Food Face Plate

August 4, 2009

We had a great weekend celebrating SisMama’s birthday, and will talk about it later this week.  Meanwhile, I just stumbled upon this cool item and wanted to share it.

Do you remember being a kid and needing encouragement to eat?  I don’t.  I think I’ve always liked to eat, and sometimes wish I didn’t enjoy it so much!  But I’ve known kids who weren’t interested in food at all, and had to be bribed or threatened to eat.  Maybe this cool product would make mealtime fun for them, or maybe it would be even more fun for us big kids!

Food Face Plate

Food Face Plate

It’s Wooly Willy; that dude from the magnetic game you took in the car with you on road trips!  But now, he’s on a plate and instead of decorating him with magnetic metal shavings, you’re decorating him with your food.  I love the green bean eyebrows!

I heard about the Food Face Plate from FreshTrend, and found the plates available for sale on Perpetual Kid for $9.95.  If you buy one of these and play with your food, send us a photo!


Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker plus a Bonus Freebie!

July 7, 2009

Cuisinart 2 qt Stainless Steel Ice Cream Maker

Cuisinart 2 qt Stainless Steel Ice Cream Maker

We have just one week of July behind us, so there’s still plenty of summer left, and what better way to celebrate summer than with ice cream! LilSis mentioned this great Cuisinart ice cream maker a while back, and it’s been in the back of my mind ever since.

When the new Williams-Sonoma catalog (schwing!) came out last week, guess what was in it?  This same awesome 2-quart Cuisinart stainless steel ice cream maker at the excellent price of $79.95.  But guess what?  If you buy this shiny little beauty from Williams-Sonoma by August 3, you get a $20 gift card for the store by mail…free!  Free free free! My favorite price!

So I’m thinking.  Ice cream and a $20 gift card to one of my favorite stores.  It seems like a no-brainer to me.  Only problem is I’ll also have to spring for The Vegan Scoop ($13.59 at Amazon) since dairy ice cream doesn’t like me.

Williams-Sonoma Ice Cream Party Bowls

Williams-Sonoma Ice Cream Party Bowls

Oh, and I’ll have to get these cute exclusive ice cream party bowls for $39 from Williams-Sonoma.

And by the time I gobble down a few quarts of non-dairy ice cream, I’m going to need bigger pants.  Maybe the $20 gift card isn’t such a good deal after all.

Oh, who in the hecky darn am I kidding?  Free is free, people!  Run…don’t walk…to Williams-Sonoma and get your ice cream maker and your gift card before this deal expires!  If you run, I bet you’ve already burned enough calories to eat a bowl of mint chocolate chip by the time you get there!


Citizens of Humanity Jeans

June 13, 2009

Hey BigSis, there has never been a case of “noassatall” in our family, so we definitely have more of a challenge when buying jeans (plus, as you so nicely reminded me, we’re not 20-something any more).

Before I start rambling, one really good thing to keep in mind, unless you have a teeny tiny hiney, don’t buy a pair with pockets and all the crazy stitching and bling, bling on the back.  I don’t even know what brand most of them are, but they are all the rage out here these days. I see some of the cutest, young girls at my hair salon wearing jeans with cute pockets and stitching and buttons, but, seriously, don’t do it unless you’re trying to make your rear end look twice it’s actual size.

Okay, now that I got that off my chest, my absolute favorites are still the Citizens of Humanity Ingrid #2 Low Rise Flare Style. I discovered them about seven years ago when we first moved to CA. I have three pairs of the exact same size and style, yet in different washes.

I had no idea that they sold Citizens of Humanity jeans on Amazon! Here’s another view of the Ingrid #2 Low Rise Flares.

