June 30, 2009
Tomorrow is already July 1st! Wow! Another month has flown by. And Summer has definitely arrived. It was hot, hot, hot and humid on our vacation in Chicago this past week. Any cooking that we did was outside on the grill to avoid turning on the oven. But one night, after a long day at the family reunion, we broke down and ordered some pizza. And, of course, it was awesome pizza so now I have pizza on the brain.
In the summer, I rarely turn on the oven. We make almost everything on the grill. But, for some crazy reason, I’ve never made pizza on the grill so I’ve decided that it’s time for me to give it a try. Here are a couple of pretty basic recipes.
Tyler Florence’s Pizza on the Grill with Sausage and Mozzarella may not be Chicago Pizza, but it looks incredible to me and I can’t wait to try it.

Tyler Florence Pizza on the Grill with Sausage and Mozzarella
I just recently saw a good step by step instruction on Amanda’s Kitchen for Making Pizza on the Grill. These are a couple of examples of her awesome pizzas.

Pizza on the Grill
While surfing the net for a few more ideas, I stumbled across this Pizza on the Grill: 100 Fiesty Fire-Roasted Recipes for Pizza by Elizabeth Karmel and Bob Blumer. I think I’m going to have to put this in my Amazon shopping cart!
I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to fire up the grill! Once I perfect the basics of making the pizza on the grill, I’m sure it’ll be a lot of fun experimenting with different varieties. But, I can guarantee you that I won’t ever try to compete with a real Chicago pizza. Never!

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June 30, 20093:28 pm
I keep seeing pizzas today, and they keep making me hungry. I’ve only grilled pizza once, and it was years ago. I think it’s time to try it again.