Crazy Cat Lady Moment

November 22, 2009

It’s no secret that I love animals.  I’m vegetarian because of my love for animals.  I don’t really like squirrels, but I still wouldn’t hurt one OR eat one.  🙂  I live in Squirrel Heaven amidst oodles of mature trees, and have slammed on my brakes plenty of times to avoid squishing one of the little varmints.

I especially love cats of all kinds and all sizes, so it makes sense that my cats are a couple of my favorite models.  It amazes me to look at a cat – or any animal – really closely, and notice how wonderfully they were made.  We saw your boys yesterday, LilSis, so now here are mine…the furkids!

Ashy's beautiful whisker and freckly nose

Ashy's beautiful whiskers and freckly nose

Gaby's green-eyed profile

Gaby's green-eyed profile

Ashy's transparent Siamese ear

Ashy's transparent Siamese ear

Gaby with a squirrel or gecko in-sight

Gaby with a squirrel or gecko in-sight


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3 Comments so far

  1. Posted by noble pig

    November 22, 20099:29 am

    The squirrels around my home this week have been completely insane, I have no idea what’s going on but they actually scare me with their antics when I go outside.
    .-= noble pig´s last blog post … Chicken Poblano Casserole =-.

  2. Posted by BigSis

    November 22, 200911:05 am

    I know, Noble Pig. They scare the daylights out of me when they start that chattering!

  3. Posted by mr cute

    November 22, 20099:46 pm

    cats are great!!!! especially cute ones!!

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