Pink Videos Plus 1 to Download!

August 8, 2010

Hey, LilSis, I know you enjoy Pink’s music as much as I do.  I really like the “Glitter in the Air” video you shared the other day.

I love that one minute she’s irreverent, fun and sassy – even wild –  and the next minute she surprises us with a really touching melancholy ballad.  She doesn’t fit the cookie cutter image of a Hollywood pop star (and doesn’t want to), but I don’t feel that her unique style ever overshadows her talent.  Not hatin’ on you, Lady Gaga, I’m just sayin’. 😀

Did you notice Pink’s tweet on Saturday that gave us a link to a special “Please Don’t Leave Me” video that we can download for free?  Just go to Pink’s video page and use the code PDLM.  I don’t know how long the video download will be available, so you might want to grab it now.  If you want to be notified of future downloads, you can sign up for her newsletter.  I did!

You can also watch some of Pink’s videos online on her video page.  I’ve never seen this one for “I Don’t Believe You” but I love it even though it makes me want to cry!

So, now that Pink’s European Funhouse tour has wrapped up, will she be back in the studio to work on a new album?  “Funhouse” was a great one, but I’ve listened to all those songs a bajillion times now and I’m ready for some new Pink music!


Lazy Days of Summer

August 2, 2010

Have you been able to enjoy any lazy days this Summer?

Do you ever have the pleasure of waking up in the morning and knowing that you have absolutely nothing that you have to do that day?


Me neither.

Not in my world.

I can’t even remember the last time I had a day like that.

It was probably three years ago, which was our last vacation.

I was daydreaming about what I’d love to do given just one day with no responsibilities.

It might go something like this.

First, no alarm clock would be set. (It would be so nice to start off the day by awaking naturally and not panicking if it’s past six o’clock.)

After a nice, leisurely breakfast, I would probably go for a walk and then I would hop on my Beach Cruiser and go for a long bike ride without thinking about where I’m going or when I have to be home.

I’d love to spend a few hours at the beach with good friends, a picnic lunch, some cold beverages and a stack of magazines.

Next, I’d come home and maybe do a little gardening and then curl up on a raft with a good book and not worry about the time or what I’m cooking for dinner.

Just to prolong my lazy day, I’d probably stay up late and watch a sappy, ‘chick flick’ and call my best friend that I don’t get to talk to near enough.

And if I happen to fall asleep on the couch, the family would have strict orders not to wake me. (That’s some of the best sleep I ever have.)

One last thing; on my lazy day, the guys aren’t allowed to call me and ask where I’m at, what I’m doing, or when I will be home.

A girl can dream, right?

That would be my idea of a perfect lazy day. 🙂

What would a perfect lazy Summer day be like for you?


Eat Pray Love Movie

July 31, 2010

Eat Pray Love

Bunches of us read Elizabeth Gilbert’s book “Eat Pray Love” when it came out, including LilSis and I. We both loved the book, and I think LilSis even read it twice.  I was a little on guard about some of the new age aspects in parts of the book, but they didn’t taint the rest of it for me.

Now, a movie based on the book is coming out in about 2 weeks on August 13th. You know how you have a mental picture of a book’s characters as you’re reading it? Well, I absolutely did not imagine Julia Roberts as the lead character in this great book. I’m actually not even planning to go see the movie because I think the casting might just ruin the whole film for me. I’m not hating on Julia; I think she was entertaining in “Pretty Woman”, but I don’t think she has the depth and the soul that this role calls for.

Eat Pray Love Movie

Am I being overly-skeptical, or do you agree with me?  Who would be a better choice for the lead role in this movie? It could be so GOOD with the right actress!  Who would you choose?


Pink’s Glitter in the Air

July 28, 2010

I don’t watch any television during the day but I really wanted to see Oprah last Friday when she interviewed Pink and I totally forgot about it. If I had even remembered what day it was on, I could have at least set the DVR to record it. I’m bummed that I missed it.

Every time I hear Pink’s ‘Glitter in the Air’ on the radio, I’m instantly reminded of her jaw-dropping performance at the Grammy’s.

I can’t say enough about how much I love this song and this performance, so if you missed it, I think it’s worth five minutes of your time to watch the video.