Citizens of Humanity Ingrid #2 Low Rise Flare

Citizens of Humanity Ingrid #2 Low Rise Flare

My first pair was a really light blue, and overly stone washed pair. I loved those jeans! But, I discovered that it’s not the best idea to get the stone washed ones because they do wear out quicker. The fabric is definitely thinner and mine got some natural holes, (not the kind people actually pay extra for) in the back under the bum. They were since ruined at the cleaners when I asked them to repair the holes, (long story and I’m still pissed about it so no sense rehashing it now).

So, technically I only have two pair that I can wear, but I still can’t throw away the ruined pair. I keep dreaming that one day I’ll wake up and my butt will have reverted back to what it looked like in my twenties and I’ll cut the jeans off into a cute, little pair of Daisy Dukes! (I should pull my head out of my arse out of the clouds).

The other two are darker blues; one more casual and a little faded and the other has a much wider flare and longer length to wear with heels.

BigSis, when we met in Vegas for your birthday, I was so glad to see that you had finally bitten the bullet and bought yourself a couple of pair of awesome jeans!  It’s funny that our body shapes are so different, yet you ended up buying the exact same style and same size as my Citizens.

What’s not so funny is that us ‘forty-somethings’ can work out for months or even years to finally to get to where we feel okay about our bodies. But, heaven forbid, if for some reason, we have to stop our normal routine for a few weeks, it doesn’t take long for the buttocks to head south and the thighs to head east and west!  I bet if I put on my jeans today, I’d have a nice little muffin top! 🙁

I have one pair of 7 for all mankind that I also love. They fit great and are really comfortable. Again, I keep the stitching on the back simple. The style I have is this Bootcut in New York Dark.

7 for all Mankind Boot Cut in New York Dard

7 for all mankind Boot Cut in New York Dark

I haven’t ever tried on a pair of Joe’s Jeans but I’ve heard that they are also fabulous jeans. I love that Rocker style. I just might have to try on a pair of these next time I’m at Macy’s or Nordstrom’s.

Anybody got a favorite brand of jean that you’d care to share with us? How about any great tips on making our forty-something butts look like they’re in their twenty-somethings? Okay, I’d be happy with a thirty-something looking fanny! 🙂


Jeans to Flatter a 40-Something Butt

June 12, 2009

When I say “40-Something Butt”, I’m talking about a butt that’s 40+ years old, but I could also be talking about a butt that’s 40+ inches around.  Either way, shopping for jeans can be as stressful as shopping for a swimsuit, and you know why?  For me, it’s because I’m too stingy!  And cheap jeans usually means poor fit + crummy fabric = yukky looking bum.

I’ve realized that spending a little bit more for jeans is SO worth it.  Scrimp and save money on other things, but don’t be cheap like the old me when it comes to jeans.  A well-made and perfectly-fitting pair of jeans will do MIRACLES for your rear view.  Trust me.  Go to a store that has a wide selection of quality jeans, and just try them on, even if you think you will absolutely not ever buy one single pair.  I promise that you will see an enormous difference, and will be sold as I was when I spent a couple of hours at Nordstrom’s last year.  Did I think I would ever ever ever spend over $100 on a pair of ding dang blue jeans?  Oh, HELL no!  I’m way too cheap for that.  But I only had to look in the 360 degree mirror to see what that price tag brought to my bod.

An excellent pair of jeans will enhance your heinie, lengthen your legs, smooth out the line of your thighs, and flatter your hips.  No, I’m not smoking crack…these things can be achieved via a wise choice in jeans worn with a great pair of heels.  I think that when you’re 20 years old and have never experienced pregnancy, decades of gravity, hormones and/or metabolism issues, you can get away with cheaper clothes.   Am I right?  Am I right? But when you’re 40-something, you owe it to your wonderful body to clothe it strategically.  That means good jeans!  Wearing crappy old I-don’t-care-what-my-butt-looks-like-cuz-I’ve-given-up jeans will age you as fast as the sun on your face!!  Don’t do it!

