Lean Mean Green Cuisine

March 12, 2009

Lean Mean Green Cuisine!

Lean Mean Green Cuisine!

I really do eat this way.  While it’s true that LilSis and I are 1/8th Irish, I’m not having this green cuisine in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. This is how a too-tired-to-cook vegetarian can eat, and still get some nutrition.  I put this dinner together on the fly and then realized it was all green so I had to get a photo of it since March 17th is right around the corner!  It’s not a prize-winning photo, but you get the idea.

I’m obsessed with asparagus right now, it’s like vegetable crack to me.  I can’t get enough of it.  Same with hummus.  This version of my Healthy Hummus has a small handful of fresh chives thrown in.  I also have some delicious green beans that SisMama made, without bacon or ham, thank you very much!  Add a green salad, and my lean mean green cuisine is complete (OK, it’s just lettuce, but it’s all I had and I put dressing on it, so TA DA, it’s now salad).  St. Patrick’s Day or not, it was a scrumptious meal!  It’s funny how your palate can change.  The longer I eat clean, the more I crave pure unprocessed good foods that are fuel for the bod.  Now, if I could just lose my craving for Kettle Chips!

Happy Patrick’s Day everyone!  And don’t forget to eat your green stuff!


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