I’m officially a proud Navy Mom!

April 20, 2010

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! I know it’s Tuesday but it feels like Monday to me since we just flew back home last night. Have ya missed us? Maybe just a little?

We don’t normally run off and leave for five or six days without something new here on BigSisLilSis, but this past week was a crazy week for us.

Last Thursday, we all met in Chicago to attend Bry’s graduation from his Naval Basic Training at Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, IL. The graduation was held at RTC on Friday, April 16th and was unlike anything I’ve ever attended and an event that none of us will ever forget.

United States Navy Division 159

Division 159 (Bry is 4th from the back in far left row)

It was a much anticipated, emotional, and fun-filled weekend for all of us. Bry wasn’t able to have overnight liberty but we spent as much time as we could with him during the day. He made my birthday on Sunday even more special by being able to celebrate it with me and spend time with the family. Here are just a couple of shots from Sunday.

United States Navy Division 159

Bry with his proud Mom, Grandmother, and Aunt!

It took motivation, determination, and discipline for Bry to accomplish this goal and I can’t even try to put into words how proud we all are of our new Sailor!

Our proud Sailor

It was pretty hard to leave Bry on Sunday without turning into an emotional mess but somehow I managed to keep a stiff upper lip. He’ll be in Great Lakes for seven more months for his A Training and I’m not sure when I’ll see him next, but hopefully I’ll manage to get back up there this summer. He’s happy, excited about his training, and looking forward to his future with the Navy so I can’t ask for more than that.

While in Chicago, we managed to do a little sight seeing downtown so we’re planning on sharing a couple of those photos with you within the next day or two. It might take us a couple of days to get back into the swing of things! 🙂


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7 Comments so far

  1. Posted by noble pig

    April 20, 20106:23 pm

    .-= noble pig´s last blog post … Easy, Homemade Focaccia Bread =-.

  2. Posted by Cathy - wheresmydamnanswer

    April 21, 20103:38 pm

    WOHOO that is great – Congratulations!
    .-= Cathy – wheresmydamnanswer´s last blog post … Wine Terminology… Always helpful to know! =-.

  3. Posted by marla {Family Fresh Cooking}

    April 21, 20104:55 pm

    Congrats to you all and a big Happy Birthday!!! huge news 🙂

  4. Posted by LilSis

    April 21, 20105:29 pm

    Thanks Noble Pig!

  5. Posted by LilSis

    April 21, 20105:30 pm

    Thanks Cathy!

  6. Posted by LilSis

    April 21, 20105:31 pm

    Thanks Marla!

  7. Posted by Regan Jones RD

    April 21, 20107:45 pm

    Thanks are in order for his service to us all!

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