Missing Lost’s Sawyer and His Nicknames Already!

May 24, 2010

The emotional toll of Sunday night’s Lost series finale is still too fresh.

I can’t talk about it.


I’ll cry again.

For now, until I compose myself a bit, the best I can do is to bring you a couple of videos that capture some of the best moments of the last six years…Sawyer’s nicknames.  I haven’t missed an episode, but I still can’t believe how many of these gems there are.  Miss you already, Sawyer!

One of my faves is when Sawyer called Lapidus “Kenny Rogers”.  Or how about Captain Falafel?  Costanza?  Deep Dish?  Captain Bunny Killer?  Sheena?  Short Brown?  Limey Runt?  What are your favorite nicknames out of all these?  Is there anything else you feel up to sharing about the end of the show?  Tell me!


Dresses of Hope for Haitian Girls

May 16, 2010


Photo from 3seams.com

Happy little faces, aren’t they?

These little girls probably have lots to be unhappy about, considering that they live in Haiti where the devastation continues.

True; children have a way of finding joy where there is none.  At least none that our adult eyes can see.

But one of the reasons these little girls are smiling is that they have adorable new dresses.  Dresses that were made by hand for them.  Dresses of cute cheerful fabric that are reversible, with shoulder ties to allow for adjustments as their girls grow taller.  Dresses that can become precious tops to wear with shorts later on.  Dresses that their girls can love and cherish and wear for a long time to come.


Photo from 3seams.com

Is this the cutest dress you ever saw?  Any little girl would love it.  But can you imagine what this gift would mean to a little girl in Haiti with nothing left?

How did this wonderful thing happen?  The answer is the dream and the vision of Inga from 3seams.  Inga is in Haiti at this moment, training 5 seamstresses to make dresses for the Haitian girls who are in such need.  It was only through donations that 3seams was able to make the trip to carry out their mission:

To reach beyond ourselves through children’s clothing, promoting global interaction, and putting faith and love into motion!

Beautiful, isn’t it?

I’m not sure how long 3seams will be in Haiti or what they have planned afterward, but I’m going to follow their progress. If there’s an opportunity for us all to help them with future projects, I’ll bring that to you.

Thanks to Angie from Bring the Rain for her charming post on this great work; and for sharing it with folks like me who hadn’t heard about it.

Way to set a great example of us, Inga!  We’re proud of you!


Get Lost Before the Series Finale May 23!

May 12, 2010

Can you believe we only have one more regular episode of Lost before the season and series finale on May 23rd? Noooooo!!!! Say it isn’t so!  I haven’t even recovered yet from losing Sayid, Sun, and Jin (and maybe Lapidus?).

I’ve been watching this show since the very first episode 6 years ago, and these people are my fwends. They can’t all go away and leave me! Well, I kinda could handle them all going away if they just left Sawyer to console me. Mwah ha ha ha.

I say we should enjoy every last morsel of Lost before it’s gone.  Here are some goodies and funnies I found that tickle me:

Lost's Sawyer Tousled

Let’s start with a goodie, shall we?  You didn’t think I could talk about Lost without including a gratuitous Sawyer photo, did you?  😀

Now, how about planning a Lost Finale Party!  Get the details from the theackattack.net.  If you don’t know about this site, you have to check it out before Lost is gone!  Rachel does a review of each episode that is dead-on accurate and hilarious.  Here’s the recap of last week’s The Candidate.

Once Lost is finished, maybe we could get our Lost fix with a Lost cartoon series!  Ion9.com has a gallery of character drawings that’s priceless.  I love how the facial expressions capture each character to a T.

I feel like I need a souvenir from the last 6 years.  What do you buy when you visit some place fun?  You buy a t-shirt, of course, and we’ve definitely been somewhere!  I like the women’s Oceanic Airlines t-shirt on ABC’s store site.

Benjamin Linus BobbleheadWho knew there were Lost bobbleheads!  This Benjamin Linus bobblehead from entertainmentearth.com has bloody scrapes on his face and his arm is in a sling!  Ha!  It’s sold out right now, but I want it.

