Welcome to Texas, Trader Joe’s!

I couldn't stand it. The first Trader Joe's store in the entire big state of Texas opened a full 48 hours ago, and I hadn't been yet. Regardless of the parking chaos and the packed aisles, I had to go. Happy day, oh happy, happy day!

The new store is in Fort Worth, with the next location in Plano opening September 7th, and two Dallas stores scheduled for 2013 and 2014. The Fort Worth store is about an hour away for me, so 3 hours and $124 later, here is a sampling of what came home with me.


Trader Joe Frozen Entrees

All 3 of these sound incredible. The bird's nests are kale, carrot and onion.


Trader Joe Refrigerated

Lots of lunches and snacks here...


Trader Joe Pantry Items

I couldn't leave without TJ's chocolate chips (vegan but not kosher now).


Trader Joe Spreads

The olive hummus is unbelievable!


Trader Joe Seasoning

Can you believe $3.99 olive oil and $1.99 pepper?


Trader Joe Produce

These heirloom tomatoes were only $2.99 and shiitakes just $2.79.


Trader Joe Snacks

The almond butter with flax is toasty scrumptious, and just $4.99 for 16 oz.


Trader Joe Grains

The best grain blends ever. My favorite is the Brown Rice Medley, LilSis' is the Harvest Grains.



Trader Joe Bistro Salad

TJ's, you're talking my lunch love language.


Trader Joe Nutty Bits

As delicious as they sound, even to a non-sweet eater. And they're vegan!


Trader Joe Cranberry Apple Butter

I can't believe I found this again, and it's not even Christmas!


Trader Joe Chai

Chai $3.49 + Almond milk $1.69 = LOTS cheaper than Starbucks!


Trader Joe Almonds

My favorite almonds ever!


Trader Joe Hand Cream

$1.99 vegan hand cream that's awesome!


Trader Joe Lavender Dryer

Buy these!


So that's a quick look at my first trip to the first Trader Joe's in Texas. It's been a LONG time coming, and the Dallas/Fort Worth area is buzzing like you can't believe. Welcome to Texas, Trader Joe's! We promise that you'll be happy that you came!


Posted under Food, Shopping

This post was written by BigSis on June 17, 2012


Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from BigSis, LilSis and our Firkids!

(Not just Cats in Hats anymore since The Donald joined our family.)

New kid on the block, “The Donald” diggin' Tom's witch hat!

No one can rock Tom's favorite witch hat like he does!

Sweet Ashy Poo Poo looking handsome in his Cowboy gear.

Gaby makes a perfect pirate in this ensemble.

Have a safe and Happy Halloween!


Posted under Holidays

This post was written by LilSis on October 31, 2012


Life According to Ashy Poo

Ashy Poo 8-09

Ashy Poo in 2009

If you had come to my door sometime in the last twelve years, my official welcoming committee – consisting of one rescued FlamePoint Siamese lover boy – would have greeted you with something like this:

“My name's Ashy Poo, what's your name? Do you have any cheese in that bag? Do you think I'm pretty? Do you have any dogs? Are you going to sit down so I can sit by you? What's that smell on your shoes? Do you want to pet me? Do you have any chips? Isn't my blonde hair stunning? Can you get me some treats? Can I play with your shoelaces? Did you know I used to live on the street? Have you ever seen a tail as long as mine? Don't you think my mom is nice? Do you want to brush me?” And on and on. Rapid fire, without a breath. Ashy Poo never met a stranger, and loved everyone.

Ashy Blue Nails

Ashy showing off his blue mani

Ashy dealt with a LOT of challenges in his life, and I wonder what our attitude would be if we faced all of this in one twelve-year period:

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Bartonella
  • Chronic gum disease which left you with three teeth
  • Heart disease
  • Out of control hyperthyroidism
  • One blind eye from a cataract
  • One displaced kneecap
  • Early signs of kidney disease
  • Anemia
  • IBS
  • Car sickness every road trip (involving both ends!)
  • Multiple gunshot wounds from a childhood attack, which left a pellet in your hip and probably caused the cataract and knee problem too

Beautiful freckle-faced one

Just imagine how many doctor visits and how many medications were involved in all that! I can tell you my state of mind would probably be “poor, poor me” if that was my life, but Ashy Poo didn't feel that way at all.


God's handiwork

Life – according to Ashy Poo – is beautiful.

