Signs of Spring: Dallas Style

April 5, 2009

Last weekend I brought my camera on one of my long walks, and recorded some signs of spring that we’ve just now started to see.  Hallelujah!  We’ve had a wacky winter, even by Texas standards.  There have been a few nice surprising 80 degree days, but followed by literally 20 degree days overnight.  That’s happened several times over the winter, and it surely has to confuse our plant life.  Thankfully, winter is behind us now and we’re in the midst of early spring…

Spunky the Squirrel says "Welcome to Spring!"

Spunky the Squirrel says "Welcome to Spring!"

First Azalea

First Azalea

First weed among new green grass

First weed among new green grass, breaking through winter's dead grass

Beautiful white blooms

Beautiful white Indian Hawthorne blooms


Hydrangea, perhaps?

Red Tip Photinia preparing to bloom...stinky!

Red Tip Photinia preparing to stinky! A-a-a-chooo!!

One little bloom snuck under the wall to shine

One little white bloom snuck under the wall to shine on his own

First green shoots

First green shoots that will soon enrobe this tree

Pink blooms against a blue sky

Pink Cherry Blossom blooms against a blue sky

Pink against a backdrop of green

Pink against a backdrop of green

More pink...

More pink...

...and more pink!

...and more pink!

Wherever you are, I hope spring will be finding you soon!


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