7 Tips for Sunburn Relief

July 5, 2009

Sunburn photo by Genosfear on Flickr

Sunburn photo by Genosfear on Flickr

This is a big outdoors weekend for most folks, and I’m betting that more than a few of you have a nasty sunburn today! I’m sorry about that! We know that using a good sunblock is your best protection against a burn, but if you’re already burned, what you need now is sunburn relief…not a lecture! These are my favorite tips for easing the pain, itching and burning, although you should be carrying a first aid kit with you if you’re venturing outside in the sun for a while. So you can also get the lowdown here on first aid kits and preventing it all together!

  • Apply aloe vera gel, ideally cool gel that has been kept in the refrigerator. If you have an aloe vera plant, pluck off some leaves, squeeze out the gel and use it.
  • Wet some clean towels, and place in the freezer until almost frozen, then apply gently to burned areas. Repeat as often as you wish.
  • Brew a bunch of tea bags, and add the bags and the cooled tea to a tub full of tepid water. Soak.
  • Add some oatmeal (uncooked!) to a tepid bath and soak for as long as you can.
  • Mix a handful of baking soda into a tepid bath and soak.
  • Take aspirin for the inflammation and pain (if you don’t have any problems with taking aspirin).
  • After using one or more of these treatments, I’d also recommend that you sleep au naturale (nekkid) under a ceiling fan turned on high! But make sure you have it covered from somewhere like First American Home Warranty, afterall you’ll need it this summer!

Ceiling fans are the perfect alternative to HVAC systems, as they can provide you with cool air throughout the summer, as well as all year round too. Some people even suggest that they are better than air conditioning systems, but only if you have enlisted the help of a professional electrician (navigate to this website to find out more) in order to install it and make sure it functions to the highest quality. Because it would be pointless having a ceiling fan if it isn’t working as it should, and if you have a sunburn, you definitely need it to be working.

It’s my understanding that you do not want to use any creams or oils or butter on a bad blistered burn, because they can cause infection. I’ve heard about lots of other home remedies for relief from sunburn, but have not tried them and can’t personally recommend them. If you have any experience with these remedies, let me know.

  • With a spray bottle, spritz apple cider vinegar on the affected areas and allow to air dry. I’ve heard this can be very cooling, but I imagine it would also be drying and irritating.
  • Apply shaving cream. Again, seems cooling but potentially irritating.
  • Apply Preparation H or other hemorrhoid treatments to the burn. It is said to reduce swelling and burning, similar to the claims of reducing under-eye wrinkles and puffiness.

To all of the miserable sunburn victims out there, I wish for you some relief and a good night’s sleep!


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2 Comments so far

  1. Posted by Cathy - wheresmydamnanswer

    July 5, 20098:42 pm

    I have not had a bad burn in many many years but I recall that the aloe was always so soothing.

  2. Posted by BigSis

    July 6, 20096:33 am

    Hey Cathy,

    I remember the same about aloe. I thankfully haven’t had a bad burn in a long time either, but I was stupid in my younger years and got some real doozies! Hope you’re having a good summer!

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