I have a butt and a small waist, so most jeans will gape at the waist if they fit in the hips.  These are the jeans that I’m thrilled about wearing now.  Note that I had them hemmed a bit, even though I’m 5’7″ with pretty long legs (good jeans give you a very generous length), but no other alterations whatsoever were necessary.  They even fit in the waist!

  • Joe’s Jeans:  Rocker lean flare fit…my absolute favorites!  They’re dark dark dark wash, and fit like they were made for me.  These are my dressiest jeans.  And mine don’t have the bleachy light spots on them that you see in the photo below.  Oh, and that’s not me in the photo, just in case you thought it was.  😉
Rocker Fit Joe's Jeans

Joe's Rocker Jeans

Ingrid Citizens of Humanity Jeans

Citizens of Humanity Ingrid Jeans

Keep in mind that the key is that you try on a BUNCH of brands and styles and colors til you find the perfect fit for you!  I promise it’s out there.  And once you find it, your butt will do a little happy dance!

LilSis, you were my motivation to get my butt into a fabulous pair of jeans, so I have to ask you. What are your favorite jeans right now?  Do you have any tips for choosing the right pair, other than trying on everything and then examining the rear view?


Canton, Hummingbirds and Honey Butter

June 4, 2009

If you’re from Texas, you’ve no doubt heard of Canton First Monday Trade Days.  It’s a once-a-month ginormous flea market that pretty much dominates the whole town.  I’ve been a bunch of times, but SisMama had never been so BDot and I took SisMama and her sister C to the spectacle last weekend.  We were really pushing it weather-wise though.  The temp got up into the low 90s so we were literally sweating our butts off since we were there for 6 hours!  PS, the butts grew back.  Rats!

We did find some cool things, as is always the case with Canton!  C and I each bought a really pretty hummingbird feeder from Sweet B & B Hummingbird Feeders.  They’re a super-nice couple who make these feeders out of copper, and sell them through their web site and at markets.  I love being able to support what folks like B & B (Beau and Becky) are doing, rather than running to the WallyMart to buy every little thing.  I bought this cute feeder that I have sucked onto my patio window, so that hopefully the kitties can see some birds up close!


So far, no diners have come to eat, but it’s only been a few days. I have a long red ribbon dangling from the feeder, and I’m going to get a pot of brightly colored flowers for the patio this weekend.  If any of you have suggestions on how to attract hummingbirds, please let me know!

BDot and I got something else unusual, that I totally DID NOT need. It’s all BDot’s fault since he tempted me with this product that he’s gotten before at Canton.  It’s called Pecan Honey Butter, and it’s so wicked delicious!  It came from East Texas Gourmet Foods, and I’m happy to see that they have online ordering too.  Just for gift ordering, you know.  😀

honeybutterI never said this stuff was healthy…it’s totally a naughty treat, but we all need a touch of that from time to time!  Besides the Pecan Honey Butter, they also have Cinnamon, Praline, Apple Spice, Amaretto Pecan, Apricot Orange, Raspberry Pecan, and Cranberry Orange Pecan flavors.  I tried the Praline and Cinnamon varieties and loved them both too.  I SO want to spread a blob of this on a hot biscuit.  Do you think that would be bad for my cellulite?  Surely not!

If you get the chance, check out this Texas extravaganza.  But take my advice, and don’t go in the heat of the summer.  You’ll be miserable!  Go in the spring or the fall, and enjoy the mad fun!  Meanwhile, check out the hummingbird feeders and the honey butters online.


Hello Kitty Fun from Japan!

May 19, 2009

When I got back from vacay, I had finally received the little box of fun Hello Kitty goodies I ordered that came all of the way from Japan!  You might think they would only appeal to an 8 year old, but I love Hello Kitty and these are the most adorable things.  Even the packaging is precious!  The fact that you can’t get these items in the U. S.  just makes them more desirable to me!  I think the appeal of Hello Kitty is that she is so innocent and so girly, and you have to smile a little bit when you use something with a Hello Kitty theme.  That’s my theory at least.