You can also choose Hurley, Kate, Richard, Dr. Edgar Halliwax, John Locke, Daniel Farraday, Jacob, Man in Black, or Claire Littleton (OMG, she’s holding that creepy monkey-body baby thing!)

But wait!  No Sawyer?  Are you kidding me?  Travesty of a mockery of a sham!  You can’t have Lost bobbleheads and not do Sawyer!  He’s the bobbliest bobblehead of all!

Before I go, let me remind you to mark your calendars.  The Lost finale event is Sunday, May 23rd.  It starts at 7 pm/6 pm central time.  Til then, let me know if you find any fun Lost stuff!


Fabulous Friday

May 7, 2010

I LOVE Fridays! Is there anyone out there that doesn’t love Friday? For most of us, Friday marks the end of a hard work week and the beginning of a relaxing weekend! Right?

BigSis and I were talking the other day and we decided that since we both love our Fridays, we’re going to try something new. We’re going to take this day to share with you something that we find to be fabulous. And if it’s something extraordinarily fabulous, we may have to call it Fantabulous Friday!

So, to kick it off today, here are a couple of things that I find to be quite fabulous!

Ever Hip Creme Sheen from MAC Give Me Liberty of London Collection

Ever Hip Creme Sheen from MAC Give Me Liberty of London Collection

Not only is this limited-edition shade, Ever Hip, a perfectly fabulous color for me, but I find the glossy white case to be equally fabulous.

Ever Hip Creme Sheen from MAC Liberty of London Collection

Fabulously decorated case!

The case is decorated with an exclusively created flower and bird pattern for the MAC Give Me Liberty of London Collection. I don’t know what I’ll do with the case when the lipstick is gone, but I won’t be recycling this one.

Urban Decay Summer of Love Shadow Palette

Urban Decay Summer of Love Shadow Palette

This Urban Decay Summer of Love Shadow Palette is nothing less than fabulous! This gorgeous palette was a surprise Mother’s Day gift from BigSis that I just received in the mail two days ago and I’m already madly in love with it!

Urban Decay Summer of Love Shadow Palette

Sexy, Shimmery, Silky-Soft Shadows!

I tried one of these shadows when we went out Wednesday night and I can tell you that this eyeshadow is going to give MAC some competition! This lovely palette came with a fabulous 24/7 Glide On Pencil and travel size Sin Eyeshadow Primer Potion. The mirror and the magnetic cover are also fabulous, so what more can I say?

Borrego Spring Resort Pool


And lastly, today is an especially fabulous Friday for me because this is where I will be today. 🙂

We’ll be in the desert for a Father Son Golf Tournament and I will be by the pool in the fabulous ‘almost 100 degree’ weather catching up on some magazine reading while the guys are golfing. I couldn’t ask for a better way to spend two days! 🙂

I hope you have a Fabulous Friday!


Dallas Spring Snow!

March 21, 2010

What a crazy weird winter it has been for us in Texas!  Snow on Christmas Eve, record-setting snow in February and now snow on the first full day of Spring!  Here in Dallas, I woke up this morning to at least 3 inches of snow!  It’s so beautiful and so rare for us that I had to share some photos with you…

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow

Dallas Texas Spring Snow


How long does it take for Bachelor lust to fizzle?

March 1, 2010

So what did you think about the conclusion of the Bachelor? Did you see the handwriting on the wall from the beginning of the episode?

  • Did you think it was weird that Jake’s family changed their opinion of Vienna so easily?  His mom seemed to be pretty intuitive from the beginning, and Jake was totally defensive about it, and was freaking out that he might have given his family a negative first impression of Vienna.
  • You knew it was trouble when all Jake could say to Tenley was I love your eyes, your smile, your positivity, blah blah blah.  That isn’t the way you talk to someone you’re in love with.
  • How harsh/stupid/mean was it for Jake to say that he and Tenley didn’t have physical chemistry?  Was he placing the pure lust he seems to feel for Vienna, above the emotional connection that he seemed to have with Tenley?  Ouch.  I would have been hurt too.  We all know that the lust stuff can wear out, and then what do you have left if that was the whole basis of your relationship?  Eventually you have to stop rolling around in the mud, and join reality:  start doing dishes and cleaning out the garage and taking the kids to soccer practice.

