Update on “The Cove” and the Dolphins

August 29, 2009

Photo Credit: dolphin-gallery.blogspot.com

Photo Credit: dolphin-gallery.blogspot.com

Before I say anything else, can you even imagine in your wildest nightmares that someone could viciously stab these beautiful animals to death?  That they could grab one of these babies and slit its’ throat?  What kind of human being can do that?  What kind of human beings are we if we KNOW that’s happening and we don’t throw the biggest international hissy fit known to man until it freakin stops?

Back on August 14th, I talked at length about the Japanese dolphin slaughter that’s been taking place every year, which was just brought out into the light in “The Cove” documentary.  I’ve been keeping up with the developments since I saw the movie and wanted to give you an update.

  • The city of Broome, Australia has had a sister-city relationship with Taiji since 1981.  They just severed all ties with Taiji because of the dolphin slaughter. Bravo, Broome!  We already loved Australia, but now we do even more!
  • The dolphin drives usually start on September 1 (this Tuesday), but Rick O’Barry thinks Taiji may delay it a little because of the current publicity.
  • The Mayor in Taiji has said that all residents have to be tested for mercury poisoning (from hair samples).  Since dolphins are 5000 times as toxic as Japanese law allows, people are being saved as well as dolphins.
  • If you’d like to see more detailed information, there are several videos available of live chats with the Director of “The Cove”, Louie Psihoyos.

For more information and to help end the slaughter of these dolphins, go to any of these links and join the fight:




The links are also in the right sidebar in the Animals section under BigSis’ Favorite Links.  Let’s keep doing everything we can do…it’s making a difference but there’s a long way to go!

Just think with me for a second.  If Taiji did NOT conduct their annual dolphin slaughter this year – from September to March – 23,000 dolphins would live instead of suffering a horrendous death.  That’s 23,000!  Please help!


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