Nothin’ but Love for Ya…Comment Luv, that is!

August 6, 2009

We have exciting news today!  We just added Comment Luv to our site, and Grace from “A Southern Grace” got served up with the first dish of Luv yesterday!

If you’re not familiar with CommentLuv, here’s how it works.  When you leave us a comment, you’ll see a logo for CommentLuv with a checked box next to it.  If you have a blog, CommentLuv will run out and grab the title of the last post you published, and will link to it below your comment.  Cool, eh?  Using Grace’s comment on our Food Face Plate post, here’s what her Luv looked like immediately following her comment:

grace´s last blog post ..fingers, strips, tenders, what-have-you

Why would we do this, you ask?  Because we SO appreciate your comments, and want to show our appreciation in a tangible way that will mean something…links back to your posts!

So, let us know if you like the new feature.  We hope it’ll show our commenters how much you mean to us!


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6 Comments so far

  1. Posted by Glenda

    August 6, 20096:00 am

    i have to get one for my blog too!
    .-= Glenda´s last blog post … Kraft Craft =-.

  2. Posted by BigSis

    August 6, 20096:23 am

    Great idea, Glenda! Let’s spread the Luv around! Thanks for coming by.

  3. Posted by snuggiecult

    August 6, 200911:55 pm

    Wow, this sounds like a great feature. Let me see if it works, haha.
    .-= snuggiecult´s last blog post … Snuggie For Dogs =-.

  4. Posted by BigSis

    August 7, 20096:26 am

    Hey there, snuggiecult. It works! Thanks for your comment!

  5. Posted by grace

    August 7, 200911:49 am

    it’s an awesome feature–i’m thrilled that i got to break it in! 🙂
    .-= grace´s last blog post … anton’s =-.

  6. Posted by BigSis

    August 7, 20094:26 pm

    We’re glad you like it, Grace!

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