4 Days 2 Bloggers 1 Giant Mess

October 20, 2009

We’re back!  We both flew back to our homes last night after 4 days at BlogWorld in Las Vegas, and you can bet that we have lots to tell you about that long weekend!

Can you even begin to imagine how much stuff it takes for 2 blogging women to get through 4 days of work and fun in Las Vegas?  These photos will give you an idea of what our room looked like!  Just imagine a bomb going off in both our suitcases!

Here’s the bathroom we shared at the Renaissance…

Vegas Bathroom Mess

Vegas Bathroom Mess

and the desk we shared when we moved over to Caesar’s Palace…

Vegas Desk Mess

Vegas Desk Mess

Somehow we managed to pack all that cr*p back into our bags and get home with it all, plus a bunch of business cards, marketing materials from vendors and swag from the show!

We’re going to have gobs more on BlogWorld this week (plus a big surprise) so don’t go anywhere!


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2 Comments so far

  1. Posted by noble pig

    October 20, 20094:33 pm

    .-= noble pig´s last blog post … Upside Down Apple Pie =-.

  2. Posted by BigSis

    October 20, 20097:25 pm

    Thanks, Noble Pig. Not sure why we feel the need to share our mess, but we’re at least honest, right? 😀

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