Celebrating a Birthday and Giving Thanks Today!

November 26, 2009

Do you know what today is? Yes, I know it’s Thanksgiving, but today is also BigSis’ Birthday! (Since we all know how much of a cat lover BigSis is, I think she might get a kick out of this!)


It was this time last year when BigSis, SisMama and myself went to Vegas to celebrate BigSis’ birthday. This year we aren’t as fortunate to be together for her birthday.

Since it’s Thanksgiving, I’d also like to say that I’m so thankful for having such a great sister! I know some women aren’t lucky enough to have a sister and some have sisters that they aren’t even close to, which I can’t imagine. So, I consider myself very blessed, and for that, I’m very thankful.

Thanksgiving is traditionally a time when we all give thanks and express our gratitude for those things in our lives that are most important to us.

For me, it’s simple. I can sum it up all in one word; family. I give thanks, not only today, but every single day for our family. After losing my dad and my brother in law, both suddenly, I tend to live life a little differently than before, in a positive way.

I could go on and on about how rough this past year has been on us, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and realistically speaking, the toughest year we’ve ever had in almost 20 years.  Instead of going into specifics, I’ll just say that my husband and I try to live life these days believing in the theory that “when one door closes, another one opens.”

We just live life today being thankful for each other, for our health, for our parents, our siblings, our five wonderful children, and our three beautiful grandsons. At the end of the day, nothing else really matters.


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5 Comments so far

  1. Posted by Katrina

    November 27, 20096:59 am

    Awwee, happy birthday, BigSis! Hope you both had a great holiday, too!
    .-= Katrina´s last blog post … TWD—Bust! But Wait…Don’t Go. Rewind. Rewind. Rewind. =-.

  2. Posted by BigSis

    November 27, 20098:27 am

    Thanks for the BDay wish, Katrina! A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  3. Posted by BigSis

    November 27, 20098:29 am

    Thanks for the birthday wish, LilSis! I love love love the happy little singing kitty! I’m thankful for all of you too! 😀 And how fun was it for us to get to spend part of Thanksgiving with BigT and his friend B!

  4. Posted by noble pig

    November 27, 20099:16 am

    Happy Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving!!
    .-= noble pig´s last blog post … Happy Thanksgiving =-.

  5. Posted by BigSis

    November 27, 20096:09 pm

    Thanks, NoblePig! We hope you had a great Thanksgiving!


  1. Posted by Tweets that mention Celebrating a Birthday and Giving Thanks Today! | BigSisLilSis -- Topsy.com

    November 27, 200912:21 am

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