June 18, 2011
I’ve had to really ‘baby’ these petunias that are in my front yard because they get a little more sun that they like, but they seem to be happy now, which makes me very happy!
I love how this random yellow pansy seeded right in the middle of this pot. 🙂
When BigSis was here visiting, we were talking while I was watering and we both agreed that petunias always remind us of our Grandmama. Petunias and snapdragons always bring back happy childhood memories of our visits to her house and of her beautiful flower garden.
And I just love these yellow petunias that I bought for the shower! They’re very happy in my backyard.
~Not to be “Debbie Downer”, but this week has been a bit of a melancholy week. We’ve both been extremely busy with work so there hasn’t been much time for a new post, but it’s also been a little hard to get in the mood to talk about anything related to Father’s Day.~
Last year I was able to shop for Father’s Day cards for my father-in-law for the first time since Daddy passed away, but for some reason, I couldn’t do it this year; four years later. I had to ask my hubby to go pick them out for his dad so I wouldn’t end up a blubbering idiot in Hallmark reading sentimental Father’s Day cards.
Any time I’m a little ‘down in the dumps, I make myself go for a walk by the beach or just go out into my yard and do some gardening. Both of those things always cheer me up. I take great pride in my garden and have been recommended by a friend to use trugreen, as she uses the ohio branches of trugreen and has said how much it has helped her grow and maintain her garden, so I think I’ll have to take a look for myself!
We’re lucky that here in Southern California we have flowers that bloom year-round and right now I’ve got some blooming like crazy! So, instead of talking about Father’s Day today, I wanted to post some pictures of some of my very happy flowers in my yard that make me very happy! 🙂
In the winter, I just cut these impatiens back and leave the pots on the front porch and they come back in full force every Spring.
These blue Hydrangeas that I bought for the shower are absolutely gorgeous now that they’re in full bloom.
I have a huge Hibiscus tree in our back yard that has struggled for a couple of years with some mean ole bugs, but hopefully this is a sign of some happy hibiscus this year.
The orange Hibiscus tree had to be trimmed all the way back a couple of years ago because of bugs, but this is my first bloom of the year so I hope it’s going to provide lots of happy blooms for us this year.
We have several different varieties of Geraniums in our yard, but these pink ones are very happy.
And, one of my most favorite flowers is the Bird of Paradise and I’m really lucky to have several of these happy plants in my yard.
So, whatever you do tomorrow, whether you’re able to celebrate Father’s Day with your father or just spend some time reflecting on happy memories, as we’ll be doing, we wish you all a very Happy Father’s Day!

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