October 31, 2008
I already mentioned that I don’t ‘do’ Halloween, but gosh darnit, I’m not about to miss an opportunity to share a laugh about cats in hats! What’s so funny about cats in hats? Maybe it’s how much they hate it, but how cute they can look at the same time! I even have this 2008 Cats in Hats Wall Calendar, and you can bet I’ll be looking for the 2009 version.
Ok, enough chit chat. Here is my own personal “Cats in Hats Gallery”. Keep in mind that I was usually the photographer and the cat wrangler at the same time, so you’ll frequently see my hand in the frame, trying to keep the cat still enough to snap a shot. Remember too that no kitties were harmed in the making of this gallery! They may not be artistically fabulous photos, but just enjoy the expressions on the kitties’ faces, as I do.
Here’s AshyPoo in his 2008 chicken hat. I love the nice profile shot, it reminds me of a kitty mohawk! Gaby would have NONE of it; the only shot I got of him in it showed some pretty scary bared fangs.
From last year, we have the parade of kitties in the witch hat, complete with orange and black braids!
I have to mention that an actual store-bought cat costume hat is not necessary. Use what you have, use your creativity! Anything that will fit on a cat’s head without endangering his health can be a hat! For example, a simple brown paper bag can become a chef’s hat!
Or, my personal favorite, a Taco Bueno bean container can become (what else) – a beanie!
Now, these photos are cute (to me), but Gaby is clearly hating it, and even though AshyPoo allows it, he’s hating it too. Warren Bitey, on the other hand, was the greatest cat model of our time. I actually used the second of these photos for my Christmas card that year. It has kind of a Grinch vibe to it, don’t you think? I put the Santa hat on him, and starting snapping photos with very little need to hold him. I’m not saying he loved it, but he did work it! Miss you Warrie!

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- Find more in Animals, cats, cats in hats
October 31, 200810:01 am
great pictures! I, too, love cats in hats! Warrie is the cutest Santa I have ever seen 🙂
October 31, 200810:29 am
HAHA! You just have to laugh! Here are my favorites: Most Beautiful must go to Warrie in the Santa Hat. Most Festive goes to be AshyPoo in the Witch Hat and Most Freaked Out is Gaby in the Taco Bueno container! I’m sure we can look forward to more!
October 31, 200812:56 pm
There’s my cute grandkitties in hats !!…where’s TomTom ?
I agree that Warrie was the prettiest
Santa kitty..I miss him too..
November 1, 20088:42 am
KP: Thanks for the comment and the love for Santa Warrie! We DO share that love for a cat in a hat!
LilSis: I like your favorites. Warrie was a beautiful cat, wasn’t he? I wonder if Gaby would have reconsidered his choice of home if he knew he would continually be subjected to wearing hats!
SisMama: Yep, those are your grandcats in all their glory. I need to find that Santa hat …I don’t have any photos of Gaby and AshyPoo in it! Look out boys!