The baby comes for a visit!

February 5, 2009

This past week, Meem, TallGuy and our new grand baby, LittleOne, were here visiting us from Chicago.  They were thrilled to be here in CA with us and out of the single digit temperatures in Chicago. We were also thrilled to have them here with us. They were here almost a week and we had so much fun that I can’t even begin to share the details. I’d probably boo hoo through writing the whole post. I’d love to show you all the photos full of total cuteness, but this is the only one I can share of LittleOne.

Okay, can you get any cuter than this?

How cute is he??? He's a big boy...only four months old!!

We bought LittleOne this adorable little CA surfer dude swimsuit when he got here. The poor little guy hasn’t been out of a snow suit for months and his feet had never felt grass or sand until he came for this visit. We miss them a lot already and won’t get to see them for a couple of months, so it was hard to see them leave.

There was only one member of this household who was not sad to see them leave. If you guessed TomTom, you guessed right!  He did NOT like the fact that he wasn’t the center of attention while they were here. He acted up the entire time, so he spent a lot of time in “kitty time out” in his room a/k/a the Laundry Room. Of course, that just pissed him off more!


Here he is in LittleOne’s car seat. Look at that smug look on his face! If you think he looks sweet in this photo, then guess again. If we would have tried to take him out of this car seat, his fangs definitely would have come out! Seriously!  Do you think that he’s trying to tell us that he’s the baby of this house?


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1 Comment so far

  1. Posted by BigSis

    February 6, 20097:25 pm

    This is one adorable baby! And one possessive little feline stinker!

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