March 9, 2013
I always look forward to getting that extra hour of light in the evening once we move our clocks forward for daylight savings time in the Spring. The hard part for most of us though is adapting to getting up in the morning since we feel like we’ve lost an hour of sleep. There have actually been studies done that indicate more car accidents, heart attacks and injuries on the job occur immediately after this Spring transition due to sleep deprivation.
As we spring ahead into daylight savings time, it’s important to try to maintain a consistent bedtime and waking schedule. Since I already have some “pre-menopausal” sleep issues, I really have to make a conscious effort to try and get at least 6 hours of sleep even though 7 hours is supposed to be the amount we really need each night.
Here are just a few tips that might help you get some quality ZZZs during this transition to daylight savings time.
- If at all possible, go to bed an hour earlier than your normal time starting on Saturday night. If you normally go to bed at 10:00, try going to bed at 9:00 for the first week or so after we move the clocks forward.
- Try not to drink any alcohol or caffeinated beverages close to bedtime.
- Create a relaxing bedtime routine, whether it’s a hot bubble bath or just reading for a few minutes. Try not to work or watch TV in bed and unplug from social networking by leaving your cell phone in another room.
- I find essential lavender oil to be soothing and relaxing. Just rub some on your pulse points before nighttime. I also love putting on lavender foot cream before bed.
- Wear an eye mask if you have any light at all coming into your room.
- If you sleep next to a snorer, like I do, use ear plugs or put a pillow over your head. (That trick works for me if I don’t have earplugs handy.) Having a fan on for some white noise definitely helps too.
I think it would be glorious to get a solid 8 or 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night but for most of us that’s not really practical due to our busy lives. For now, if I get 6 or 7 hours, I can wake up feeling pretty rested. I hope some of these tips help you get a good night’s sleep.
So, don’t forget to move your clocks forward for daylight savings time before you go to bed tonight. Happy snoozing!

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