June 2, 2009
I’m so excited about my new discovery! I’m pretty much a condiment queen…I have every condiment in my fridge from Sriracha to spicy brown mustard to real mayo to jalapeno ketchup to tamari to chili garlic sauce to horseradish sauce. I love condiments, and if they add flavor without adding any fat, I’m even more in love with them. Enter Vivi’s Carnival Mustard!

Vivi's Carnival Mustard
I heard about this condiment a long time ago, but wasn’t sure about ordering something online and paying shipping on it when I didn’t even know if I’d like it. So I never ordered it. A couple of weeks ago, I spotted a Vivi’s display at Central Market and remembered all of the rave reviews I’d read. Being an impulse shopper, I grabbed a jar of the roasted garlic variety. OMG! This stuff is over the moon delicious! I thought it was yummy on cheese and crackers, but when I put it on a whole wheat hot dog bun with a Tofu Pup, I thought I’d died and gone to vegetarian heaven!
What’s so special about Vivi’s? Picture mustard meeting up with pickle relish, garlic, tomato paste, pepper sauce and spices! Is your mouth watering yet? I don’t think you can quite imagine how good this is, especially if you’re a spicy girl like me! It’s vegan and all natural with no fat, no MSG, no preservatives and about the same amount of sodium as regular mustard. You can choose the garlic variety as I did, or the original or the chipotle flavors. Besides slathering it all over my Tofu Pup, I used it in my favorite Mock Tuna Chickpea Salad over the weekend, and I can’t wait to try it in deviled eggs. Move over, my darling mayo. There’s a new condiment in town who is tastier than you and who won’t add fat to my arse!

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- Find more in Food, condiment, vegetarian, Vivi's Carnival Mustard
June 2, 20099:05 am
Oh I love this one – My fridge also happens to be one big condiment! and these would play really well with all the others in there!
June 2, 20092:52 pm
Hidey ho, Cathy! If you’re a condiment girl, you need to have Vivi’s in your collection! And no fat! What a bonus.
June 2, 200911:05 am
I just love the name.
June 2, 20092:51 pm
Me too, Noble Pig. It sounds like a party in a jar!
June 2, 20091:45 pm
YUM!!! I’ve never hear of Vivi’s. It sounds excellent. I’ll have to see who carries it out here in CA. I haven’t seen it in TJ’s or our regular groceries.
June 2, 20092:52 pm
Yeah, check it out, LilSis. I think you would like it!
June 3, 20095:00 pm
That sounds fantastic. I clicked on the link and will check out their shop.
June 3, 20095:46 pm
Hi Melissa, it absolutely is fantastic! You have to give it a try if you’re a spicy girl!
June 3, 20095:01 pm
Okay, they sell it at the Whole Foods I shop at. Yay!
June 3, 20095:45 pm
Really, Melissa?! Thanks for the info. I had no idea that Whole Foods carried it, but I’m glad to know that!