pasta Salad

Angel Hair Pasta Salad

This Angel Hair Pasta Salad is a great choice for a crowd. The recipe may say that the pasta needs to marinate in the lemon juice overnight, but I've done it for just an hour or so and it turns out fine. This salad requires a little more prep with just chopping ham and grating cheese, but it's so worth it. It's an all-time family favorite.

Lastly, if you go here, you'll find recipes to these favorites; Sun Dried Tomato Spread, Grilled Shrimp wrapped in Bacon, HVR Cheese Ball, BigT's Peppers, Artichoke & Spinach Dip Restaurant Style, and Bo's Version of Brie and Cranberries. I promise you that you CANNOT go wrong with any of these ‘go-to' favorites.

Whatever you decide to make for your own party or to take to share with friends, have a safe and Happy 4th!!


Posted under Holidays

This post was written by LilSis on July 4, 2009

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Christmas Party Cheesecake Appetizer

If you're having a Christmas party, or attending one that you need to bring an appetizer to, I have a winning idea for you.  This is an extremely simple no-bake dish called Cheesecake Crunchy that works every time, and it looks fancy.  Plus it's deeelicious!  I've been making it for more than 20 years, and I have no idea of where I got the original recipe.  You'll want to start it early enough to allow plenty of chilling time.  I usually make it the day before I need it to make sure it's thoroughly chilled and set.

Cheesecake Crunchy

1/4 stick butter, melted
3/4 cup cheese crackers, crushed (I prefer CheezIts)
1/2 cup pimento-stuffed green olives, drained and chopped
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 cups sour cream
1 pound cream cheese, softened (2 8-ounce blocks)
Dashes of Frank's Red Hot Sauce to taste
Extra cracker crumbs and olive halves for garnish, optional

Brush the bottom of a 9″ springform pan with the butter, and sprinkle the crushed crackers over it to form a crust.  Combine the remaining ingredients together with a hand mixer until smooth.  Gently pour over the crust and spread evenly.  Garnish by sprinkling a few extra cracker crumbs over the top and arranging the olive halves, if you wish.  Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate several hours or overnight.  When ready to serve, remove the sides of the springform pan and place cheesecake on a serving platter.  Serve with more CheezIts or other crackers of your choice.

I wish I had a photo to show you, but I don't dare make this dish right now since I don't need to take it anywhere and I would eat the whole thing.  Seriously.  Give it a try and let me know how you like it!  If you don't make it at Christmas, keep it in mind for New Year's Eve!


Posted under Food

This post was written by BigSis on December 10, 2008

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Cookbooks for Healthy Meal-Planning

Here it is only three weeks into the New Year and I'm already behind on my menu planning. I wanted to try harder to come up with healthy choices for family dinners each week. I know a big part of my problem right now is the time factor.  If I had more time, it would be more fun to peruse these cookbooks, plan the meals for the week, make the shopping list, and get all the shopping done the same day. (Oh, in a perfect world!)

Some of my favorites!

Some of my favorites!

I really do love browsing through cookbooks and trying to plan more of a variety each week. If I tell HayHay that we're having turkey meatloaf again, I'm afraid his head might spin! And he's the easy one to please…

Seriously, though.  These are some of my favorite “go to” cookbooks for a wide variety of healthy recipes. When I do take the time to look through any one of these, I always find something pretty easy and healthy. I especially like a recipe that has the nutritional information included, like most of these do.

One thing I always forget about planning for is dessert. (I've said before that my guys are deprived of sweets.)   If anyone has any easy, healthy, dessert recipes, I'd love to hear from you.


Posted under Food

This post was written by LilSis on January 20, 2009

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Sandal Fetish

Oh yeah, I LOVE shoes! That's another fetish that we both share! I've had a teeny, tiny obsession with shoes for about as long as I can remember. Back in the “old days” when I wore a suit to the office every day, I used to buy more dressy pumps.  Since I work from home now, I'm a flip flop and sandals kind of gal!

I practically live in sandals! I rarely wear a closed toe shoe, even in the winter. I don't even own very many any more. They can really mess up a nice pedicure!

I hate to admit it, but probably 75% of the time, you will find me wearing these reliable, comfortable Roxy flip flops.


