My Kitchen Pre-Bake Sale

December 8, 2008

We mentioned the other day that I’m organizing a Bake Sale for December 15th (yes, I am truly insane to dream up a project like this at Christmastime). 100% of the proceeds will go to the SPCA here in Dallas, and our goal is to raise $3000. Yep, I said $3000 (I guess I’m insane AND overly-ambitious). Seriously, I’m doing this with two of my awesome co-workers (K and SA) and K’s sister L. We love to bake, we love animals, and we know that the SPCA and other animal organizations are in a real financial crunch right now, so it just makes sense to try to help them before the end of the year. The sale will be held in the conference room of the office building we work in (thank you to the building management), and we’re extremely excited to do this. We could each make a cash donation to the SPCA, but if we can invest that cash into baking supplies, and leverage it for the SPCA, so much the better!  We believe our goal is doable, and we’re praying that God will bless this event!

Having said all of that, what does a girl’s kitchen look like before she starts a 9-day baking spree of this magnitude?  Here it is with some of the ingredients queued up ready to be called into service.  This little bitty kitchen has no idea of what is about to happen to it!

Pre-Bake Sale Kitchen

Pre-Bake Sale Kitchen

Closer view of the left...

Closer view of the left...

...and the right

...and the right

Well, now you know.  It started out neat and clean and organized.  Here’s one shot of Day One…still pretty neat.

Baking Day One

Baking Day One

I’ll post some more pictures mid-spree (it’s going to get messy next weekend, and dare I say – ugly) and post-spree! I’d say “wish us luck”, but I don’t believe in luck, so pray for us! And if you’re in Dallas, email me for the particulars on the sale!

Ladies, start your ovens!


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2 Comments so far

  1. Posted by SisMama

    December 9, 20083:42 pm

    Do tell…what have you baked so far.. inquiring bakers want to know..just as soon as you get the flour dusted off..

  2. Posted by BigSis

    December 9, 20088:15 pm

    I’m SO glad you asked! As a matter of fact, I’ll be posting on that the end of this week! Stay tuned! Thanks for asking!

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