Happy Anniversary to Me!

August 31, 2009

I know, it’s silly to play a Happy Anniversary song to yourself, right? I didn’t think I would get serenaded in bed as Wilma did, so I thought I’d play this for myself. I always loved this episode and this rendition of the song totally get stuck in your head. Would it also be bad to look at some anniversary rings for women online and ‘subtly’ show them to my husband to see if a gift may be on the horizon? No? Yes? Let me know!

“Happy Anniversary!”

“Happy Anniversary!”

“Happy Anniversary!”

“Haaaaapppppy Anniversary!!!!

“Happy Anniversary!”

“Happy Anniversary!”

“Happy Anniversary!”

“Haaaaapppppy Anniversary!!!!

Okay..that’s enough of that. Let’s get to the point, quickly, please…

It was 18 years ago today that SirHoney and I said “I do!” I think anniversaries are really special and I’m a little bit of a freak about celebrating them on the actual date, not the weekend before or the weekend after. When it happens to fall on a Monday night, then you celebrate the anniversary on Monday night!

I’m not going to get all sappy, though, because we just did that yesterday in our post about HayHay’s 16th birthday.

Sometimes you can’t help but reflect a little on how your life has played out and how it could have turned out differently if certain situations hadn’t occurred.

I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and every thing is as it is supposed to be at this moment. If I hadn’t met SirHoney, my amazing step-daughters and stepson would not even be a part of my life, I wouldn’t have my three adorable grandsons, and HayHay would NOT even be here.

Basically, we’re happy, healthy, still in love, and grateful to have five wonderful children, who are happy and healthy, and three healthy grandsons that we totally adore.

Honestly, what more can you ask for?


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6 Comments so far

  1. Posted by noble pig

    August 31, 20098:24 am

    Happy Anniversary to you…have a wonderful day!
    .-= noble pig´s last blog post … Remembered =-.

  2. Posted by LilSis

    August 31, 200910:01 am

    Thanks Noble Pig!

  3. Posted by BigSis

    August 31, 20094:02 pm

    Happy anniversary, LilSis! Here’s to 18 more years! And 18 after that, and 18 after that, and 18 after that…

  4. Posted by peabody

    September 1, 20094:52 pm

    18 years! Wow, that is fantastic! Congrats and here is to another 18 plus many more….
    .-= peabody´s last blog post … Dear (fill in the blank), =-.

  5. Posted by LilSis

    September 1, 200910:16 pm

    Thanks, BigSis!

  6. Posted by LilSis

    September 1, 200910:16 pm

    Thanks Peabody!

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