December ‘Caturday’ with Santa TomTom

December 5, 2009

How ’bout we kick off this month’s series of ‘Caturdays’ with a early Merry Christmas wish from TomTom? Can you tell how much he loves his new Santa Hat and scarf?

Fa La La La La La La La La

"Fa La La La La La La La La"

Close-up TomTom Santa Hat

"I better have a nice present under the tree after being put through this!"

Here’s what happened after the photo shoot was over.


Santa Tom2

Hopefully, we’ll get to see some photos of BigSis’ little furkids in their Christmas hats since they wouldn’t cooperate at Halloween!  🙂


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5 Comments so far

  1. Posted by BigSis

    December 5, 200912:22 pm

    It looks more like “Fa la la la la I kill you!” I certainly will try to get my furkids to model some Christmas outfits this year! It’s the least they can do for me! Sheesh, they eat better than I do! Grain-free Wellness canned food and Orijen dry food, plus oven-roasted turkey from Central Market for Ashy. He’s been a different cat since I started giving him the turkey snacks; playful again and just looking healthier. ^..^

  2. Posted by lisaiscooking

    December 5, 20099:08 pm

    Neither of my cats would cooperate like that for a second! He looks great in the hat and scarf.
    .-= lisaiscooking´s last blog post … Gingerbread Cookies =-.

  3. Posted by noble pig

    December 5, 200910:48 pm

    So cute!

  4. Posted by pegasuslegend

    December 6, 20092:30 pm

    I have the same hat for my cat and its amazing that yours and mine both have that same exact look on their face of less than happy to accomodate us 🙂 love the pictures the cat is gorgeous ! thanks
    .-= pegasuslegend´s last blog post … Italian White or Red Seafood Chowder =-.

  5. Posted by LilSis

    December 6, 200910:57 pm

    Believe me, TomTom was not a happy little camper! It is amazing that I can even get him to sit still for a couple of photos, but he HATES it!!

    He was really hissed off in that second photo and was looking like he was about to bite me! He better get used to it, because we love our Cats in Hats! 🙂

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