Will P90X Kill a Forty-Plus Woman?

February 28, 2010

I know LilSis and lots of the other Ten in 2010 participants have started off the new year with a new motivation, increased fitness and weight loss.  Not me though, I've been doing good to just maintain with my 5 gym workouts a week.  Since my priority the last several weeks has been to spend as much time as possible with Bry, I wasn't getting in any additional workouts, which is perfectly fine. My priorities were clear to me.

But now that he's off on his Navy adventure, it's time for me to recommit to getting back into fighting shape.  I never know when I might have an unexpected scuffle with an ornery chick in the parking lot before work!  Yeah, there's a story there, but I'll save that for another day.

The truth is, a forty-plus body wants to get fat.  You have lower metabolism, more aches and pains, less energy, and wacked out hormones.  At least, that's the state of the union in my world.  It takes more and more work to achieve results, and it's very easy to get stuck on plateaus.  Plus, doing the same old stuff starts to lose its effectiveness.

All of that is no excuse though, and I'm not making any.  I don't have a ton of weight to lose, but I do want to build some more muscle and lose those ding dang blobs of fat that insist on congregating and loitering on my rear view.  You know the ones I mean.

P90XI had planned to go back to Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred, since she whipped me into decent shape last year with her program.  I'd been rotating the 30-Day Shred with a couple of her other heinie-kicking DVDs, and they really did work.

Bry and his dad have been big fans of P90X though, and Bry said I should give it a try, and swears I can do it.  Really?  Ok.  If you say so, Bry.  I know you care about your old aunt and you wouldn't tell me that if you thought it would be the death of me.

I love a challenge, and with my all-or-nothing personality, P90X is right up my alley, at least theoretically.  One of the things that intrigues me about it is the idea of “Muscle Confusion”, which is said to bring greater results to your bored muscles.  So today, I'm going to do the fitness test to see if I'm up for the P90X challenge.  If not, I'll do the 30-Day Shred for a couple of weeks, and then test again.  If I pass the test, I'm off and running.

I just have one question before I start…will P90X kill a forty-plus woman?  Do you know of any women who have done it and survived; other than Sheryl Crow and Pink?


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12 Comments so far

  1. Posted by Lori @ RecipeGirl

    March 1, 20107:24 am

    YES! 40+ women’s bodies just want to get fat. They really do. It sucks.

    I have the shred DVD & I’ve never given it much of a chance… have done a few days & then got bored & stopped. You think it really shows results in 30 days? Maybe I should give it 30 days!! I’m not familiar with the PX90 but good luck 🙂
    .-= Lori @ RecipeGirl´s last blog post … There’s More Than One Way to Roast a Chicken =-.

  2. Posted by BigSis

    March 1, 20107:56 am

    Hey Lori! Yep, I could definitely see a change on my body from doing the 30-Day Shred. Doing it 5 or 6 times a week, results start to show in only a couple of weeks for me. It really made my legs more muscular, as well as my upper body, and my abs got a lot stronger. If you have it, I say give it a whirl! Let me know how it goes!

  3. Posted by LilSis

    March 1, 20109:21 am

    I should give the 30-Shred a try since I’ve now hit a plateau, AGAIN! It’s just really hard finding uninterrupted time at home, even if it is only 30 minutes.

    Good luck with the P90X!

  4. Posted by BigSis

    March 1, 20107:18 pm

    Hey, LilSis, I think you would like the 30-day shred. I love that you can get in a good workout in just 30 minutes!

  5. Posted by KP

    March 1, 201010:12 am

    I know a 40+ and she LOVES it! I think you’ll be great and that parking lot meanie won’t know what hit her 😉

  6. Posted by BigSis

    March 1, 20107:17 pm

    Thanks, KP! That’s great to hear!

  7. Posted by Cathy - wheresmydamnanswer

    March 1, 201011:41 am

    I just saw this over the weekend on TV and it looks interesting – I am ya over 40 and going to boot camp for the past few months has been amazing – If I can get my *ss up at 5:30 in the morning to go for what I call the biggest loser last chance work out and see measurable results anyone over 40 can do it – My body fat has dropped over 10% to 21.5% and I feel amazing – at 43 I feel better than I did when I was 23!!
    So give it a shot and let us know how it turns out!!
    .-= Cathy – wheresmydamnanswer´s last blog post … Boutique Winery in Paso that ROCKS!!!! =-.

  8. Posted by BigSis

    March 1, 20107:16 pm

    Way to go, Cathy! That’s awesome, and I know how hard you must have worked. You’re a great example of what effort can bring!

  9. Posted by LilSis

    March 1, 20101:54 pm

    I couldn’t have said it better myself… It does suck!

    When I was in my late 30’s, I was in the best shape that I’d ever been in and I had friends over 40 that said “Just wait til you’re over 40; everything changes.” Boy, were they right. We have to work so much harder now because of the DARN hormones!

  10. Posted by BigSis

    March 1, 20107:14 pm

    It definitely gets harder over 40, and with every passing year it’s tougher and tougher. We can’t give in to it though and throw in the towel. We just have to try harder and harder!

  11. Posted by Anon

    June 2, 20127:32 pm

    I know this post is really old but I just happened to stumble on it researching something about P90X. And the answer to your question is…. No, it will not kill a 40+ woman. I am 43 and on day 61 of the program and haven’t died yet. If you can do 30 day shred (I did this prior to P90X) you can definitely do P90X. 🙂

  12. Posted by BigSis

    June 2, 20128:43 pm

    You’re right! It didn’t kill me! I finished one round of P90X a while back, and hope to get round 2 going soon. This program busted me into the best shape of my life and felt incredible.

    Thanks a bunch for your comment!

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