Meet TomTom!

October 16, 2008

So, now that BigSis’ kitties have been introduced, it’s time for TomTom and SarahGirl to make their first appearance on BigSisLilSis. I decided to start with a sweet photo of TomTom because they may be few and far between.

Unfortunately, one of the few times he's sweet is when he's half asleep.

He's sweet when he's half asleep!

I remember the day we got TomTom. He was introduced to us as a sweet little female kitten named “Pearl’. My neighbors’ daughter had walked across the street to show “her” to everyone at my house and to try to find “her” a home. I was having a Spring Craft Fair at my house with my friends, L & N, so we had a lot of friends and customers at the house.

Everyone fell in love with “Pearl”, including me! (And secretly, I think SirHoney did too.) I wouldn’t have even asked if we could keep “her”. We had never had a cat in the ten years we had been married. SirHoney was not a “cat person”. He had never had cats growing up, like BigSis and I did. Our parents raised Siamese cats and even has some winning “show cats” and some “studs”. (I think that’s what you call them?) I’m sure BigSis will talk about Wolfie in the future. He was one of D and SisMama’s studs that went to live with BigSis when she moved out on her own.

So, back to TomTom. Everyone wanted to take “her” home with them. But I guess since it was my house, I got first dibs on the little kitten. TomTom knew what he was doing. Somehow, he managed to get SirHoney to say yes to letting him become a member of our household. SirHoney just said to me; “We can keep “her” if you want.”

We very soon after discovered that “Pearl” was infested with fleas. I immediately panicked and searched up all about fleas! I typed into google ‘does dawn dish soap kill fleas‘ because I knew I had heard somewhere that this really helped! There were some super helpful sites giving some emergency information, but in the end, SirHoney helped me give “her” a flea treatment just until we could get “her” to the vet. The next day, I took “Pearl” to the vet to discover that not only did “she” have fleas, but “she” also had worms, and “she” was really a “he”. So, the vet suggested that we might want to change his name. TomTom’s name has evolved over the years. He started out as “TommyBoy” because we all love that movie. Then, he became “TomTom”; and when he’s in trouble, his name is “Thomas”. As for the fleas, they’re long gone, but I have been thinking about getting the cats a smart-looking flea collar from, just to be on the safe side.

He looks sweet and innocent, right?

He looks sweet and innocent, right?

Stay tuned for more “short stories” involving the “not so innocent” TomTom. That ended up being a little bit “longer” of an introduction than I expected. Since SarahGirl deserves a little “spotlight” of her own, I’ll introduce her seperately.


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1 Comment so far

  1. Posted by BigSis

    October 16, 20085:32 pm

    That TomTom is one pretty cat, and he’s probably lucky that he’s so pretty, otherwise it might be a little tougher to tolerate all his quirks!

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