Magazine Mania

October 24, 2008

Well, I certainly hope you’re happy, LilSis!  You just had to dangle that Food Network Magazine carrot in front of me, didn’t you?  You know that I have a magazine addiction, and that I’ve been in recovery for a couple of years now and that I’m still vulnerable.  You’d probably take a platter of brownies to a Weight Watcher’s meeting, wouldn’t you?  Ok, maybe that’s a little harsh.  I’m sorry.  But you DID just MAKE me subscribe to another ding dang magazine!  Drats!  At least I get a trial issue, and if I don’t LOVE it more than Kettle Chips and Helluva Good French Onion Dip, I’m canceling the whole thing.  I’m not kidding, I’ll do it.  I mean it this time!  I’m serious!

Stop me before the whole bag is gone!

Hello, My Darling!

Hello, My Darling!

I did have a little problem with magazines piling up a while back.  I was taking Natural Health, Allure, InStyle and maybe one other.  Could have been Vegetarian Times or Real Simple. Just like you said, if you get behind on reading and tossing them every month, they accumulate and become a huge source of stress.  You don’t want to throw them away if you haven’t even looked at them yet… that’s wasting money!  So they go into a stack that gets bigger, and bigger and bigger until it’s the size of a middle school child.

So, when I moved from the condo in Arlington a couple of years ago, I had 3 weeks notice to move out and there was zero time for packing.  I had to get ruthless, and I did.  I took that Eiffel Tower of magazines to the dumpster and didn’t look back.  Now, I’m taking Bon Appetit (not loving it like I used to so this one won’t get renewed), Domino ( ditto), and More (loving it).  Since I just moved again and have been super busy the last few months, I must admit I have a little pile of magazines on my end table.  But I refuse to allow my past sins to be repeated, and I promise that this weekend I WILL go through them.  By Monday the little pile will be no more.  Since I’m still recuperating from the Nasty Virus, this will be a great productive project for me!

So by the time my new Food Network Magazine gets here, I won’t feel guilty.  Woo hoo!  And anyway, it’s the end of October.  It’s time to start buying all the holiday baking magazines!  😉


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