QVC New Beauty Fall/Winter Test Tube


This quarter's QVC New Beauty Test Tube that arrived a couple of weeks ago, came just in time! I had recently run out of both of my Wen Cleansing Conditioners and was using something else that I didn't like as much.

I was also in desperate need of a new eye firming product since my crow's feet seem to be getting worse by the minute and there's no room in my beauty budget for some much needed botox! 🙂

The QVC New Beauty test tube always include great products that I've never tried before and some that I've never even heard of.

Here are the eight awesome products in this quarter's test tube.

  • Wen Cleansing Conditioner  (I received the Tea Tree formula.)
  • Perricone MD High Potency Eye Treatment
  • philosophy full of promise restoring cream
  • Living Proof Full Thickening Mousse
  • bareMinerals Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss
  • Smileactives Tooth Whitening Pen
  • Perfect Formula Daily Moisture
  • Mally Evercolor Automatic Eyeliner


Of the products I've tried so far, my favorite is the philosophy full of promise restoring cream.

A 2 oz. jar sells for $65.00 which less than the $90.00 for a 2 oz. jar of the Algenist Firming and Lifting Cream that we both loved from last quarter's test tube. I'm still not sure, though if this one works quite as well as the Algenist.


I also love the Perricone MD High Potentcy Eye Treatment because I do notice a little tightening around the outside of my eyes, but at $98.00 for a .5 oz. bottle, I don't think I'll be buying this any time soon. I'm going to try to make the .17 oz sample last as long as possible.


I really like the Living Proof Full Thickening Mousse, too. I had never heard of this brand before, but this stuff really works! In looking at the QVC site, I noticed that this product has won several customer choice and best of beauty awards. If you have thin or fine hair; this mousse is definitely worth a try. Since I have quite a bit of hair already, I use it sparingly and only put a little at my crown for some added body. It retails for $26.00  for 5 ounces.



I really like the way the bareMinerals lipgloss feels and I love the scent, but like most lip glosses, it doesn't stay on for very long.  I'm also going to start using the Nail Daily Moisture soon and will report back if I see some improvement in my sad little fingernails.

Thanks again, BigSis! I can't wait to hear what your favorites are from this test tube.

Note from BigSis: I'm glad you're enjoying the Test Tubes, LilSis! I haven't tried many of the products from this quarter's treasure trove yet, but I have used the Dr Perricone Eye Treatment and I absolutely LOVE it! It's a serum rather than a cream, so it melts in immediately, and it WORKS. Also, I've never used a product that cooperated with under-eye concealer as well as this treatment does. There's no pilling or caking at all. This is a winner!


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by LilSis on October 23, 2012

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New Year, New Way of Living

Happy new year, everyone!  I hope that you had a wonderful holiday time, and that you're fired up about the new year and ready to get it rolling!  I love that it always feel like a fresh start to me.  Who among us doesn't need a fresh start in some area of their life?

I talked last year about how I don't really like resolutions because I feel like I'm setting myself up to fail somehow if I make official “resolutions”.  Instead, I like to think about what I did the previous year…what worked, what was a disaster, what do I want to do differently, what do I want to add to my life.  For me, a new year is about reflection and reevaluation.

This new year, I can see that it's going to take extra workouts to achieve and maintain the level of fitness I'm comfortable with.  I was on that train for several months in 2009, but wandered off it and have to get back on now.  I'm not totally out in the weeds, but I'm a bit off course, and that slight veering off the path can quickly turn into a full-blown physical train wreck when you're forty-plus!  If you don't know what I mean, you will eventually!

The biggest change for 2010 is one I've been seriously contemplating for the last few months, after having it in the back of my mind for 15 years. It's time for me to stop fiddling around and finally go vegan.

When I first stopped eating all meat products, I also stayed away from eggs and dairy for quite a while, but finally succumbed and adopted a purely vegetarian diet rather than vegan.  Since I know that the egg and dairy industries are probably more abusive than the factory meat farms, I'm going to put my money where my mouth is and stop putting eggs and dairy there.

