What the “L”?!

May 16, 2009

What the “L” is LilSis up to?


  • Loving the beautiful lillies that BigSis sent me. (BigSis, I wanted you to see how gorgeous these ended up being when they opened.) The white ones were as big as the special Japanese Lillies that I always get from Trader Joe’s. They’re my absolute favorite!!

  • Lugging around the lovely boot on my right foot. But, I promise I’m not going to whine about that any more.

  • Lounging by the pool at a small resort in the desert. SirHoney and  HayHay are in a Father/Son golf tournament, so I tagged along. I couldn’t pass up the chance to sit by a pool in hot, sunny, 90 plus degree weather.

  • Looking forward to reading more of my book that I just started. My friend, E, gave me “The Shack” for my birthday. I’m only five chapters in, but it’s definitely peaked my interest.

  • Laughing with my friend, V, who also tagged along with her son.

  • Listening to some great new tunes on my iPod.
  • Leisurely sipping on my favorite, Heineken Light, from the cutest little ding, dang miniature keg. (BigSis, I couldn’t resist. It fits perfect in the cooler!)

  • Loving that we can finally have an overnight trip, BUT still

  • Longing for our SarahGirl.

After a full blown meltdown last week, I’m taking the weekend off to try to preserve my sanity. I hope everyone has a great weekend! I plan on it!


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4 Comments so far

  1. Posted by BigSis

    May 17, 20093:24 pm

    Hey LilSis, sorry I’m just now replying to your post. Thanks for the lilies photo…they’re beautiful! If I was there with them in person I’d be sneezing my head off! I hope you all had a fun getaway, but I know you still think about Sarah all the time!

  2. Posted by Melissa

    May 18, 200912:31 pm

    What the L? 😛

    Glad you got to get away after having a meltdown. A much needed break. *Hug*

  3. Posted by LilSis

    May 18, 20093:00 pm

    BigSis – It’s a shame you’re allergic to these! I don’t know what I would do if I was allergic to fresh flowers! We did have fun…

    Melissa – Thanks so much for the kind words and the hug!

  4. Posted by BigSis

    May 18, 20094:39 pm

    I know it’s a bummer that I’m allergic to so many flowers! At least I have roses and hydrangea and orchids! They’re pretty special.

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