Ashy Warrie Gaby

Ashy with Warren Bitey and Gaby in 2004

Ashy Poo had a pretty simple list of life principles, and no one lived them out like he did:

  • Never stop purring, no matter what. No. Matter. What.
  • No one is a stranger and everyone is your friend. Why wouldn't they be your newest fan? You're awesome!
  • Trust everyone, even if people have proven to be untrustworthy. Even if you get hurt, keep trusting.
  • Never let anyone see that you don't feel well. It only upsets your family if they think you're puny. Just hide under the bed for a little while and sleep til you can act well again.
  • If you have to wear a silly hat from time to time, so be it. It's a small price to pay to make people smile. Besides, you look so darn CUTE in hats! Draw the line at wearing a sweater though.
  • There's nothing to be afraid of! Not vacuum cleaners, not hair dryers, not car rides, not strangers, not even death. Just live and don't be skerd! Fear is a waste of energy and emotion.
  • Don't give up. Fight through whatever comes your way…starvation, homelessness, illness, gunshots. Whatever. Just push through it and don't give up.
  • Bounce back and be a trooper! When everyone gives up on you, you bounce back like the Energizer Bunny and keep on ticking. Prove the doubters wrong.
  • Show gratitude for your family and your home. Not everyone is blessed with a safe home with a warm bed, yummy food and people who love you. Always be thankful and remember where you came from.
  • Choose a mom with a couple of credit cards with high limits if you can. You never know what the future holds.
  • Never get hissy or huffy with your mom. If she says eat, you eat til you're full. If she says go to the doctor, you go to the doctor and make new friends. If she says take medicine, you take medicine cheerfully and spit it out when she isn't looking. If she calls you, you come running. She might want to kiss you.
  • Always remember that you're special. There's no one else like you. God made you unique and the world needs you to be you.
  • Never lose your dignity. Dignity isn't dependent on your situation, it's dependent on your attitude.
  • Rule your house with a soft voice and a velvet paw. Keep your brothers in line. Someone has to be the boss!
  • Leave your mark on this world so no one can forget the difference you made. Leave blonde hair everywhere too.
  • Love everyone. That's all.
Ashy Hay

Ashy with HayHay the day we brought him home from the Siamese Rescue in December 2000.


That's the walk that Ashy Poo walked for the twelve years he spent with us. His long list of challenges finally got to be too much for his fragile body, and we suddenly lost him last Monday.

We miss this boy like crazy. We invested so much hope, emotion, time and love into this precious soul, and we fought his challenges together for a long time. It's weird that all that is just gone now, and our lives feel off balance in every way.

I'm very thankful that he knew how much we were all madly in love with him, beyond a shadow of a doubt. He knew he was cherished, and as he was taking his last breaths I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to tell him that again and again.

Ashy leaves behind his lonely furry brother Gaby, and a huge extended family of hoomans who loved him and won't forget his sweet spirit and the lessons he taught us. We'll do our best to follow his example, and even thought we're beyond sad, we're going to purr again.

That's what Ashy Poo would want us to do. Keep on purring. Because life according to Ashy Poo is beautiful, and the life he's living right now is more beautiful than any of us can imagine. We'll see you again, Ashy Poo. We love you and we miss you, sweet baby. Forgive us if we can't find our purr just yet.



Posted under Animals, Family

This post was written by BigSis on November 18, 2012

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Sausage, White Bean and Spinach Soup

Sausage, White Bean & Spinach Soup

Sausage, White Bean and Spinach Soup

Last week when cleaning out some of the clutter in my pantry, I ran across this recipe that I hadn't filed away.  I've only made it once so I had forgotten how delicious and EASY it is!

Luckily,  my guys don't mind eating Campbell's Tomato Soup or Chicken Noodle Soup occasionally, but I don't eat canned soup at all; mainly because it has WAY too much sodium for me.  I absolutely love making homemade soups but since most of us don't always have that much time, it's nice to have a few quick and easy, family-pleasing recipes on hand to make on those busy days.

This recipe is very similar to the Hearty Chicken Italian Sausage Soup recipe that I've made a couple of times but for some reason, my family really loved this soup.  Anytime I can make something this easy and have the family rave about it, I am one happy camper!

I doubled the amount of sausage from what the original recipe called for and also added three times the amount of spinach, so each spoonful was just perfect! 🙂


Sausage, White Bean and Spinach Soup
(adapted from Cooking Light)

5 turkey Italian sausage links
2 t. extra virgin olive oil
1 c. chopped onion
2 or 3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2  c. water
1 15 oz. cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
1 28 oz. can diced tomatoes
32 oz. low sodium chicken broth
6 cups baby spinach
3 T. chopped fresh basil

Remove sausage from casings. Heat oil in large saucepan and cook sausage in the oil until browned, stirring to crumble. Add onion and garlic to pan, cook for 2 minutes. Stir in water, beans, tomatoes, and broth. Cover and bring to a boil. Uncover and cook for another five minutes or so until soup thickens slightly.

