December 15, 2009
The 2009 SPCA Bake Sale is now history. We started setting up at 6 am, opened the doors at 8 am, and left the building at 6 pm. It was a long day, but it was incredible fun.
Our goal was to beat last year’s donation of $3055. Our little team started baking 3 or 4 weeks ago, and we pulled out every trick in the hat to try to make our goodies irrestible to buyers. We emailed everyone we know, we sent out press releases, we lined up the most irresistible sample girls you could ever meet, and we talked about nothing but the SPCA and cookies for the last month. We decorated, packaged and labeled until we were loopy.
How did we do? I’m too fried to remember how to get pictures off my camera today, and we don’t have a final total yet because donations are still coming in online. I’ll just leave you with one little teaser for now. We are humbled and amazed and incredibly grateful. How much money do you think that 5 baking girls could raise in one day if their bake sale sold out? What if God showed up in a big way to answer their prayers? What could happen?
I’ll come back later to tell you. If I come down off Cloud Nine long enough to type again.

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- Find more in Animals, Bake Sale, SPCA
December 15, 20099:06 am
Woo Hoo!!! That’s an awesome job!! You guys worked your fannies off so I’m so glad it paid off! SPCA will be thrilled!! 🙂
And don’t come home with a new kitty once you go visit the SPCA facilities. I don’t think Gaby and Ashy would be too happy about that!
December 15, 20092:02 pm
Way to go!!! You are DAMN amazing!!!
.-= Cathy – wheresmydamnanswer´s last blog post … Advice for Small Business owners – You got any??? =-.
December 16, 20097:22 am
Thanks, Cathy! We had some pretty amazing support from the tenants here in our building, so we can’t take the credit!
December 15, 20094:49 pm
How cool, what was the best selling item?
.-= noble pig´s last blog post … Weekend Business =-.
December 16, 20097:21 am
Thanks, Noble Pig. We had several things go fast: brownies of all kinds, chocolate chip cookies and peppermint bark. And all the pound cakes!