December 16, 2009
I love lists! I’ve discovered over the years that it really motivates me to have an ongoing “To Do” list, not only on my Outlook, but also specific tasks and phone calls written down in my planner each day. Not only do I check it off of my Outlook task list when it’s done but I also mark it off my written list with a big fat red Sharpie. I don’t know why I enjoy this so much, but I do.
Luckily, I finally made some progress on my Christmas “To Do” List. Yes, it is now officially crunch time! Only eight days and some odd hours til Christmas!! How are you doing on your list? I’m still a bit overwhelmed with all there is left to do before we leave on Monday, but I’m making progress.
I’m doin’ a little happy dance today since I FINALLY got all my Christmas cards in the mail and finished up the shopping on gifts that need to be shipped out of state. I know, I know, for all the early birds out there, this probably seems late to be doing this, but I’m just so glad that it’s finally done.
This morning is now designated for wrapping, and packaging the gifts that need to be shipped. I’m sure I’ll still be standing in line at the post office as you read this. 🙂
I don’t mind though. I’m actually going to take my iPod with me to the post office to listen to some Christmas music while I’m in line. I may even wear a Santa Hat today! I’m so thankful that I finally got some Christmas spirit. I had almost decided not to decorate this year since we’d be out of town, but then I decided that wouldn’t be fair to HayHay. (Christmastime is still really hard on our family since we don’t have our Dad with us so we all have to make a real effort to not be down in the dumps.)
So, that being said, I’m just happy that it’s starting to feel a bit like Christmas around here! Once we decided to go ahead and decorate, we had to get in gear! In the past two days, we’ve got the decorations out of storage, put up all the lights and outdoor decorations, decorated the inside of the house, put up and decorated a small tree, addressed and mailed all the cards, bought wrapping supplies and containers for neighbor gifts, and finished up the shopping for out of town gifts.
Once the packages are shipped this morning, I think this is all that’s left on my list to do before we leave on Monday.
- Finish shopping for gifts we’re taking with us on plane.
- Wrap gifts and pack in suitcase. (Pray it doesn’t get lost.)
- Make list of ingredients needed for neighbor gifts.
- Make, package and deliver neighbor gifts.
- Buy boots and scarf for trip.
- Pack laptop, camera, iPod, video camera, and chargers.
- Dig through closet for warm clothes to pack.
At least by Sunday night, I’ll have everything marked off my list and we’ll be able to enjoy Christmas with the family without any last minute rushing around.
I am not at all prepared for the below freezing temperatures in Chicago, but HayHay is going to be thrilled if we have a White Christmas this year.

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- Find more in Holidays, Christmas, To Do List
December 17, 20091:38 pm
Dig through the closet for warm clothes is right! It is COLD in Chicago…our high’s have been in the low 20’s and our wind chills BELOW ZERO for the past couple of days…Snow is in the forecast for this weekend!
I am so excited to be able to spend Christmas together this year. See you Wednesday!
December 17, 20091:47 pm
Hi Bo!
Thanks for taking time to say hey!
HayHay will have so much fun if it snows while we’re there, but I’m going to FREEZE my ‘BOO TAY’ off. I don’t have very many winter clothes!! We’re also really excited that we get to spend Christmas with all of you this year!
Maybe I’ll just have to stay inside and drink some hot toddies!