January 21, 2009
Today, January 21st, is the two year anniversary of our Dad passing away. We don’t want to talk about recipes or beauty products, or anything trivial today. We would just like to reflect on what all has happened in these past two years. On one hand, it seems like only yesterday, and on the other hand, it seems like a lifetime ago. It’s been a rough two years, but we all know that he is in a better place, and that he is at peace!
I’ve had several friends ask to see the tattoo that I got on the inside of my arm in Daddy’s memory, but I’ve never really thought that there was an appropriate time to share it on this blog. But, today might just be the right day to share it. Here’s the memorial tattoo that I got last summer for D.
John 11:25 says:
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
We all miss our Dad terribly, and SisMama misses the love of her life more than anything. Today we send a big hug out to each other, to SisMama, BDot, BooBoo and all the rest of our family and friends.

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February 5, 20091:00 pm
Hello there,
Thank you so much for your comment on my post last week.
I am SO glad we found one another…I actually read the comment from my phone, last night – standing with it plugged into the wall, tears streaming down my face.
I’m so glad you “get” it. I know my Mom & my sis get it…but it seems to me that my friends who haven’t lost a parent (close to them or not) don’t GET it and it bugs me. (that’s just something I need to get over).
Anyhow…Your tattoo is awesome. What a reminder and tribute.
I can’t wait to read more of your blog (when I’m not at work…hee hee hee)
February 5, 20091:46 pm
Hi Jody,
I think that there must be a reason why I found your blog and your post about grief. I also was in tears when I read your post. I almost commented again after I saw that your sister had commented. At times, I really feel like my sister is the only one that understands how I feel.
I can’t even talk too much to my husband about it. He hasn’t lost a parent yet and he is very close to both of them. I don’t think he even wants to think about it and I certainly don’t wish for him to understand how it feels until he has to.
I’m sure we’ll be chatting again.
Thanks for the comment on my tattoo. I thought about it for 18 months until I decided for sure what I wanted and I’m glad that I did it. (It’s my only one, by the way)