Bake Sale/Rummage Sale for Komen Race for the Cure

October 11, 2008

I am happy to say that we earned almost $400.00 today from our Rummage Sale/Bake Sale to benefit Komen San Diego Race for the Cure. My team members showed up with an amazing assortment of baked goods and loads and loads of items for the rummage sale.  I had tremendous help! Most of the team members arrived at the “crack of dawn” to help me set up and stayed for the duration all the way to the point of loading up what was left to haul off to their charity of choice.

My rice krispie treats turned out fine, even though at one point, I was unsure about how the German Chocolate Treats were going to turn out. They looked like a bit of a mess when I was trying to mix.

Sticky Mess!

Sticky Mess!

I made three different kinds, the rice krispie recipe with mini chocolate chips on top, plain rice krispie treats with pink sprinkles on top, and the German Chocolate treats made with the Cocoa Pebbles, coconut, and pecan. Here’s what they looked like before cut up.

I made all three batches before 7:30 this morning

Three batches before cut up.

Here they are wrapped and ready to go!

Here they are wrapped and ready to go!

We had such a great assortment of goodies.  We had marvelous homemade carmel apples, really nicely decorated pretzel rods, lovely brownies, donuts, cookies, and more.

Beautifully Wrapped Carmel Apples

Beautifully Wrapped Carmel Apples

Pink Ribbon Cookies

Krispie Treats & Pink Ribbon Cookies

I loved the Pretzel Rods made by J.

I loved the Pretzel Rods made by J.

Starbucks donated a large container of coffee, cups and stirrers.

Coffee Table

Coffee Table

We’re excited about our upcoming Race on November 2, 2008.  If you are interested in participating in a Race for the Cure in your area, it’s not too late. Just visit the Susan G. Komen for the Cure website to find the location and date in your area.


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