I started out telling myself that this vegan business was going to be really hard; harder than going vegetarian was since that was pretty darn easy for me.  The biggest challenge is definitely going to be learning how to bake in a completely different way, and for me this is pretty major since I love to bake more than I like to cook.

I've decided this change will be fun, as well as the right thing for me to do, and one thing I'm going to do from square one to make it funner is to blog about it.  I realize that most BigSisLilSis readers aren't vegan or even vegetarian, so I'm going to start a brand new blog for my vegan ramblings. I'm still noodling it around, so I'll bust it out when it's a bit more finalized.  I do know it's going to be a little adventure, and I'm excited to start.  I'm in the process of cleaning all the butter and eggs and other holiday baking remnants from my kitchen, along with the holiday leftovers.  Once that's gone, away we go to Vegan Land! Wheeee haw!

So, my goals or resolutions or whatever I'm calling them, are to:

  • Exercise with a new motivation and keep it up, with the goal of building more muscle and getting stronger. That means getting back to Jillian Michaels' videos, yoga class, and using the new Wii Fit I just bought myself with Christmas money.  I also joined RecipeGirl's 10 in 2010 program as LilSis did.
  • Adopt a vegan diet asap and blog about it.  You'll notice a lot of new cookbooks in my left sidebar reading list now, since I'm going to need some help to keep my food interesting and nutritious!
  • Learn how to bake without eggs and dairy!  The 2010 SPCA Bake Sale is only 11.5 months away!
  • Find a new church and plug in.  It's time already; stop messing around and commit to one.
  • Work toward balance between all aspects of my life: work, blogging, social, health, and spiritual. This is a toughie when you're an all-or-nothing personality like me!

There you have it.  I bet that some of my goals and LilSis' goals are the same as yours, so let's all rally around each other, and make some positive changes in 2010!  We can do it!


Posted under This & That

This post was written by BigSis on January 4, 2010

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all our friends, family, and readers of BigSisLilSis!

Here's hoping that everyone has a happy, healthy, prosperous 2012!

I like the ring of 2012, so I'm thinking, praying that it's gonna be a good year.

What did you do last night? Did you make it to midnight?

I almost did. We watched New York City welcome the New Year and then fell asleep about 15 minutes before midnight.

Have you heard the old wives tale that says if a home is in disarray on New Year's Day, then you'll struggle with clutter and a dirty house for the rest of the year?

I stayed up long enough to clean up our mess from last night just in case there's any truth to this tale. 🙂

What will you do today to welcome in the new year?

I'm making the Traditional Southern New Years Dinner  of ham, black eyed peas (for good luck) and greens (for prosperity) for family and friends. Here's my plate from last year.

I actually ate several more bowls of peas throughout the day. You know that you can never eat too many black eyed peas on New Year's Day!

I also concocted a new black eyed pea dip this year that I didn't have time to post but I'll share that recipe with you soon. It was so good that you can make it any time; not just for New Year's Eve!

Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?

I always do. They motivate me and help keep me focused. I like putting them in black and white because I feel more committed and I can look back at them throughout the year to see how I'm doing. I'll be posting my goal list for 2012 later this week.

Have a fantastic, Happy New Year!



Posted under Holidays

This post was written by LilSis on January 1, 2012


SPCA Christmas Bake Sale #3!

This December 13th will be our 4th charity bake sale, and the 3rd one we've done at Christmas for the SPCA of Texas.  Since I stopped eating and using eggs and dairy products this last January, I needed to find some great new recipes for this year's sale.  We've been blessed with great success and happy customers that return year after year, so scrapping all of my old recipes and starting over was a daunting proposition!  I was especially motivated to find some fabulous goodies after a hater told me I'd be disappointed because no one would buy “that vaygan stuff”!

I bought several vegan baking cookbooks and did a lot of online research, and finally swooped into the kitchen to get my hands dirty.  I've been baking up a storm in my lab (aka kitchen) for the last several weeks, trying out new recipes.  The latest test: Oatmeal Dried Cherry Cookies adapted from Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook.

Vegan Oat Cherry Cookie

These cookies had a great flavor, and would have been excellent if I hadn't over-baked them by a couple of minutes.  That's why I test though.  I have a rule that I never make a recipe for the bake sale without taking it for a test drive first.

