September 2, 2010
A little over a month ago, I made a commitment to purge my household – and my life – of products that are tested on animals. I heard about the 120 beagles who were rescued on July 4th from a bankrupt testing lab in New York, and was absolutely heartbroken to think that they had never been outdoors, chased a ball or run with other dogs. They had never been allowed to be dogs; they were just test subjects.
I’ve been vegetarian for 16 years, and 99% vegan for the last 8 months, so it seemed inconsistent that I avoid eating meat, dairy and eggs because I don’t want to be a party to an animal’s suffering, but I’m doing exactly that when I buy my favorite Loreal mascara. Or Charmin toilet paper. Or Garnier hair color.
So I decided to get with the program and clean out my house. Care to know how it’s going? I’m not gonna lie; it’s a bit tough here and there. I have these random conflicted conversations with myself…
Maybe I’ll just buy the Charmin toilet paper one more time, then I’ll buy Seventh Generation.
No, you’re a hypocrite. You said you were committed.
I am, but it’s TOILET PAPER for cryin out loud! I can’t buy crappy TOILET PAPER! No one will know if I buy it just once more.
You’ll know. You’ll make one exception, then it’ll be two, then fourteen. Do it 100% or don’t do it all.
Yeah, but I can’t find a new mascara that I like. I have to have a good mascara! You can’t expect me to sacrifice everything!
If you buy that mascara, you’re responsible for poking the wand into a bunny’s eye! Don’t do it! Don’t do it! There are plenty of other mascaras out there that you haven’t tried yet. Don’t be a quitter.
Well, what about my Clorox Toilet Wand? Do I have to go back to having a drippy germy toilet brush in my bathroom?
Stop being a baby! Are you committed to living without contributing to animal suffering, or are you committed to whining?
And so it goes.
To be completely honest, it’s easier to replace some products than others.
- Method and quite a few other companies make cleaning products that are cruelty-free.
- The Seventh Generation laundry detergent that I bought is happily cheaper than Tide!
- I’ve tried 3 mascaras already, and am not in love with any of them, but I have others to try and am confident there is a great mascara out there that is not animal-tested.
- I found a shaving cream that smells heavenly, like coconuts, and feels like buttah!
On the other hand, I’m having some big challenges.
- The biggest is with paper products. I’m pretty picky about the brands of TP, paper towels and napkins I buy; not to mention those, you know – feminine products – and I haven’t found any good replacements for them yet. There don’t seem to be many options at all to choose from. Surely, there has to be a solution! The search continues…
- I’m also wondering what to do about my Swiffer Wet Jet that I dearly love. Could there be a way to still make use of it since I already have it, without buying any more liquid or pad refills? Those things were darn expensive anyway.
As I test more products and find excellent cruelty-free products, I’m going to assemble a list that will hopefully help someone else in my position. I don’t want to blow smoke at you and tell you this process is a piece of cake, but it’s worthwhile and I’m committed. Still whining a little now and then, because apparently I’m a much bigger brand-ho than I realized, and I like things the way I like them. But I’m still committed! 😀
I’m really hoping that some of you will have some suggestions for me! If you do, PLEASE send them my way and I’ll pay it forward!
Lil Bunny image from KevenLaws Flickr photostream.

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- Find more in Animals, animal testing
October 27, 20113:44 pm
Revlon is all cruelty free. They make Color Silk hair color and Mitchum deodorant. Tom’s of Maine is good for all dental needs. Seventh Generation is doing paper products now, even tampons.
October 27, 20114:56 pm
Hi Allie, thanks a bunch for the info! I use a lot of Seventh Generation products these days.
March 31, 201310:24 pm
Revlon is on Peta’s “DO” test on animals list. It is so hard to find cruelty free products. I will slowly purge my life of these products, but my gosh, right now almost everything I use is cruel! Baby steps I guess.
April 3, 20139:01 pm
Hi Dawna, thanks so much for your comment. You’re absolutely right; I just checked and Revlon is on the “DO Test” list now. I haven’t researched this yet, but I wonder if something changed. Unless I’ve completely lost my marbles, they used to avoid testing but they clearly don’t any more. I’m bummed! No more Revlon for me. Thanks for letting us know about that. I really appreciate you taking the time to leave that info!
June 25, 20139:25 pm
You can buy microfiber mopping towels that fit on your Swiffer Wet Jet at http://www.Microf?iber-Produc?ts-Online.c?om. You can take one of the used liquid bottles and remove the cap with a pair of pliers and substitute a cruelty free product. I chose BabyGanics Floors to Adore Floor Cleaner Concentrate, Fragrance Free – 16 oz that I got at for 6.79 a bottle. Check out the cruelty free search engine on I too am having a hard time with the paper towels and toilet paper. I have gotten rid of napkins by using cloth napkins – have to do laundry anyway. Problem I am having is ready made vegan meals. There don’t seem to be any that are reasonably priced.
i have no time for cooking and rely on the microwave. If you have any suggestions, let me know.
May 18, 20143:01 pm
i wanted to add, revlon now sells in China so they arent crueltyfree anymore. and for feminie products look up tree hugger mama cloths! i think is the site best cloth pads and totally better than disposible! i havent brought any pads in like a yr! and for the other thing. look up menstrual cups ! u can wear them for up to 12 hrs! and they last for yrs!
November 27, 201512:17 pm
A lot of companies who sell internationally will claim that they do not test on animals but to sell internationally they legally HAVE to, so that is how Revlon claims they “don’t” test on animals. They in fact do, but they continue to make claims that they don’t. Companies that sell items only in the US or Europe and state they are cruelty free are generally safe. Look for brands with the leaping bunny logo on the item or that explicitly say cruelty free are safe.
As far as feminine products, The Honest Company and Seventh Generation now make Tampons, but they are tough to find in stores regularly. The Honest Company has a program that you can order online easily with a basket program where you can pick 4-5 items each month for a flat rate and they ship. Menstrual cups are the way to go if you want to be environmentally friendly as well as nice to animals.
Cleaning products to check out too.. Babyganics! Just started using their laundry products, lotions and chapstick–LOVE THEM! I’m headed out to get some of their cleaning products soon. They are, as you can gather from the name derived from organic materials, and most come in naturally scented or fragrance free options. You can find it at Target, Walgreens, CVS, or Babies R US. (I don’t have kids and I LOVE the stuff.)
Huge plus, it’s made right here in the US.
February 26, 20165:54 pm
if you have a wholefoods or any other stores of that type around they have LOTS of really good chlorine free cruelty free vegan gluten free hygiene products also check out zuzu it is a phenomenal makeup line i LOVE THEIR EYE MAKUP if ur wanting a more bold look, since zuzu is nuteral try urban decay they are 100% cruelty free with amazing bold shade and 100s of palets in an amazing seletion of colours
August 10, 20169:46 pm
I’m reading myself in your post! I’ve been slowly replacing things over the last couple of years. It is hard, but I’m going to succeed!