Pioneer Woman

March 1, 2009

I am a big fan of The Pioneer Woman Cooks. I don’t always have time to read all of her Confessions of a Pioneer Woman posts, but I do subscribe to The Pioneer Woman Cooks. The woman is pretty darn amazing.  A lot of times, she has 40 or 50 photos posted with a recipe, and with some pretty incredible photography, at that!

I hope this doesn’t come out sounding the wrong way, but I really want to know if Pioneer Woman is a one woman show or if she has a team of people helping her.  If any of our readers happen to communicate with Pioneer Woman, I would absolutely LOVE it if you would pass this post on to her.  I know she admits that she doesn’t have time to comment much or reply to emails. She’s just too busy!!

But, I would love to know how she home schools all her little ones, helps Marlboro Man with the ranch, cooks amazing recipes, takes amazing photography, and maintains a wonderfully organized blog.

Inquiring minds want to know…How DOES SHE DO IT?


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4 Comments so far

  1. Posted by SisMama

    March 1, 200912:07 pm

    Never heard of her but I checked out her website..that prune cake looks delicious..if I had buttermilk in the fridge, I would make it today..

  2. Posted by Cathy - wheresmydamnanswer

    March 1, 200912:14 pm

    When you find out the answer let me know as I have often thought the same thing – She is freakin amazing and is superwoman… Love to know how she does it all.

  3. Posted by LilSis

    March 1, 20092:31 pm

    Hi Cathy,
    We do want a DAMN answer!! I hope we get one. I would love to hear from Pioneer Woman. I don’t know if it’s physically possible for her to do all that without some help! If she does, I want some of what she’s got!!

  4. Posted by LilSis

    March 1, 20092:34 pm

    Hi SisMama,
    You will probably find a lot of her recipes that you would like to make. She has an amazing recipe collection!

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