March 28, 2009
Did you know that Texas produces her own olive oil? I didn’t! Not until last year when I noticed that Dallas foodies were freaking out about this new olive oil from the Texas Olive Ranch southwest of San Antonio. They have 40,000 olive trees there, and produce the most delicious olive oil.

Texas Olive Ranch
It has a wonderful fresh olive flavor, but isn’t too sharp like some good olive oils are. You know the ones…they make you cough after you taste them? That isn’t desirable to me in olive oil, but we all have our own taste, right?
I hadn’t tried the Texas olive oil until Central Market was sampling it recently, and I got a taste and immediately grabbed a bottle, after I wiped away the oil dripping down my chin and licked my fingers! At $13.99 for a 16.9 fl oz bottle, it’s definitely not pricey for a great olive oil.
Besides Central Market, in the Dallas area you can find the Texas Olive Ranch olive oil at Tom Spicer’s and Flavors from Afar. You can also buy it in person in Houston, Austin, and San Antonio. The web site says online ordering is coming soon, so all of you outside of Texas can order this scrumptious olive oil. This is my oil of choice now for hummus, pesto, salads, you name it. If you have the opportunity to try it, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised that a great olive oil can come from Texas, not just from Spain or Italy!

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- Find more in Food, olive oil, Texas
March 28, 20094:01 pm
Interesting. This will go on my list of things to look for when I move to Dallas next year. I’m gathering up a list of small markets and specialty stores so I don’t feel lost when I get there.
March 28, 20097:56 pm
Hi Melissa! Thanks for your comment. I love this olive oil, and would highly recommend it. Central Market is a treasure trove for lots of other olive oils too, and lots of everything else. If I can help you with your transition to Texas living, send me an email with any questions. Thanks again!
March 29, 200912:24 pm
Thanks! I’ve been to Central Market… actually, haha, I’m flying to Dallas in a few hours. Visiting my mom for her birthday. I lived there for 10 years, and we visit for Christmas almost yearly, but I stopped residence there when I was 21, long before I ever cared about my food and cooking. So I’m just finding out what’s there now. Dallas sure has grown!
March 29, 20094:14 pm
Hi again, Melissa. Very cool; so you know what it’s like around here. Yep, it’s been on a growing spurt for a while, which has continued even in this challenging economy so we certainly consider ourselves blessed. Do you know what part of Dallas you’ll be moving to?
March 30, 20098:41 am
Hi again too. I keep coming back. 🙂 We’ll probably end up in north Dallas. I spent all those years in Richardson and Steve’s mom lives off Arapaho and Preston, my mom off Spring Valley and Preston. I’m here right now. Funny that you’re here in Dallas and your sister lives in California, as I do now.
March 31, 20095:43 pm
Hey Melissa,
I’m very familiar with that area – great place to live! That is a coincidence with the California/Dallas connection! Have an excellent week!