March 30, 2010
Happy early Easter, everyone! And happy good-excuse-to-use-pink-holiday! I DO love me some pink, and I really love pink with green. But actually, I love pink with any and every other color. Pink is probably the most perfect color in the rainbow, don’t you think? Ok, BigSis, you’re getting off track. Focus, focus, focus, girl! We’re talking about Easter baking today, not your obsession with all things rosy.
Sorry…back to the program! I love Easter, I love color, and I love baking. Voila! Easter Basket Cupcakes!
You can use any recipe of course. Since I’m 3 months into doing the vegan thing, I baked up a batcheroo of my all-time favorite Pumpkin Walnut Bread. I baked tons of it for the last couple of bake sales, more for Christmas gifts, and I’m still baking it. I can’t get enough of it, so here it is in its’ cute little Easter basket outfit!
I found these super-delicious Wilton Easter Basket Cupcake Wrappers at my Michael’s store, and I bet your local craft store has them too. They may even be on sale this week like mine were!
Instructions? I got ’em for you:
- Bake any cupcakes you adore in a cute paper liner.
- Let them cool, then frost or not. I chose not.
- Convince some coconut to pretend that it’s Easter grass. I added about 6 drops of liquid green food coloring to about half a bag of shredded coconut in a ziploc baggie. Mush it around until the coconut/grass is all pretty green.
- Add a pile of coconut/grass to each cupcake, and top with some jelly beans or whatever for an extra shout of faux egg color. I didn’t have jelly beans and don’t really like them anywho, so I wasn’t about to buy any. I used Skittles and M&Ms. You’re the boss of these cupcakes, so you do what you want!
- Make the little basket wrappers, and secure with tape to be sure they don’t come unhinged at an inappropriate time.
- Drop each cupcake into the Easter Basket wrapper, and add the handle. I just tucked it into the sides so it would be easy to remove for faster cupcake access!
That’s it! Hoppy Easter!

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- Find more in Holidays, baking, cupcake, Easter
March 30, 201010:39 am
These are super cute! So fun for Easter!
.-= Maria´s last blog post … 2peas3-0 =-.
March 28, 201110:07 am
I have to say these are just about the cutest cupcakes ever! I’ve been having a craving for chocolate and coconut latey, and now have a great idea to combine the two!
March 28, 20117:28 pm
Thanks, Rachael! Coconut and chocolate are my most favorite combo, and seem pretty Eastery-ish!