So, here’s what I got.  My items cost $17, and the shipping (albeit slow shipping) all the way from Japan was just $6.55.  It was well worth it to me for all this funness and cuteness!

  • Hello Kitty 3D Cookie Cutter ($6.20).  How sweet is this?  Picture a birthday party or baby shower with a bunch of these all lined up!
I can't wait to use these!

I can't wait to use these!

  • Hello Kitty Boiled Egg Shaper ($6).  Don’t ask me why I want boiled eggs shaped like Hello Kitty.  I just do.
Silly, I know, but irresistible!

Silly, I know, but irresistible!

  • Hello Kitty Mayonnaise Cup and Spoon Set ($4.80 – itty bitty containers for whatever).
No idea what I'll use these for, but it doesn't matter!

No idea what I'll use these for, but it doesn't matter!

Did I need ANY of these things?  Well, no.  But kind of.  Like all of you guys, I need to have some pointless little trivial fun every now and then.  Not a big trip to an exotic beach, not a new expensive handbag, not a new car, not even a massage and a pedicure.  Just a little somethin somethin cute, cheap and fun.  There are lots of other cute things too on J-List, which is where I got all these little jewels.  How about a Hello Kitty pancake shaper, bento box, training chopsticks, seaweed punch set, rice shaper, pudding mold, ice cube tray, or muffin mold? You never know when you might need these things!

If you need a little inexpensive Japanese fun in your world or in your daughter’s or granddaughter’s world, check out J-List.  They have a huge selection of products other than Hello Kitty, but I was only there to get my Kitty fix! Meow!


Iwako Pastry Erasers

February 2, 2009

pastry-erasersDon’t these pastries look yummy?  Cream puff, anyone?


Okay, so you can’t eat these yummy little pastries! These are actually a set of novelty erasers from Japan. They’ve been on back-order for weeks and I just received my email from Jet Pens that this set of Iwako pastry erasers with tray is now available.

How cute would these be sitting on your desk? I do a lot of number crunching, and yes, I do occasionally need to erase mistakes. I think it’s going to make erasing a little more fun if I do it with a cute little donut or cream puff.

This little dessert tray set is cute, too.


And, they also have a little sushi set.


If I had more time to look through the Jet Pens website, I’m sure I could find tons of stuff that I’d like to have but don’t really need! For now, I’m just going to start with the little pastry set. I can’t wait to have that little tray of yummies on my desk!


Shoe Shelves and Shoe Racks

January 30, 2009

So, you wanna see my shoe closet, BigSis?  Well, I know you won’t be surprised to find out that I do not have a color photo of each pair of shoes on the outside of a plastic Container Store shoe box. For some reason, I’ve never liked keeping my shoes in boxes. I’m sure it’s better for the shoe to be tucked away in a dust free box, but I tried it once and it bothered me. I like to keep my shoes in racks or on shelves so I can see them.  Right now, I have a combination of the two. The top ranked favorites get the shelf.


Now, when a new pair comes into the picture, another has to get demoted to the rack, as the shelves are full.

Here are my two shoe racks. Oh, and did you say you like black shoes? I have a few myself.


Here’s the other rack. These are the least worn and in line to be donated to a local womens shelter.  I usually go through my closet a couple of times a year and donate those that haven’t been worn for a while.


And I always keep two pair of running shoes handy, just on the floor in my closet, not in a nice hanging shoe bag. When I buy a new pair for running on the street, the old pair gets is used for running on the beach. And, I’ve got my baby blue pair of converse just for casual running around.


So, now you know how I keep my shoes organized. Nothing fancy.

I definitely think that we will have to talk about the P-Touch Labeler at a later date, when we’re ready to talk about another obsession:  office supplies.  I’ve got a cute, cute set of little baby erasers shaped like little pastries that I’m about to order. (They were so popular that they’ve been on back order.)  I’ll share those with everyone soon!

