Missing Lost’s Sawyer and His Nicknames Already!

May 24, 2010

The emotional toll of Sunday night’s Lost series finale is still too fresh.

I can’t talk about it.


I’ll cry again.

For now, until I compose myself a bit, the best I can do is to bring you a couple of videos that capture some of the best moments of the last six years…Sawyer’s nicknames.  I haven’t missed an episode, but I still can’t believe how many of these gems there are.  Miss you already, Sawyer!

One of my faves is when Sawyer called Lapidus “Kenny Rogers”.  Or how about Captain Falafel?  Costanza?  Deep Dish?  Captain Bunny Killer?  Sheena?  Short Brown?  Limey Runt?  What are your favorite nicknames out of all these?  Is there anything else you feel up to sharing about the end of the show?  Tell me!


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