I'm pretty excited with the successes I've had.  I actually have well over a dozen things to choose from.  These are my favorite options.

  • Chocolate Chunk Oatmeal Coconut Cookies adapted from Epicurious
  • Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie with Peanuts and Almond Meal adapted from Cookie Madness

There's much more baking to be done so I'm dashing back to the kitchen for more baking frenzy.  I'll be back next week with photos from the sale, and hopefully a big donation to the SPCA to report!


Posted under Animals

This post was written by BigSis on December 8, 2010

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Southern Tradition on New Years Day

I'm really excited to welcome 2009 and say goodbye to 2008!  It was a rough year! Even though we are in California, I have to celebrate New Year's Eve the way I always have, and that's the Southern way. It's Southern Tradition to bring in the New Year with ham, black eyed peas, greens, and cornbread! I don't care where we live, that's just what we do. I grew up celebrating the New Year that way in Texas, and I've done it that way every year since. We even did it when we lived in New York and we do it here in California. It just wouldn't be right to do it any other way!

We almost celebrated this New Year's Eve alone, until at the last minute, we decided to make a few calls, and ended up with twenty friends and neighbors over to help us bring in the New Year. I decided to stick to tradition and make everyone wait until midnight for the peas and ham.  Some of my friends didn't quite understand why we do this, but that's just the way we do it. Period!

I told them it was bad luck to eat them before midnight, so not too many of them complained. We were always told that it brought even more good luck if you counted how many peas you ate. I stopped counting after 365. I've seriously been eating peas since midnight and it is now five p.m! I did sleep from 3:30 8:30 a.m., but have been eating peas during all waking hours today. I think I might explode! Here's a little sample of one of the many bowls I've eaten today.

Yummy Blackeyed Peas!

And here's the complete plate of ham, peas, greens, and cornbread. Just in case you didn't know, the greens symbolize prosperity. They aren't my favorite, but I'm actually afraid of what might happen if I don't eat them. Last night, I forgot the cornbread, so this morning, I made the cornbread muffins.

I hope everyone had a safe and Happy New Year! I'm really looking forward to this New Year and all it has to offer. I'll talk about my Resolutions tomorrow.  I'm not thinking too clearly right now. It might have something to do with “Black Eyed Pea Overload”!


Posted under Food

This post was written by LilSis on January 1, 2009

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New Year’s Eve Party Appetizers

Anyone need an idea for a New Year's Eve Party Appetizer? I love New Year's Eve Parties and I love appetizers, so this is right “up my alley”!  I'm a little more in my league talking about appetizers versus talking about pies, cakes, and cookies. I actually have several friends that call me ‘The Appetizer Queen'. (I'll take it, I've been called worse.) Whether it's a New Year's Eve Party, Christmas Party, Halloween Party or just a Cocktail Party, you can bet that I'm bringing an appetizer.

I've always preferred to host a “Cocktails & Hors D'oeuvres” party versus a sit down dinner party. And, we all know that I'm not the one in the Progressive Dinner chosen to do the dessert! Nope, my house was always the Appetizer house!

Since the party is only a day away, I want to share these first three recipes because they are better if you make them ahead and refrigerate overnight.

(I wish I had photos of all of these to show you; but like Christmas and Thanksgiving, New Year's snuck up on me too quickly to get all of these recipes made and photographed.)

Sun Dried Tomato Spread
Prize Tested Recipe from De Anne Pearson,
Austin, Texas, Winner in the Fresh Herb Ideas Category
for Better Homes and Gardens Contest 1997

2 cloves garlic, minced
1 T. Olive oil
1/3 c. dry white wine
1/2 c. dried tomatoes, snipped
1 8-oz. pkg cream cheese, softened
1/3 c. snipped fresh basil
3 T. grated Parmesan cheese
Baguette-style French bread slices, toasted

In medium skillet, cook garlic in oil til light brown. Add wine and dried tomatoes. Cook, uncovered, over low heat for 15 minutes. Remove from heat; let stand 10 minutes. Drain excess liquid. Meanwhile, in a food processor, combine cream cheese, basil, and Parmesan cheese. Cover and process till smooth. Add tomato mixture; process til almost smooth. Transfer to serving bowl. Cover and chill 4 to 24 hours. Let stand at room temperature 30 minutes before serving. Serve with toasted baguette slices.