Remove from heat and stir in spinach and basil. You can top with grated Parmesan cheese if desired.

Note: If you've got big grown boys who don't necessarily consider soup a main course, I made a pound of pasta shells on the side and let them add pasta to their bowls to make the soup a little heartier.

BigSis' Vegan Twist: This is an easy one! I'd use veggie broth instead of chicken, and just leave out the sausage. Since I'm a kale freak, I might use it in place of the spinach. I love it in soups. On top of being a nutritional powerhouse, it adds a lot of texture, whereas spinach gets more wilty.

I bought the new Trader Joe's vegan mozzarella shreds recently, and to me they have more of a parmesan vibe so I bet they would be tasty sprinkled in this dish. I think this soup sounds awesome, and I'm trying it soon!


Posted under Food

This post was written by LilSis on January 22, 2013


OPI Pink

I zipped up to Ulta the other day to look for the Essie Resort Collection nail polishes that LilSis told us about. Guess what?  Gone!  Bummer.


I did find another fun collection though, and surprise surprise…it's my favorite color: pink.  OPI Pink!

This collection includes 4 pale pink colors that are all different.  Here are the colors and OPI's description of the shades:

Isn't That Precious:  A precociously pretty light pink.

Pink A Doodle:  Oodles of shimmery pale pink.

I Think In Pink:  And I think I love this pop of pink!

It's A Girl:  And she adores this baby pink!


I'm wearing 3 coats of all 4 colors in order, starting with Isn't It Precious on my index finger and ending with It's A Girl on my pinky.  Please forgive my sloppy polish application; I was clearly in a big hurry!  😀

I use mostly Essie polishes, but I was pleased with these OPI polishes.  They dried quickly, with great shine (without a top coat) and no bubbles.

I liked most of the colors, but Pink A Doodle was pretty streaky and I didn't see much of the advertised shimmer.  I Think In Pink was a little more pink than the other shades; even a bit too much pink for me when it comes to fingers (toes are another story!).  If I had to choose a favorite, it would probably be It's A Girl, since it was still a bit sheer and pretty neutral without being too pinky.


If you can't find this kit of 4 mini polishes, look for the colors individually in regular size bottles.  So tell us, have you found any fun new polish colors for this summer?


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by BigSis on June 5, 2010

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A Taste of Chicago

While Bry was enjoying the Cubs game with his dad on Saturday, several of us took the opportunity on a beautiful sunny day to see some of downtown Chicago.  What better way to do that than the Chicago Trolley & Double Decker Tour? Luckily, Bo recommended this tour as the best way to see downtown without doing miles and miles of walking.

It was a little chilly and windy…duh, it IS Chicago…but we did a similar tour of New York City several years ago and loved it, so we were psyched for this day.  You can see everything and do it at your own speed, plus you get the feel of the city a little bit since you're experiencing all of the sounds and smells as well as the sights.

We took a ton of photos, and wanted to share some of our favorites with you.  Chicago: we'll be back for more of you as soon as we can!  We had a blast!

Chicago Theater

Chicago Theater

Macy's Downtown Chicago

Macy's (2nd largest department store on Earth) Still has Marshall Field And Company sign.

Chicago Trolley and Double Decker Co. Tour

Chicago Trolley & Double Decker Co. Tour (yes, the bus was furry.)

Downtown Chicago Tour

BigSis & LilSis on top of the Double Decker

Chicago Michaelangelo Art Institute

The Art Institute of Chicago Museum: Michaelangelo is misspelled!

Chicago Picasso

Chicago Picasso (showing off a Blackhawks helmet)

Chicago Sears Tower Ledge

Sears Tower Ledge: look at the people in the clear dangling cubes!

Millennium Park

Millennium Park

Chicago Mirror Girl Model

This Mirror Girl model was doing a photo shoot in Millennium Park

Millennium Park Brick Face Fountain

Millennium Park Brick Face Fountain

Millennium Park Brick Face Fountain

Millennium Park Brick Face Fountain

Chicago Tulips Millennium Park

Posing with the tulips in Millennium Park

The Bean at Millenium Park

BigSis in front of The Bean

Chicago Bean Millennium Park

The Bean in Millennium Park

Chicago Bean Millennium Park Camera

The sisters bein' goofy at The Bean!

And, last but not least, you can't talk about Chicago without talkin' about ‘Da Bears'.