I remember after I first saw this on the Grammy’s, I was happy that we had recorded it so I could watch it again. It’s obvious that Pink is serious about staying in good shape and I think after seeing the Cirque de Soleil Zumanity in Vegas last year, it made me appreciate the talent and the strength it takes to perform this type of acrobatics.

I’m so glad that Pink doesn’t even think of lip syncing because her voice is absolutely amazing in this performance. And, as if singing while hanging upside down from the ceiling on a trapeze in a gorgeous, yet skimpy bodysuit isn’t enough; she decides to take it to the next level…


Tidbits from BigSis: Hey, LilSis, I have a few little bits of info that I can add to this. If you follow Pink’s tweets or watch the news, you know that she had an accident last week shortly before her European tour ended. She flew off the stage into the steel barricade between the stage and the concert-goers, and was taken to the hospital. She didn’t have any broken bones, miraculously, just lots of aches and pains.

Also, I heard that Dreya Webber choreographed this Grammy Award performance for Pink. If you do P90X, you know that Dreya is a dancer and aerialist in phenomenal shape, and is in several of the P90X videos.

I love this video too! Thanks for reminding me to watch it again! I just can’t believe that someone else has my favorite outfit!


Get Your Groove on with Grooveshark

July 4, 2010


I’m always looking for motivating new songs for my iPod cardio playlist.  As LilSis just mentioned, I also get tired of my tunes really quickly.  I get some songs from old CDs, but most come from iTunes.  The only problem with discovering new songs on iTunes is that you get to listen to such a short snippet of the song, who knows if you’re going to like the whole song?  You can pay for a song and then not like it at all.

Here’s a solution to that problem…Grooveshark!  Voila!  At Grooveshark, you can listen to songs in their entirety, and even make your own playlists to come back to and listen to time after time.  How is Grooveshark different from iTunes?  You don’t download songs and you can’t put them on your MP3 player.  You just listen to them online.  You also don’t have to pay for using Grooveshark.  If you don’t like dealing with ads on the site, you can pay $30/yr for a VIP account, but they don’t bother me.

You can search Grooveshark by artist, or by keywords that can be found in a song name or album name.  You can also look at the songs that are most popular with other users at the moment to get some idea of what’s hot.

I like to listen to songs on Grooveshark, and then download them on iTunes for my iPod if I like them enough.  It’s the perfect marriage of technology!


Tired of your tunes?

July 2, 2010

Even though I have almost 5000 songs on my iPod, I’ve become completely bored with the songs that I have in my cardio playlist. I bet that I’ve listened to the same songs thousands of times since I created this playlist a few years ago. This past week, I made it a priority to sit down and take a little time to work on it.

I deleted quite a few that I just can’t bear to listen to one more time but I also added some fun new songs to help me boost my workout.  I’ve become so dependent on my iPod that it’s almost impossible for me to workout without it.

Here are a few of my favorites that I’ve been listening to this week.

“Yeah” by Usher

“Bad Romance” by Lady Gaga

“Even Flow” by Pearl Jam

“All the Single Ladies” by Beyonce

And I absolutely adore these next two songs. Neither are upbeat enough for my cardio playlist, but I can listen to them over and over and over again.

“Just Breath” by Pearl Jam

“Hunger Strike” by Temple of the Dog

I’m trying to be more open-minded when it comes to listening to music that’s outside my “norm”.  I could easily get stuck in a 70s, 80s, 90s rut if I let myself, but luckily, having a 16 year old in the house that loves different genres has opened my eyes to some new stuff.

Thanks to BigSis and HayHay for downloading some new tunes for me!

I would LOVE to hear from you if you have some favorite songs that you LOVE to listen to while working out! Just leave a comment or send me a quick email to lilsis at bigsislilsis dot com. 🙂



Vay Cay Mode in So Cal

June 18, 2010

Woo Hoo! It’s Friday! It’s Friday! I love Fridays!

I know you can’t tell, but I’m doing a little happy dance! 🙂

If you’ve been reading BigSisLilSis for any period of time, you already know that Friday is my favorite day of the week and today is not only a Fantastic Friday, it’s a Fantabulous Friday!