(Note: I've never used a food processor for this recipe. I've always just mixed by hand and I like it because the tomatoes stay a little chunkier.)

HVR Cheese Ball
This recipe is from BigSis' cookbook! She has always called this the HVR Cheese Ball. I'm telling you; no one can ever figure out these simple ingredients, but everyone loves this cheese ball!

(2) 8-oz pkgs cream cheese
1 package Hidden Valley Ranch Original Dressing Mix
2 T. dill pickle relish
1 package thin sliced beef, minced
1 c. pecans, chopped

Mix together all ingredients except pecans. Form into a ball and roll in pecans. Best if refrigerated 4 to 24 hours. Serve on a festive plate surrounded with crackers of your choice and your done! How easy was that?

I made this next one for a big New Year's Eve Party we had in Texas several years ago and they were the hit of that party!

Grilled Shrimp Wrapped in Bacon
This recipe is from The Martha Stewart Cookbook

1/2 c. olive oil
2 T. champagne vinegar or good white wine vinegar
3 T. chopped fresh dill
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 pound large shrimps (13-15 per pound) peeled and deveined, with tails intact
5 slices very lean bacon, sliced very thin

Combine the oil, vinegar, dill, and garlic in a bowl. Add the shrimps and marinate overnight in the refrigerator. Cut each slice of bacon into thirds and wrap a piece around each shrimp, securing well with a toothpick. Grill over hot coals, or on a gas grill, until the bacon is crisp and the shrimps are cooked through, 7 to 8 minutes. You can also grill them under a hot broiler, 4 minutes on each side, being careful not to burn the bacon or overcook the shrimps. Serve warm.

And, I love a good artichoke spinach dip. This one uses Alfredo sauce instead of mayo and is a lot like some of the recipes served in restaurants.

Artichoke & Spinach Dip Restaurant Style
(You can find a printable version of this dip recipe on All Recipes)

4 cloves garlic
1 (10 oz) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained
1 (14 oz) can artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
1 (10 oz) container Alfredo pasta sauce
1 c. shredded mozzarella
1/3 c. grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 (8 oz) package cream cheese, softened

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place garlic in a small baking dish. Bake in the preheated oven 20 to 30 minutes, until soft. Remove from heat. When cool to touch, squeeze softened garlic from skins. Mix the garlic, spinach, artichoke hearts, Alfredo sauce, mozzarella cheese, Parmesan cheese and cream cheese and spread into an 8 x 8 inch baking dish. Cover and bake 30 minutes or until cheeses are melted and bubbly. Serve warm. This is so good on slices of toasted baguette bread or on Triscuit.

And, in case you missed one of these previous posts, BigSis and I both love to take the Cheesecake Crunchy to a party. (We can't make it to keep at home or we'll eat the whole thing ourselves.) And since BigSis is a vegetarian, these Stuffed Mushrooms aren't her favorite any more. But, these are a crowd pleaser! I wish I had a dollar for every time I've made these!

BigT does a version of stuffed peppers that have very similar ingredients to the Stuffed Mushrooms. These require a little prep work cleaning the peppers, but everyone loves them.

BigT's Peppers

15 fresh jalapeno peppers
1 pound Italian sausage
1 (8 oz) cream cheese
1/2 pound bacon

Cut peppers in half lengthwise. Clean out seeds with spoon. Set aside on foiled lined cookie sheet. Saute sausage and drain. Add the cream cheese to the sausage and mix well.  Spoon into peppers and wrap 1/3 slice of bacon around each pepper. Bake at 350 for approximately 20 – 30 minutes. Put under the broiler for a few minutes to further brown the bacon, if desired. Drain on a paper towel, then serve warm.

Bo's Version of Brie and Cranberries

1 (14 oz) Brie Wheel
3/4 c. Craisins (dried cranberries)
1/4 c. brown sugar
3/4 c. pecans
1 egg
1 T. water

(What I love about this type of recipe is that you can alter the quantities of these ingredients if you want. You want less pecans, put less pecans, like more craisins, put more craisins. These don't have to be exact measurements.)

