July 2, 2009

Caramelized Maui Onion Dip
I found this Carmelized Maui Onion Dip recipe in the June issue of Sunset and I can’t wait to share it with all our “grass skirt wearing” friends on Saturday.
I love Maui. I love everything about Maui; the peacefulness, the beaches, the rainbows, the whales, the pineapples, the Maui onions and the Maui onion chips.
While in the midst of a little meltdown yesterday, I had to have a talk with myself about trying to think happy thoughts when all I felt like doing is sitting down and crying. And when I think happy thoughts, I always think of Maui.
I had intended on taking photos of our entire spread at the Luau Party this Saturday, but because of circumstances beyond my control, that’s just not going to happen. (I promise I’ll try to keep this short.)
While at our family reunion in Chicago, my camera stopped working at the end of the evening. I just thought that the battery had died, so the next day I charged the battery and still nothing. When we got home, I tried connecting the camera to my laptop and it didn’t recognize the camera.
Yesterday, I broke down and took my memory card to CVS to check and see if their machine could find my pictures. Nope. Nada. Nunca. Nothin. They are ALL GONE!! Not just all the pictures of the family reunion, and the kids and grandkids, but hundreds of others that I had not backed up.
Seriously! I’ve got I had so many irreplaceable pictures on that disk. And, it’s all my fault for not backing them up.
So, that’s all I’ve gotta say about that. (Did I just quote Forrest Gump?) I just wish I was in Maui eating some of this dip with some of these Hawaiian Sweet Maui Onion Chips.

Don't even try to eat just one!
When in Maui together, BigSis and I have been known to make a run to the nearest ABC Store to stock up on a few bags of these amazing chips. And, yes, a tummy ache is sure to follow, but it’s worth it.
I think all this talk about Maui and Maui Onion Dip and Chips has already made me feel better. What about you? What thoughts make you happy?

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- Find more in Food, Maui, Maui chips
July 2, 20093:51 pm
A few years ago my hard drive crashed and I hadn’t backed up a bunch of irreplaceable pictures, including many of my dad. It’s rough. I’m so sorry about your photos, LilSis. The sting of it will subside with time. And of course I back everything up now.
Happy thoughts? Monterey and Big Sur. My and Steve’s idea of heaven on earth. We cherished the times we spent there and wish we could go back a lot more often.
Have a lovely 4th of July weekend. 🙂
July 2, 20097:43 pm
Thanks for your kind words, Melissa. You definitely know what I’m talkin’ about. It’s so hard to lose the photos, but we have to focus on keeping the memories in our heads and our hearts.
I think it’s so great to have thoughts of a place that makes you so happy! We just have to close our eyes and pretend that we’re there, right?
You guys have a great 4th, also!!