November 16, 2009
With our SPCA Bake Sale looming on the calendar, I’ve been busy planning and test-driving a couple of new recipes. The last thing I need during the baking frenzy is a recipe that doesn’t work! I have a bunch of tried-and-true favorites that I’m making, but still wandered through my cookbook collection in search of some new goodies to try. I flipped through Carole Walter’s “Great Cookies”, and found a dark chocolaty recipe called Triple Chocolate Peppermint Bars that sounded crazy good.
You make a dark chocolate shortbread base and then top it with a dark chocolate brownie filling that has peppermint schnapps in it. Then you cover the whole thing with a thin chocolate ganache that has even more schnapps in it. How bad could that possibly be! It certainly deserved a test-drive!
I didn’t have schnapps so I used peppermint extract instead, and left the ganache layer off since I thought it might be too smeary and messy once it’s packaged in a cute little treat bag. The top got a sprinkle of crushed candy canes instead.
Can I just say YUMMY?? Oh, mommy, these have an incredible chocolate flavor! Maybe I loved them so much because I adore chocolate shortbread and brownies and peppermint.
Only one little problem…my bars didn’t come out looking anything like the photo. I expected the bars to be kind of chunky and thick, but mine came out very thin; only about 1/2″. Phooey. I can’t figure out what I might have done wrong, if anything, but I guess it doesn’t matter. I think the bars are too thin and fragile to work well for the bake sale, which is a bummer, but this recipe is a keeper! If I make them again and don’t need to package them, I’ll definitely add the ganache layer!

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- Find more in Food, Bake Sale, Food, SPCA
November 16, 20098:14 pm
I think they look great. Maybe not exactly what you expected, but I’d still buy them at a bake sale! 🙂
November 16, 20098:33 pm
Thanks, LilSis. Too bad you won’t be in town to shop the sale! Maybe I’ll send some goodies to the guys.
November 18, 20094:45 pm
OH.EM.GEE! These look UH.MAZ.ING!
.-= girlichef´s last blog post … C. H. O. C. O. F. L. A. N. …it speaks for itself… =-.
November 18, 20097:12 pm
Hidey ho, girlichef! They were tasty little guys, for sure, and I’ll try them again after the bake sale to see if I can get them to come out taller!
November 18, 20096:07 pm
Me too!!! I would take some of these babies home anyday!!
.-= Cathy – wheresmydamnanswer´s last blog post … Moments in Time =-.
November 18, 20097:10 pm
Thanks, Cathy. If you’re a chocolate fan, I bet you’d like these!
November 19, 200911:36 am
truly, i don’t think there’s any combination of chocolate and mint that i won’t inhale.
.-= grace´s last blog post … equal opportunity chocolate-eater =-.
November 19, 20096:30 pm
I agree with you totally, Grace! I just bought some mint M&Ms the other day, and I’m hoping they have chocolate in them along with the mint.
November 21, 20094:12 pm
These look and sounds great. I love choc/mint!
.-= Katrina´s last blog post … Random Things and Some Blogger Linky Love =-.
November 21, 20095:28 pm
Hi, Katrina! I love it too. I’m going to do some chocolate brownies with mint oreos for the SPCA bake sale! 😀