November 2, 2009

Oroweat Turkey Club (photo credit: Oroweat)
For anyone who’s trying to watch their calorie and carb intake, we finally have a great alternative for sandwiches! I’m so hooked on these Oroweat Sandwich Thins!
They come in three varieties, Multi-Grain, 100% Whole Wheat and Honey Wheat. The Multi-Grain variety is my favorite!
These are much thinner than an English Muffin yet aren’t dry at all, even when toasted. Myself, I prefer a thinner bread. I don’t want the bread to dominate my sandwich. I’ve been toasting the sandwich thins and they end up a little crunchy on the outside but still a little pillowy on the inside. For being as tasty as these are, the entire roll is only 100 calories, 5 grams of fiber and only one gram of fat!
Since I work from home, I eat lunch at home almost every day. I’m a creature of habit, too, so I usually end up having the same thing for lunch every day and it’s usually a turkey sandwich of some kind.
The sandwich pictured here is the Turkey Club recipe from Oroweat. It’s a great sandwich choice at only 343 calories and 8 grams of fat.
Turkey Club
1 Oroweat Multi-Grains Sandwich Thins Roll
3 ozs. thinly sliced smoked turkey
1 slice cooked turkey bacon
1 slice reduced fat cheddar
1 slice reduced fat swiss
1 t. honey mustard
red onion, tomato, and leaf lettuce
In an effort to cut back on the calories just a little bit more, I eliminate the bacon and I substitute one wedge of Laughing Cow Light Swiss for the two slices of reduced fat cheese. I just spread half of the Laughing Cow wedge on each sandwich slice on top of the mustard. By making just a few changes, you can have a healthy, filling sandwich for less than 300 calories!
For those of you that are lucky enough to have a Trader Joe’s nearby, you’ll have to try a Trader Joe’s roasted chicken patty on a toasted Multi-Grain Sandwich Thin. I just recently discovered these chicken patties and they are only 140 calories and 4 grams of fat. For a quick and easy lunch, I just spread a little mustard on each toasted sandwich thin, add the chicken patty, some lettuce and tomato and you end up with another fantastic sandwich for less than 300 calories.
And for a breakfast sandwich, I scramble up some Egg Beaters, spray a couple of squirts of “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” on the toasted Sandwich Thins, add a slice of canadian bacon and you’ve got a great breakfast sandwich for under 300 calories.
I sure hope these sell well because I would hate to see these disappear from the grocery store shelves as quickly as they appeared! If you give these a try, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

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- Find more in Food, Oroweat Sandwich Thins, Trader Joe's
November 2, 20099:15 pm
I get mine at Costco!
.-= noble pig´s last blog post … Weekend Fun =-.
November 3, 20096:59 am
I don’t see the Oroweat thins in my grocery, but I am in love with the Arnold multi-grain thins. I’m back on Weight Watchers and have an egg muffin (thin, egg beater, slice Canadian bacon, slice WW cheese) almost every morning. I, too, favor a turkey sandwich of some kind, though I spread my thin with either hummus or 1/4 avocado. It’s time for a Trader Joe run; I need to find those chicken patties.
November 3, 20098:46 am
Hi Noble Pig,
I had a friend just tell me that she also buys hers at Costco. I’m going there soon and am going to pick some up there. I’m sure it’s a much better price. I’ll just have to freeze some since I’m the only one in my house that eats them.
November 3, 20098:48 am
Hi Arlene,
Thanks for stopping by and for taking the time to comment.
The Arnold sandwich thins are the same. They are a sister company of Oroweat and I guess it depends on what part of the country you live in whether or not the packaging says Arnolds or Oroweat!
I also LOVE avocado on a turkey sandwich and the hummus is a great idea! I hope you find the chicken patties! 🙂
November 4, 200910:27 am
i’ve seen something similar in the store but i haven’t tried them yet. i will say that you make what appears to be a mean turkey club. 🙂
November 4, 20091:02 pm
Thanks Grace,
They may say Arnolds on the packaging where you are instead of Oroweat, but they are the same product.
And, just so it’s not misrepresented, I clarified the photo credit. I have made this recipe, but can’t take credit for the photo. I should have stated that more clearly in my post!
Thanks for stopping by and, as always, for taking the time to leave us a comment! 🙂
November 11, 20095:59 pm
I LOVE these, too!
.-= Katrina´s last blog post … TWD–Sugar-Topped Molasses Spice Cookies =-.