SirHoney and I got some fantastic news this week, plus BigSis and SisMama are here in Southern California visiting us, and today, we’re heading to the casino! BigSis says she enjoys gambling at online casinos at the moment because you can learn all you need to know about online bonuses and take better advantage of them. I told her we won’t be benefiting from many bonuses in this casino, but she was happy enough that we were getting to play some slots. Since we’re probably going to be playing penny slots, were not really expecting to hit it big, but we’re going to have fun trying! Perhaps we may have to follow this link or find another online casino similar so we can play something a little more thrilling than penny slots, this way we’ll have a better chance of hitting it big as well, wish us luck!

On another note, since we were just talking about Man vs. Food, did anyone happen to catch the season premier episode on Wednesday night that was filmed here in San Diego? It was awesome! Our favorite part of the show was when Adam tackled the legendary Ironman Challenge at the infamous Broken Yolk Cafe.

Broken Yolk Cafà© Special (For the Iron man or woman)
A dozen-egg omelet filled with mushrooms, onions, American cheese and smothered with chili and more cheese. On the other half of a 15-inch pizza pan is a generous pile of homefries and two biscuits. The Broken Yolk Special is free if you eat it all within an hour.

Here’s a peek at just a couple of their giant four egg omelets. Can you imagine what that 12 egg omelet looks like close-up?

We’re trying to talk HayHay into letting us take him to Broken Yolk Cafe to attempt the challenge, so if we make our own Young Man vs. Food video, we’ll be back to share it with you. Otherwise, we’re in Vay Cay mode here in So Cal and we’ll check back in if we have something fun to report.

Have a great weekend! 🙂


If Today Was Your Last Day

June 12, 2010

“Each day’s is a gift, and not a given right.”

I love these lyrics; and this has been on my mind a lot lately so I wanted to share it here today, in case there’s someone that hasn’t heard this song.

I want to live each and every day by these words!


Fabulous Friday: Sex and the City Shoes!

June 4, 2010

Sarah Jessica Parker in Christian Louboutin Glitter PumpsI know it’s a week late, but tonight I’m going to see the Sex and the City 2 movie and I’m so excited, I can barely stand it!

There was so much going on with everyone last week that it was impossible for us girls to get together for the premier, so tonight, we’re doing a Girl’s Night Out “Dinner and a Movie”.

Not that I could ever afford any of these, but I can’t wait to see all the fabulous shoes they wear in this movie! How about these pumps that SJP has on in this photo to the left. Oh, how I’d love to be wearing a pear of these Christian Louboutin Glitter Pumps to the party tonight! They’re only $595.00. 🙂

Christian Louboutin Glitter Pumps

Sarah Jessica Parker’s Carrie Bradshaw was seen wearing these Brian Atwood Studded Pumps in NYC on September 4th!

Brian Atwood Loca studded Pumps

They retail for $800.00.


Brian Atwood Loca studded Pumps

I think I love this Christian Dior Newspaper print dress as much as the shoes!

Aren’t these Christian Louboutin Lace Booties spectacular?

I read on US Magazine’s site that these shoes were over $3300, but I saw them selling on one site for $1249.00. What a bargain, right?

Christian Louboutin Lace Bootie

This next pair just might be my favorite so far. Another from Christian Louboutin, these gorgeous studded Studio 120 peep-toe pumps can be your for $1895.00. I think I’d feel like Cinderella in these pumps!

Christian Louboutin Studio 120

I sure wish I could go out and buy a new pair of gorgeous heels for my Girls Night Out, but since that’s highly unlikely, maybe I’ll at least treat myself to a pedicure before the party!

Have a great weekend!


Lee DeWyze is our new American Idol!

May 27, 2010

A HUGE congratulations goes out to Lee DeWyze, who beat Crystal Bowersox last night to become our Season Nine American Idol!!

I LOVE this moment!

Both BigSis and I have loved Lee right from the beginning and are thrilled to see him take the title of American Idol! I love the fact that Lee was a normal hometown guy working hard in a local paint store just months ago and now he’s our newest American Idol! The fact that he was supposed to be the “underdog” made it even sweeter to hear his name announced. I’m a sap for a happy ending!

I’ve also loved Crystal from the beginning and was glad to see her take the runner-up spot. She’s got amazing talent and I’m sure she’ll have a very successful career despite the fact that she didn’t win the title. The duet that Lee and Crystal sang together is one of my favorite performances of the season.

Congratulations again to Lee! He’s gotta be the happiest guy on the planet today! 🙂