Are we weird, or do we both just have a mild case of OCD?


How do you organize your shoes?

January 29, 2009

Great collection of sandals, LilSis.  If I were just one shoe size smaller, I’d steal some of those from you!

Besides being shoe-lovers/fanatics, I know we have something else in common, and that is being just a *little* obsessive about how we organize our lives.  Being organized and having a system just makes my life run better, and I’m not ashamed!  Can we talk about our shared love for the P-Touch labeler, for example?  Schwing schwing schwing!  Don’t get me started.  I’d label my cats if the labels would stick to their fur. ^..^

I digress.  I’m thinking today about how we all organize our shoes.  One method is the ubiquitous pile o’ shoes on the closet floor.  One is the scrambled stash of shoes under the bed.  Another style of “organizing” is shoes all over the house…wherever you took them off when you last wore them is where they’re currently filed, just waiting to be called into service again.

My preferred method – not that it’s better than any of these styles – is neat stacks of Container Store shoe boxes and a couple of wooden IKEA shoe racks.  I have to have a color photo taped in the front of each translucent box so that I can see what’s inside without opening it.  My nicer shoes get to cuddle dust-free inside the boxes, while the more casual shoes have to chill on the wood racks under my suits.  All the flip flops go into an IKEA hanging shoe sorter, and the tennis shoes are lined up like little (not that little) athletic soldiers.

If I’m not organized/sorted/filed, then my stress level goes up.  I can’t work or play or be creative if I’m living or working in a mess.  So trust me that I’m not being holier-than-thou or self-righteous (which LilSis and I have both been called – you know who you are) when I show my organized shoe collection, I’m just preserving what little sanity I still call mine!  And I obviously need every bit of it!

7 new boxes need labels! ASAP!

7 new boxes need photos! ASAP!

Sometimes I wish I was more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of a girl, but I am who I am, and that’s all what I am, to quote Popeye.  BTW, my pants are sorted by style and color in my closet, I have to confess.  I need help.

So, LilSis, share your shoe organization style.  I promise not to judge you, whether it’s immaculate or a little random!  We all have to find the method that works best for us, given our personality, the space we have available to us, and the budget we’re working under!  Show me your shoes!


Sandal Fetish

January 28, 2009

Oh yeah, I LOVE shoes! That’s another fetish that we both share! I’ve had a teeny, tiny obsession with shoes for about as long as I can remember. Back in the “old days” when I wore a suit to the office every day, I used to buy more dressy pumps.  Since I work from home now, I’m a flip flop and sandals kind of gal!

I practically live in sandals! I rarely wear a closed toe shoe, even in the winter. I don’t even own very many any more. They can really mess up a nice pedicure!

I hate to admit it, but probably 75% of the time, you will find me wearing these reliable, comfortable Roxy flip flops.


Here are a few more of my most favorite sandals! Can you tell I like wedges? The ones in the middle are Colin Stewart, from Victoria Secret that my bestest friend, K, gave me. And the ones on the ends are from Nine West.


I love these Dolce Vita wedge sandals that I found on sale at Nordstroms in Dallas.


And I just happen to have a photo of me wearing these shoes.


I guess I always buy a new pair of shoes when I’m back home in Dallas. I found  these Franco Sarto sandals at Dillards.


I also happen to have a picture of me in these shoes.


I’ve gotten so MUCH wear out of these Mia wedges. These have a strap that wraps around the ankle so they are really cute on.  I wish I had a photo of these on my feet.


And I bought this pair of Born sandals at the mall in Vegas because my feet were killing me in my other sandals. This is actually my first pair of Born sandals and I love them. They are so comfortable!


So, those are just several of my favorite sandals. That is probably more than anyone even cares to know about my sandal fetish, but you asked, BigSis, so there’s your answer! If you get me started talking about shoes, it’s almost as bad as talking about MAC eyeshadows! I just can’t stop!