Soldier Field

Soldier Field (Go BEARS!)

Towards the end of the tour, it got a little too chilly to ride on top of the bus so we had to go down below, which is why we have no photos of the Harbors or Navy Pier.  We may have to go back this Summer to capture some of the activities down by the water.

We could see Bry again before he ships out and while there we could take another Double Decker Bus tour when it's warm enough to stay on the top of the bus for the entire tour! We don't mind looking like tourists!

And next time, we'll make sure to take photos of all the infamous Chicago food! Chicago pizza, Chicago dogs, more pizza, beef sandwiches, more pizza, gyros…

We could go on, and on, and on about the food in Chicago!  🙂


Posted under Travel

This post was written by LilSis on April 21, 2010


Totally random thought

random cartoon

Have you ever had such a totally random thought that immediately afterward you wonder where on earth it came from?

I had one today.  I was finishing up with my quick and dirty weekend makeup routine when I glanced down and saw a pair of small silver hoop earrings.  For some reason, I thought it would be fun to put the small hoops in next to my larger hoops.

As I pick them up to put them in, I realize that it's been a gazillion years since I've put an earring in my second piercing and they aren't even there anymore! No evidence in site of them ever existing.  I don't know why I thought of that today. I wonder how many years it takes for a piercing to close up?

Luckily, I've never haven't taken the little diamond stud out of my upper ear cartilage piercing that's been there for over 15 years or I certainly would have forgotten that it was there.  I got that piercing while in the midst of a ‘cabin fever' craze in the middle of winter in Upstate New York because I had to get out of the house. So, it's sentimental. 🙂


Posted under This & That

This post was written by LilSis on August 9, 2009


Estee Lauder Phasing Out Prescriptives Line

Have you heard the news about Estee Lauder phasing out the Prescriptives line? If any of your favorite beauty products happen to be made by Prescriptives, I'm betting you've heard about this!

I'm really BUMMED because I've been using Prescriptives Traceless foundation for YEARS now and I've never found a foundation that I love as much as this one.

Prior to discovering Traceless, I used the Prescriptives Virtual Skin foundation, which I also loved, but Traceless is a little more sheer, goes on a little smoother, and looks more natural on me.

BigSis & I have both talked about our essential beauty products this week so I thought this would be a good time to mention this news from Estee Lauder. When I talked about the Top Three products I can't live without, it was hard for me to choose between the MAC powder and the Prescriptives Traceless foundation.  I can hang at the house with just mascara on, but anytime I go out, I always have on the Traceless Foundation and the MAC Loose Powder.

Since I'm trying to prepare for our trip to Blog World in Vegas next week, I ran into Macys to grab a new Traceless so I don't run out while out of town.  When I asked if they still had any Level Three Traceless left, the salesperson told me that she had three containers. For some stupid reason, I only bought two of them instead of all three. I'm probably going to order more online before they're all gone! One container lasts me a few months so I won't need to make a change any time soon if I stock up now.

By January, 2010, the Prescriptives line will have been phased out of the department stores. There is a slight chance that you will be able to order some products online even after they are discontinued, but if it's a popular item and you LOVE it like I LOVE the Traceless, you better stock up NOW!

The sales person at the Prescriptives counter told me that Estee Lauder was holding a training class today at our local Macys to teach all the employees how to transition Prescriptive customers into other products, obviously others brands under the Estee Lauder ownership. I hope I can eventually find something that I love as much as Traceless!

If anyone has a favorite foundation that's light and sheer and goes on nice and smooth, PLEASE let me know about it!


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by LilSis on October 9, 2009


Hatch Green Chile and Garlic Goat Cheese

The Hatch Green Chile Festival is in full swing! If you haven't gone “Hatch Crazy” before, now is the time! What's the big deal about the Hatch Green Chiles? They are green chiles that are only grown in Hatch, New Mexico. They are delicious, and they're only available for a short time each year. Here in Texas, we're already hot and spicy so when Hatch time rolls around, we go nuts!

You can do a million things with these flavorful peppers. I wandered through Central Market the other night amidst the Hatch Green Chile frenzy, and they were sampling these things in the store:

  • Hatch Green Chile Monterrey Jack Cheese grilled in sourdough bread (unbelievably scrumptious)
  • Hatch Green Chile Pesto wrapped up in a tortilla with mild sliced roasted peppers
  • Hatch Green Chile Cheese Bread

They also had these items all made with Hatch Green Chiles: tortillas, tortilla chips, sausages, hamburger patties, hamburger and hot dog buns, chili con queso, popcorn, twice-baked potatoes, and meatloaf!  So apparently there isn't anything that a Hatch Chile can't do!