Here are a few more of my most favorite sandals! Can you tell I like wedges? The ones in the middle are Colin Stewart, from Victoria Secret that my bestest friend, K, gave me. And the ones on the ends are from Nine West.


I love these Dolce Vita wedge sandals that I found on sale at Nordstroms in Dallas.


And I just happen to have a photo of me wearing these shoes.


I guess I always buy a new pair of shoes when I'm back home in Dallas. I found  these Franco Sarto sandals at Dillards.


I also happen to have a picture of me in these shoes.


I've gotten so MUCH wear out of these Mia wedges. These have a strap that wraps around the ankle so they are really cute on.  I wish I had a photo of these on my feet.


And I bought this pair of Born sandals at the mall in Vegas because my feet were killing me in my other sandals. This is actually my first pair of Born sandals and I love them. They are so comfortable!


So, those are just several of my favorite sandals. That is probably more than anyone even cares to know about my sandal fetish, but you asked, BigSis, so there's your answer! If you get me started talking about shoes, it's almost as bad as talking about MAC eyeshadows! I just can't stop!


Posted under Shopping

This post was written by LilSis on January 28, 2009



Posted under

This post was written by BigSis on January 28, 2009

Christmas Music on the iPod

Well, BigSis, you know that I LOVE music as much as you do and don't go anywhere without my iPod! It's with me on walks and bike rides, it's with me at the gym, I take it to the beach, and it's fully integrated in my car so I just plug it in inside the glove box. I take my speaker/docking station with me everywhere; to my art studio, to the boat, to the bathroom, etc… BUT, I hate to say it…I don't have any Christmas music downloaded to my iPod.

For some reason, I've just never taken the time to import any Christmas CDs. It would be great to have all my favorite songs off of all the different CDs put into one great Christmas playlist.

Last year, we had a Christmas party, so I bought a couple of new CDs.

One was Barenaked Ladies, Barenaked for the Holidays. (Great name, right?)  It's a pretty good CD. Very nontraditional versions of some all-time favorites.

Barenaked for the Holidays

Barenaked for the Holidays

The other was a compilation CD from Starbucks called Stockings By the Fire.  It has some old favorites like Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra, but also some newer artists like Sarah McLachlan and John Legend.

Stockings by the Fire

Stockings by the Fire

I've got a good one that I bought in 2006 called The Perfect Christmas from Bath and Body Works to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

The Perfect Christmas

The Perfect Christmas

Most of our other Christmas CDs are all compilation CDs that we've collected throughout the years.  This year, I think I'll break down and finally get the Elvis Christmas Album.

Elvis Christmas Album

Elvis Christmas Album

I LOVE Elvis Christmas music! So, that's just a sampling of what's in our Christmas music collection. I'm glad you asked about the iPod. I can't wait til you get yours up and running. I better get busy importing some CDs.


Posted under Holidays

This post was written by LilSis on December 7, 2008

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The baby comes for a visit!

This past week, Meem, TallGuy and our new grand baby, LittleOne, were here visiting us from Chicago.  They were thrilled to be here in CA with us and out of the single digit temperatures in Chicago. We were also thrilled to have them here with us. They were here almost a week and we had so much fun that I can't even begin to share the details. I'd probably boo hoo through writing the whole post. I'd love to show you all the photos full of total cuteness, but this is the only one I can share of LittleOne.

Okay, can you get any cuter than this?

How cute is he??? He's a big boy...only four months old!!

We bought LittleOne this adorable little CA surfer dude swimsuit when he got here. The poor little guy hasn't been out of a snow suit for months and his feet had never felt grass or sand until he came for this visit. We miss them a lot already and won't get to see them for a couple of months, so it was hard to see them leave.

There was only one member of this household who was not sad to see them leave. If you guessed TomTom, you guessed right!  He did NOT like the fact that he wasn't the center of attention while they were here. He acted up the entire time, so he spent a lot of time in “kitty time out” in his room a/k/a the Laundry Room. Of course, that just pissed him off more!


Here he is in LittleOne's car seat. Look at that smug look on his face! If you think he looks sweet in this photo, then guess again. If we would have tried to take him out of this car seat, his fangs definitely would have come out! Seriously!  Do you think that he's trying to tell us that he's the baby of this house?


Posted under Family

This post was written by LilSis on February 5, 2009