November 27, 2009
I really don’t like the fact that somewhere along the line, the biggest shopping day of the year was named Black Friday! I just don’t like it. I never go shopping the day after Thanksgiving. I guess if there was an amazing sale on a specific large ticket item that I needed for someone, I might venture out, but not at 4 a.m! Never!
I’m sure most people are out shopping and not at home reading, but that is exactly what I should be doing today. I recently received two of my favorite magazines, both which have some beautiful Christmas cookies on the cover.
I’m dying to find time to sit down and look through both of these, but I have a problem. I’m a little behind on my reading!
And, there’s more.
And, still more!
I don’t know how I let this happen AGAIN! I guess there’s just too much going on each day that prevents me from being able to leisurely sit down and thumb through each of these as they arrive.
In the summer, one of my favorite things to do is to sit down at the beach and thumb through a really good magazine. And I love all of these that I subscribe to but something’s gotta give. I just canceled my subscription to Food & Wine (gasp!) because I realized that out of all the magazines I receive, it has the most unread issues.
When my stacks become overwhelming, like they are now, it stresses me out because it becomes just another chore that I’m behind on and then it’s no fun at all!
So, I need a plan. I wonder if it would help me dig into them if I put them in nice little stacks like these in order by issue?
I think I’m going to have to start with the most current and go backwards because otherwise, I won’t get to my December issues until next Summer!

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November 27, 20096:11 pm
Hey, LilSis, remember we used to have fun shopping the day after Thanksgiving at Galleria? I still like to go out, even though I’m not crazy about the Black Friday title either. It gives me a burst of Christmas spirit. I ventured out today and found a couple of great sales.
I have those same darn mountains of nagging unread magazines…it must be genetic!
November 27, 20099:20 pm
Hey back BigSis,
Yes I do remember many, many moons ago when we used to shop on the day after Thanksgiving. I think that was way before they started calling it Black Friday and stores definitely weren’t opening at 4 am.
It was fun having lunch by the ice rink with the gigantic gorgeous Christmas tree. It’s just not the same any more. Too many people are out after the sales and most of them are just downright rude.
I’m all for Christmas spirit but it’s not at the malls anymore if you ask me. (At least not around here.)
November 28, 20098:32 am
Looks like my coffee table!!
.-= noble pig´s last blog post … Fig-and-Almond Bread Stuffing with Fennel =-.
November 28, 200910:08 am
I love it that the two of you talk back and forth on your blog. My sister and I do that on Facebook and I always say to myself, “why we don’t just pick up a phone and call, I don’t know.”
Oh the magazines! It’s not just you. Me, too! Behind, behind. (although, you beat me on the amount of subscriptions it looks like. What I think is funny is that I try to catch up while I’m on the treadmill at the gym, so there I am reading my food magazines while I work out. 😉 Can you read your yoga magazines while doing yoga? jk
.-= Katrina´s last blog post … Thanksgiving Cherry-Berry Pie =-.
November 28, 200911:35 am
Hi Noble Pig,
I guess it does make me feel a little better knowing that I’m not alone. 🙂
November 28, 200911:44 am
Hi Katrina,
BigSis hasn’t ventured into Facebook yet, but if she were on it, I’m sure we’d talk there too. We talk on the phone a lot and email back and forth a ton, also. I guess we just have a lot to talk about.
I’m feeling better knowing that I’m not the only one behind. I’m down to seven subscriptions but that’s a lot to keep up with each month.
Haha!! I just told BigSis yesterday that I don’t read my magazines any more at the gym because I can’t see without my ding dang readers and I feel like an old fart! 😉