Ten in Ten Challenge: Seven Weeks Later

February 20, 2010

Here we are again. I promised to check in every Saturday with a brief update on my progress with the Ten in 10 Healthy Challenge. This will be my seventh update and we only have three more to go. If I reach my goal weight When I hit my goal, I’m treating myself to a new swimsuit, so that’s one thing that’s really keeping me motivated.

The past week was a bit like a roller coaster. After only being home from Texas for two days, we had a gorgeous three day weekend which included an all day Brunch on Sunday with Bloody Marys and Mimosas.

Luckily, I can resist cinnamon rolls, donuts, and croissants, but my weakness lies with the pigs in a blanket and the Mexican Crustless Quiche that I brought which had an entire pound of bacon in it. 🙂

Once Monday rolled around, it became a continuation of the all day Sunday party. Luckily, I got in a long walk early in the morning because we ended up having a lot of friends off work so we all got together again for salami, cheese, crackers, and more Bloody Marys.

(Needless to say, I didn’t keep up  on my food log this week. Starting that again tomorrow.)

By the time Tuesday arrived, I was ready to get back into the gym. Tuesday and Wednesday I did some major cardio workouts and included weight training on Tuesday. On Friday, I was in my ‘kick butt’ yoga class. I feel like a new person when I leave that class!

Long, story short, with all my indulgences, I did manage to lose a pound this week, so I’m happy! Next week is probably going to be a critical week for me. I’m guessing that these last four pounds are going to be pretty hard to blast off of my fanny. I’m going to have to crank it up a notch this week.

As for today, I’m going to enjoy “my weekend rules”. 🙂


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7 Comments so far

  1. Posted by grace

    February 20, 20103:00 pm

    me, i can resist bacon (although the smell of it frying can render me useless), but if there’s a cinnamon roll within arm’s reach, it’s going into my belly. 🙂
    .-= grace´s last blog post … a shmiscuit, a shmasket =-.

  2. Posted by noble pig

    February 21, 201010:07 am

    Wow a Pound with all that, I’d say that’s darn good!
    .-= noble pig´s last blog post … Bacon-Peach Pinwheels =-.

  3. Posted by marla {Family Fresh Cooking}

    February 21, 201010:39 am

    Thanks so much for stopping by FFC! I love making new bloggie friends 🙂 Glad to read you are getting back on track!

    Your blog is super cool, I look forward to reading more and poking around.

    Did you happen to see my book review & giveaway of “Earth to Table?” Such a great inspiration for us to eat seasonal, fresh whole foods 🙂 Here is the link if you wanna check it out:


  4. Posted by Katie

    February 21, 201010:55 am

    Great job on the workouts! And thanks for the encouragement on yoga. I’ll be in touch to let you know how it’s going!

    Katie (TrulyAppetizing)

  5. Posted by LilSis

    February 22, 201010:11 am

    Noble Pig – Thanks for the encouraging words! And, your Bacon Peach Pinwheels look AMAZING!!

  6. Posted by LilSis

    February 22, 201011:09 am

    Hi Marla,
    Thanks so much! We love new bloggie friends, too! 🙂

    Thanks for the link about the book giveaway. I’ve entered a few times already and plan to enter more before the deadline!

  7. Posted by LilSis

    February 22, 201011:13 am

    Hi Katie,
    Thanks for stopping by BigSisLilSis and thanks for the encouraging words.

    Would love for you to keep in touch. This Challenge has been very motivating for me.

    As soon as time allows, I’ll be back in yoga class three times a week! 🙂

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