November 30, 2009
You know how some people always say that this or that is a “hot mess”. Have you ever wondered exactly what a hot mess is? What does a hot mess look like? Wonder no more…voila!
This, my friends, is a bonafide hot mess. No, this is not what I was going for. Ha! Not even close. I was aiming for a variation of Peabody’s Hazelnut Honey Cookies. A few of her commenters mentioned trying almond meal in place of the hazelnut flour. I thought, well, hecky darn; I have an endless supply of dried almond meal since I’ve been making my own almond milk for months now. Why don’t I conduct a little experiment with the almond meal substitution, and report back on my marvelous success; much to the delight of Peabody and her readers!
Instead, I have to fess up to my failure hot mess and submit my name to the Baker’s Hall of Shame.
Where did I go wrong? I subbed agave for half of the honey but I don’t think that would cause a disaster of this magnitude. I also added a tablespoon of cocoa powder, and even added an extra half cup of almond meal since the mixture seemed loose. Little did I know, it had only begun to be loose!
When I first looked into the oven, the cookies seemed to be spreading a tad, but on the second look…good gravy! I had a sea of bubbling, bumpy, grainy goo. Not what I was going for at all. 😀 Looks a bit like the surface of the moon or Mars, doesn’t it?
I think the problem was with the almond meal. I probably should have only substituted almond meal for part of the hazelnut flour. I also might have goofed in using the almond meal in it’s coarse state. Maybe it would have behaved better if I had pulverized it. I’d certainly like to pulverize it, now that I’ve wasted those tasty little cherries and other ingredients!
It was a fun little experiment, even though it flopped. If you try something new, you have to be prepared to fail sometimes, right? Thank you, Almond Meal Gluten Free “Cookies”. You gave me the best laugh I’ve had in ages! 😀

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