January 3, 2009
Hey LilSis, and Happy New Year! How funny that many of your resolutions were mirrors of my thoughts. Not so surprising after all though, I suppose. We do have a lot of similar experiences with similar responses to them.
We haven’t talked about this offline, but I can give you some of my thoughts on what I’d love to talk about in BigSisLilSis in 2009.
- More MAC, more skin care, more beauty product info! I think we’re all looking for the thing that works best for us, and if we put our heads together, we can compare notes and maybe save each other some time and money, I have some leads on some interesting products that I’m working on already.
- More food and more recipes! I’ve got a bee in my bonnet to try some baked goods using agave nectar and coconut oil, since these two are touted as healthier alternatives to traditional ingredients. Overall, I want to bake more and post more recipes and photos. I have a whole bunch of new baking cookbooks that I need to break in, and baking just makes me happy!
- More tips and thoughts on achieving the healthiest state we can reasonably attain, as opposed to just trying to look good. Not that there is anything wrong with looking our best; I’m just focusing like a laser beam on getting healthy healthy healthy this year, God willing.
- More cats in hats, of course! My furkids didn’t get a new chapeau this Christmas since their Meowmy was busy with the SPCA bake sale (sorry, kitty pies, sometimes you have to sacrifice for the good of your fellow felines). But I promise more hats on more cats in 2009! And that isn’t just an empty campaign promise! Since we agree that we need to laugh more, one of the best ways I know of is cats in hats!
- In the category of “materialistic”, I’d like to talk more about shoes! Buying shoes, organizing shoes, wearing shoes…you know, just talk about shoes. I REALLY want to share my love (obsession or fetish may be better terms) for t-strap shoes!
- Last but not least, I’d love to do more Sister Showdowns, Sunday Suppers, and What the “L”s. I get a kick out of doing those, and I hope I’m not the only one who does.
Those are my off-the-cuff thoughts, LilSis. What are your thoughts for the year ahead?