Goodbye to Daylight Savings Time 2010

November 6, 2010

Don't Forget Daylight Savings Time

You do remember that we get an extra hour in our Sunday, right?  Happy dance, happy dance!

What to do with that precious hour?  Here our my Top 10 Ideas for using that extra hour:

  • Just do it!  Intending to exercise won’t get you into your skinny jeans!  Start that exercise program TODAY and you won’t have to make that same old New Years resolution to get in shape!  If you’re working out super-hard, you may also be less prone to sabotage yourself by eating horribly during the holidays.  Bonus!
  • Dig around iTunes and download some new music to liven up your cardio playlist.
  • Clean your closets out now instead of scrambling to make that end-of-the-year charitable donation on December 31st.  You know you won’t have time once the holidays get into full swing!
  • Have you met your medical insurance deductible for the year?  There may be some medical appointments you should schedule to take advantage of that situation, so make a list today of the calls you can make tomorrow.
  • Think about what you want to cook for Thanksgiving this year.  My recommendation of course, would be to skip the turkey and do a feast of veggies and sides!
  • Start your Christmas lists: gift list, Christmas card list, to do list.  It’s never too early to begin!
  • Take advantage of the beautiful fall weather if you’re blessed with it today, and get out there in it!
  • Hang out with your kids or grandkids without thinking about anything else you should be doing.
  • Sleep!

photo credit: Somewhat Frank


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