October 5, 2008
When I was making tonight’s Sunday Supper, it occurred to me that my plate was a lot like the presidential race this year. There are some similarities on each side, but there is a wide gap in-between the two parties and the two philosophies. And, yes, I do have an opinion about the race. A pretty strong opinion I would say, but no, I’m not about to say what that opinion is. We’d all fight and argue about it, somebody would get mad, and guess what – no one’s opinion would be changed. So I’ll keep mine to myself.
Back to the supper. I always enjoy the edamame corn salad that you can get at Whole Foods, because it’s tasty and easy, and pretty healthy. But it’s a tad too raw-oniony for me, and it just seems silly to pay whatever it costs per pound when it’s only corn and soybeans and a few dressing ingredients. You can’t put together a dish for less than this little baby costs if you do it yourself.
I was craving the salad today, and decided to try two different variations of it tonight since I had the corn and edamame in the freezer. One version is Asian-inspired, and one Southwest-inspired. But, man (or woman) can’t lived on soy and corn alone, so I made a lettuce, tomato and avocado salad to go with it. In the little political/salad scenario going on in my head, the two edamame corn salads are the democrats and republicans, and the LTA salad is in the gap between them. Ok, so it’s a little goofy to compare beans and corn to the dems and the reps, but life can get too serious, right?
Both of the salads started with sauteed red onion and garlic. The asian variety added toasted sesame oil, olive oil, rice vinegar, lemon juice, garlic chili sauce, and salt, plus cilantro, wasabi powder, and shallot pepper all from Penzey’s. The southwest version had lemon juice, cider vinegar, olive oil, and salt, with more Penzey’s specialties: shallot pepper, lemon pepper, and Southwest seasoning. I have to say both were really good, although I expect they will morph a little bit as they sit overnight. The flavors will blend, and my lunch experience tomorrow may be a tad different story than my dinner tonight. I’m slightly fearful that the wasabi powder will rear it’s ugly little green head overnight and come back to bite me in the fanny tomorrow.
And just in case you’re wondering, yes, that whole ding dang plate of food was just for one person! You may have heard that vegetarians eat like birds, so let me dispel that myth right here and now. We eat! I ate the whole thing! My tummy was full to the top, but it was a guilt-free full. This meal was vegan except for Newman’s Own Caesar Dressing. It was full of fiber and protein, and a plethora of antioxidants and other goodies for my bod. I eat this way a lot of the time. I’m not a twig by any means, but I’m not overweight either. I try to eat for health and energy and fuel most of the time, and don’t worry about a big plate of vittles if it’s good stuff. Which isn’t to say that I don’t have my crazed Kettle potato chip episodes, because I do! Life’s about balance, right? Eat well most of the time, and then don’t freak out about your little splurge!
On a serious note, can I just say thank you to Paul Newman for so many wonderful high-quality organic products? And for living a life with a purpose, and apparently without scandal? God bless you, Paul; rest in peace.

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- Find more in Food, salad, Sunday Supper, vegetarian