November 14, 2009
The past couple of mornings when I used my Urban Decay Primer Potion, I knew that it was just about time. Time for what you may be wondering… If you’re a UDPP user, you probably already know what I’m talking about.
Urban Decay has an almost ‘cult like’ following when it comes to some of their amazing products. I think both of us have had some of the purple kool aid, too! 🙂 I recently mentioned how much I love Urban Decay’s 24/7 Eye Pencils and the Heavy Metal Glitter Eyeliner and BigSis mentioned her love for the eye pencils much earlier this year. And, months ago after BigSis told me how much she loved the Primer Potion, I bought myself some Sin Primer and have used it every day since.
There’s only one problem with this UDPP and it’s the cutesy container that it comes in. The wand can only go straight down into the container and loads of product is left stuck in on the sides and at the bottom. It obviously hasn’t kept us from buying it though.
When we were on our trip last month, (yes, still talkin’ about BlogWorld in Vegas), BigSis showed me her little jar FULL of potion that she managed to get out of her ‘what appeared to be’ empty UDPP bottle. She had seen “the hacking” mentioned on some beauty blogs after she bought the product so she knew there was precious potion hiding in the container. And luckily, she shared that with all of us.
If I hadn’t known about that, I would have tossed my “seemingly empty” bottle in the trash once I couldn’t get any more to come out on the wand. And after you see what’s left in this container, you won’t want to throw yours away either until after you hack into it.
I never did ask what she used to hack into her bottle but I decided that this should do the trick!
Here’s my unsuspecting little container!
Not much potion on this wand.
I was going to cut the bottle lengthwise but I decided that might be a good way to end up the ER, so I started by cutting off the top.
The plastic was actually much easier to cut than I thought it would be.
Just look at all the precious potion hiding in here!
Look closer.
Can’t stop now, I’m on a roll!
And look how much was stuck at the bottom.
It was a messy job, but…
time well spent!
(Note: My Primer Potion is the Sin Primer and it does come in a different bottle than the original PP so it is possible that this container is made from a different plastic. I have heard that the original bottle may be tougher to cut into!)
One final note, I noticed on Urban Decays website, they mention that the Primer Potion now comes with a new wand. Here’s what it looks like.
Hopefully this new wand will be of some help getting the primer potion out of the sides but it would have to also be longer to prevent all the waste at the bottom. I guess we’ll find out once we run out of our stash and have to buy a new one.

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- Find more in Beauty and Skin Care, Urban Decay
November 14, 20091:18 pm
Hey LilSis, nice tutorial on getting some of that potion out of the genie bottle! After I dug mine out, I used it from the little jar for 4 months until it started to dry out.
I talked to the Urban Decay rep at Ulta when I bought the pencils and metallic glitter eyeliner. I told him what a waste that potion bottle was. He said he and some other people had gone to the head of the company about it, but she really likes the bottle so it won’t be changed. What they came up with is the slanted wand. It seems a little weird at first, but if it gets to more of the product, that would be awesome!
December 15, 20097:28 pm
Next time, instead of using a jar, see if you can find one of those lip gloss wands that dispense the lipgloss for you (think Stila) put your primer potion in there. It will keep it from drying out so quickly.
March 7, 201111:52 am
Hey lilsis! Love the tutorial. I knew there had to be more primer in there. BUT!!! I have the UDPP with the “new wand” and it isn’t much help, just a fyi.
July 5, 20111:39 pm
I’m sure many of you know this by now…but UDPP now also comes in a squeeze tube!! When I saw it on their website I was so excited. Hopefully this will mean no more wasted product or potential knife-wounds…:P
May 4, 20132:19 pm
I hate when products have those weird shaped bottles. It’s such a waste of product. I cut all my product bottles to make sure I’m getting my money’s worth.
May 5, 201310:08 am
Us too, Sallie! Thanks for your comment, and thanks for reading BigSisLilSis!