I decided to use some of my roasted pepper stash in a goat cheese spread. I've been buying a Hatch Green Chile Goat Cheese from a little local goat farm for the last couple of years, but sadly they recently went out of business so I made my own easy version.  I used the mild variety of the peppers, so please check the heat level of your peppers and adjust the quantity you use in this recipe if yours are hot.  Trust me!  The hot ones are hotter than heck, and if you use a whole 1/4 cup of them in this recipe, your hair will absolutely be on fire!  Not to mention other parts of your body!

Hatch Green Chile and Garlic Goat Cheese

Hatch Green Chile and Garlic Goat Cheese

Hatch Green Chile and Garlic Goat Cheese

4 garlic cloves, crushed (I used 6 cloves cause that's how I roll)
1/4 cup roasted and chopped mild Hatch Green Chiles
Olive oil for sauteing
8 ounces goat cheese
Dash of Frank's Red Hot Sauce
Pepper to taste

Saute the crushed garlic in the olive oil over low heat for a minute or two, but do not brown.  Add the chopped chiles and saute for another 30 seconds.  Add to the goat cheese, and mix to blend well.  Add the Frank's Red Hot and pepper to taste.  Serve with crackers or crudite.

Hatch Green Chile and Garlic Goat Cheese with Tomatoes

Hatch Green Chile and Garlic Goat Cheese with Tomato Dippers

Whatever your pepper pleasure is, make sure to take advantage of these peppers while they're in season!


Posted under Food

This post was written by BigSis on August 24, 2009

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Summer Recipe Roundup

Have you noticed that we've talked quite a bit about tomatoes lately? To us, great locally-grown tomatoes are a huge part of Summer. And while we're talking about it, we thought that this would be a perfect time to do a roundup of some of our  ‘previously posted' Summer recipes. In no particular order, here are some of our favorites!

Insalata ala Caprese

Insalata ala Caprese

My absolute all-time favorite appetizer to serve with the ‘cream of the crop' summer tomatoes is Insalata ala Caprese.

Heirloom Tomato Salad

Heirloom Tomato Salad

This Heirloom Tomato Salad with Basil Vinaigrette was simple to make and turned out beautifully. It's perfect to take to an “End of Summer” or Labor Day Party.

Sun Dried Tomato Cream Potato Salad

Sun Dried Tomato Cream Potato Salad

BigSis got a ton of emails when she posted the recipe for this awesome Sun Dried Tomato Cream Potato Salad. It's a new favorite!

Angel Hair Pasta Salad

Angel Hair Pasta Salad

We've been making different versions of this Angel Hair Pasta Salad for years! It's one of those recipes that you modify to suit your own taste. It's a great salad to take to a cookout and is even better when made a day ahead.

Healthy Hummus

Healthy Hummus

And, we can't forget about this easy, healthy Hummus recipe that's great served with either raw veggies or pita chips.

Homemade Pita Chips

Homemade Pita Chips

This recipe for Homemade Pita Chips is so easy and puts store bought pita chips to shame.

Simple Guacamole

Simple Guacamole

This Simple Guacamole is also great with the pita chips!

Ceviche Salad with Avocado, Cilantro, and Green Chile

Ceviche Salad with Avocado, Cilantro, and Green Chile

Another really, really simple salad that turns out great is this Ceviche Salad with Avocado, Cilantro, and Green Chile.

Simple Deviled Eggs

Deviled Eggs

And, what's a Summer cookout without Deviled Eggs?

Fried Tomato Sandwich with Pesto and Goat Cheese

Fried Tomato Sandwich with Pesto and Goat Cheese

Even though BigSis just posted this Fried Tomato Sandwich with Pesto and Goat Cheese recipe this week, I couldn't leave it out of this Summer Recipe Roundup.

Spinach and Cheese Stuffed Portobello

Spinach and Cheese Stuffed Portobello

Here's another favorite with tomato! This Spinach and Cheese Stuffed Portobello can also be done on the grill and is a great addition to any Summer cookout.

Summertime Fruit Salad

Summertime Fruit Salad

We started off almost every morning this Summer with a Summertime Fruit Salad like this one.

Mexican Chocolate Rice Krispie Treats

Mexican Chocolate Rice Krispie Treats

These Mexican Chocolate Rice Krispie Treats will satisfy any sweet tooth.

Paradise Pie

Paradise Pie

And last, but not least, this frozen Paradise Pie is a perfect dessert to serve or take to a Summer Barbecue.


Posted under Food

This post was written by LilSis on August 27, 2009

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