Take a warm knife and slice the Brie in half horizontally. Stuff the Craisins, pecans, and brown sugar in the middle of the Brie and enclose with the Puff Pastry. Cut off any excess pastry and brush all over with the egg wash made with the egg and 1 tablespoon of water.  Bake at 350 degrees til pastry is brown, about 30 minutes.

If you have time to be a little creative, you can make festive little cutouts out of the extra pastry to decorate the top of the Brie. For Christmas, Bo made holly and berries for the top of one brie and a wreath for the other. She said they turned out really cute! For New Year's, you could try a martini glass or a some confetti.

Counting Down to 2009!!

Counting Down to 2009!!

So, those are just a few of our family favorite appetizer recipes. I hope that this may have given you an idea for something new to make this year. If not, stay tuned! I'm hoping to have one or two more really quick and easy appetizer recipes for you tomorrow.


Posted under Food

This post was written by LilSis on December 30, 2008

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New Year’s Southern Tradition

I talked about our Southern Tradition for New Year's a couple of years ago, and without fail, this is what we have every year. Sometimes we have it at midnight on New Year's Eve to welcome in the New Year, sometimes it's New Year's Day lunch and sometimes it's both! This year it's going to be both!

Good Luck Black-eyed Peas

Good Luck Black-eyed Peas

Yesterday, we had three hungry sailors here with us for New Year's Dinner, so there was no time for photos once the dinner was ready. This plate was actually my dinner plate from two years ago, but it's the exact same thing we had yesterday and will continue to have every New Year's Day.

New Year's Day Dinner

New Year's Day Dinner

Our peas were gone in record time because I was feeding five hungry men and I don't really feel like I ate a sufficient amount for the amount of good luck I need in 2011.

So… I'm running to the store for more peas to have for lunch today. I'll be counting them to assure that I eat 365 peas! One pea for each day of the year! (It's a little obsessive, I know…but you can't mess with tradition.)

Here's to 2011 being a year filled with good luck and prosperity. 🙂


Posted under Holidays

This post was written by LilSis on January 2, 2011


QVC New Beauty Test Tube Time

A few weeks ago; I was pleasantly surprised when the UPS driver rang the doorbell and dropped off a package containing another New Beauty Test Tube.

BigSis sent me my first one a few months ago but I didn't know that she signed me up to receive one each quarter. 🙂

THANKS again, BigSis.

Here are the eight awesome products that came in the Test Tube this quarter.

  • Algenist Firming and Lifting Cream
  • Laura Geller Waterproof Eye Spackle Pen
  • smashbox Photo Finish
  • Mally High Shine Liquid Lip Color
  • philosophy love sweet love shampoo, bath & shower gel
  • bliss lemon+sage body butter
  • Josie Maran 100% Pure Argan Oil
  • Ojon Damage Reverse Restorative Conditioner

I haven't tried all of these products yet; but so far I really like the ones that I have used. Stay tuned; I'll be back in a day or two to tell you about my favorite.

And, I think BigSis might agree.


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by LilSis on September 4, 2012


Clinique Lash Doubling Mascara

Score! I think I've found a new mascara to replace the Maybelline Great Lash that I've been using for years (up until I recently learned that Maybelline tests their products on animals)!

I happened to be in Macy's last week and decided to stop and take a peek at the Clinique counter to check out their mascara. After looking over six or seven different choices, I bought the Clinique Lash Doubling Mascara for $14.00 and just kept my fingers crossed that I would like it.

Clinique Lash Building Mascara

Clinique Lash Doubling Mascara

I can't say that this mascara magnifies your lashes to twice their size, as Clinique claims, but so far, I like the Clinique Lash Doubling Mascara in Black even more than I liked the Great Lash.

It glides on easily because it's thinner than some mascaras, which is one reason that I liked the Great Lash. This mascara didn't clump, flake off, or smudge, even after a workout.

I also love the size and the shape of the tapered brush because it separates the lashes nicely and reaches each and every little lash.

(After several uses, you may find that you need to dab off a little product from the point of the brush, but it's not near as bad as some thick mascaras.)

