Sunday Supper: I’m Back!

October 12, 2008

After 4 days in the hospital, I’ve been sprung!  Woo hoo!  I’m going to post later on what I learned from this out-of-the-blue experience, but for now I have to say I’m very very happy to be home.  This episode appears to have been the result of a random virus that hopped on me when I hopped on a plane from California to Texas a couple of weeks ago. All I can say is that it was N-A-S-T-Y and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, not even the people who annoy me most in this world.

So.  This Sunday’s supper isn’t about what’s on the menu, because the menu for the next couple of weeks is supposed to be bland and easy-to-digest.  This supper is about being thankful for being home, and having my little bowl of potato soup at my little table instead of in a hospital room, and enjoying the beautiful flowers I received this last week.  Thank you to everyone who sent flowers and their well wishes and prayers.  I appreciate you!

BigSis Sunday Supper October 12

BigSis Sunday Supper October 12

Still beautiful after almost a week

Still beautiful after almost a week

Orchid with curious Gaby in corner

Orchid with curious Gaby in corner


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1 Comment so far

  1. Posted by LilSis

    October 13, 200811:44 am

    Your flowers are beautiful! Hopefully, they cheered you up a little bit while in the hospital. Sorry you have to be on such a bland diet. That’s no fun!

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