November 4, 2012
I may have just found a blowout product that’s near perfect. Alterna Perfect Blowout Cream has lots of things going for it that my hair absolutely loves:
- Fighting humidity.
- Creating lots of shine. Lots.
- Protecting the hair from heat damage.
- Enhancing smoothness, softness, and straightness.
- Reducing frizz.
- Never getting crunchy, stiff, sticky or goopy.
That’s a lot to love! There’s just one thing that keeps Alterna Perfect Blowout Cream from being completely perfect. Alterna says their products are not animal tested, and I’ve seen comments online from people who have emailed Alterna for confirmation, and have gotten it. I thought Alterna’s products were not animal-tested, and that’s why I’ve been comfortable buying them.
However, PETA’s Caring Consumer web site doesn’t list Alterna on the “does test” list or on the “does not test” list. That means they’re one of the many companies in-between. Maybe they don’t test and they haven’t documented it yet for PETA. Or maybe they outsource their testing so their hands don’t get dirty. At this point, I don’t know why they’re in limbo land.
I haven’t contacted Alterna directly myself yet, so I don’t have any first-hand information. I’ll report back with anything I find to give us a comfort zone with Alterna products.
If indeed Alterna does NOT animal test, then yes, this blowout cream would literally be perfect. Utterly, astoundingly, stunningly perfect. It’s that good. I really hope I can keep using it.

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- Find more in Beauty and Skin Care, Hair Care
February 14, 201412:53 pm
Did you ever find out for sure? Just discovered this product, but need to know if they are cruelty-free. The answer has not been easy to find.
July 4, 201512:42 pm
Alterna is owned by the HENKEL GROUP.
They test on animals when required by law= THEY TEST ON ANIMALS
July 31, 20154:50 pm
Have you found out anymore information? I recently went vegan and cruelty free (cruelty free as much as I can b/c sometimes it’s hard).