The best thing about this product, and the reason for me switching mascaras, is that Clinique is on the list of companies that DO NOT test their products on animals.

A couple of months ago, after BigSis revealed the story about the beagles being rescued from a testing lab, she and I both committed to not purchasing any more products from companies that animal test. Unfortunately that list is longer than you may realize. It's really easy to go to to check out the list of companies that DO test on animals and those that DO NOT test on animals.

I've still got a lot of work to do to get my household purged of all products made by companies who animal test, but little by little, as I run out of something, I make sure that I replace it with a product made by a cruelty-free company. 🙂


Posted under Beauty and Skin Care

This post was written by LilSis on September 13, 2010

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Cruelty-Free Shopping: 1st Update

Lil Bunny

Do I want to be responsible for hurting this littl bun bun? Oh, hell, no!

A little over a month ago, I made a commitment to purge my household – and my life – of products that are tested on animals.  I heard about the 120 beagles who were rescued on July 4th from a bankrupt testing lab in New York, and was absolutely heartbroken to think that they had never been outdoors, chased a ball or run with other dogs.  They had never been allowed to be dogs; they were just test subjects.

I've been vegetarian for 16 years, and 99% vegan for the last 8 months, so it seemed inconsistent that I avoid eating meat, dairy and eggs because I don't want to be a party to an animal's suffering, but I'm doing exactly that when I buy my favorite Loreal mascara.  Or Charmin toilet paper.  Or Garnier hair color.

So I decided to get with the program and clean out my house.  Care to know how it's going?  I'm not gonna lie; it's a bit tough here and there.  I have these random conflicted conversations with myself…

Maybe I'll just buy the Charmin toilet paper one more time, then I'll buy Seventh Generation.

No, you're a hypocrite. You said you were committed.

I am, but it's TOILET PAPER for cryin out loud!  I can't buy crappy TOILET PAPER!  No one will know if I buy it just once more.

You'll know.  You'll make one exception, then it'll be two, then fourteen.  Do it 100% or don't do it all.

Yeah, but I can't find a new mascara that I like.  I have to have a good mascara!  You can't expect me to sacrifice everything!

If you buy that mascara, you're responsible for poking the wand into a bunny's eye!  Don't do it!  Don't do it!  There are plenty of other mascaras out there that you haven't tried yet.  Don't be a quitter.

Well, what about my Clorox Toilet Wand?  Do I have to go back to having a drippy germy toilet brush in my bathroom?

Stop being a baby!  Are you committed to living without contributing to animal suffering, or are you committed to whining?

And so it goes.

To be completely honest, it's easier to replace some products than others.

  • Method and quite a few other companies make cleaning products that are cruelty-free.
  • The Seventh Generation laundry detergent that I bought is happily cheaper than Tide!
  • I've tried 3 mascaras already, and am not in love with any of them, but I have others to try and am confident there is a great mascara out there that is not animal-tested.
  • I found a shaving cream that smells heavenly, like coconuts, and feels like buttah!

On the other hand, I'm having some big challenges.

  • The biggest is with paper products.  I'm pretty picky about the brands of TP, paper towels and napkins I buy; not to mention those, you know – feminine products – and I haven't found any good replacements for them yet.  There don't seem to be many options at all to choose from.  Surely, there has to be a solution!  The search continues…
  • I'm also wondering what to do about my Swiffer Wet Jet that I dearly love.  Could there be a way to still make use of it since I already have it, without buying any more liquid or pad refills?  Those things were darn expensive anyway.

As I test more products and find excellent cruelty-free products, I'm going to assemble a list that will hopefully help someone else in my position.  I don't want to blow smoke at you and tell you this process is a piece of cake, but it's worthwhile and I'm committed.  Still whining a little now and then, because apparently I'm a much bigger brand-ho than I realized, and I like things the way I like them.  But I'm still committed!  😀

I'm really hoping that some of you will have some suggestions for me!  If you do, PLEASE send them my way and I'll pay it forward!

Lil Bunny image from KevenLaws Flickr photostream.


Posted under Animals

This post was written by BigSis on September 2, 2010