Do you believe me now when I tell you I heard that Jake isn’t with the woman who got the last rose, and in fact they had already split by the time “After the Final Rose” was shot?  We’ll see.


Darn Bachelor

February 25, 2010


I swore I’d never watch another one of these ding dang things!  After that whole Jason debacle, I was so hissed off that I swore I’d never again waste my time on this show!  I didn’t watch Bachelorette last year and I didn’t start Bachelor this year.  That is, until Bry moved in!  Gah!  I hope he doesn’t lose his man card for this, but some chickadee got him hooked on the show and I started watching it with him.

Even though I’ve been watching, I still don’t feel very invested in the “characters”. Maybe I’m protecting myself since Jason burned me so badly when Kind Humble Man turned into Flaky Man and traded in Melissa for Molly after the fact.  This season just feels a little shallow to me, which I guess would mean the other seasons have been full of deep meaningful content?  🙂

One interesting tidbit this season was the whole Rozlyn travesty of a mockery of a sham and her appearance on the “Women Tell All” episode this past Monday. Really? Does she honestly think we believe a teensy weensy word she has to say?  You get caught red-handed (or red-whatever) by several people, and still lie like a rug?  And then you attack Mr. NiceGuy Chris Harrison in the process?

Two thoughts about that.  #1, didn’t Forrest Gump say stupid is as stupid does?  He would probably say the same thing about pretty.  It doesn’t matter how gorgeous you are on the outside if the inside is contaminated by a lack of character with a big dose of mean and nasty.

#2, don’t be hatin’ on Chris Harrison, friend, just because you’re caught in a corner.  That’s just not right.  I happened to see him at a local Jason’s Deli with his family a while back, and he seemed like a pretty lovely man to me.  PS, he’s more handsome in person.

So, back to our story.  Will it Be Vienna, or Tenley, or neither?  All I’ll say is that I heard from a little bird that it doesn’t matter which one gets the final rose, cause Jake isn’t with the “winner”.


Glad I’m not invested.


We are the World 25 for Haiti

February 24, 2010

I need to snap out of it. I haven’t been able to focus much on anything since Sunday because I’ve been so preoccupied thinking about how Bry is doing at Basic Training. I know he’s in good hands so I’ve got to make myself stop worrying.

Sometimes we get so caught up with what’s going on with ourselves and our own little world, that we forget about others who have far worse problems than our own. I don’t know why today was the first day that I actually took the time to watch the We are the World 25 for Haiti video, but I’m glad that I did. There’s some awesome talent on this video and some unbelievable shots of the tragedy in Haiti.

Even after watching the video, it’s not possible to understand the magnitude of the loss and devastation in Haiti. I don’t know how much money has been raised so far, but you can still go to World25.org to download the video, donate, and download the song from iTunes.

It’s amazing how this group of talented artists of all ages and genres came together to help the people of Haiti.


How Many Texans Does it Take to Build an Igloo?

February 14, 2010

One, two, three, four, five.  Five.  It takes five Texans to build an igloo!

Dallas Igloo

This is my friend SAA and her family, with the igloo they built during Dallas’ 12.5 inch record snowfall on February 11.  I’ll bet I never get to say those words again…

Way to go SAA and crew!


Snowmageddon Record in Dallas!

February 14, 2010

Last Thursday, the Dallas area got a whopping 12.5 inches of snow; shattering the previous record of 7.5 inches to smithereens!  I can’t even tell you how gorgeous it was and what a treat it was to see this. My neighborhood looked like some kind of fairy tale North Pole scene.  Even though it was beautiful – and lots of schools closed to the delight of kids everywhere – it did cause a lot of problems.  100,000 people are still without power today.  Thankfully, my power was back on Friday night after being out for the whole day.  We had trees down all over town, and branches ripped off the ones still standing.  Those poor little trees weren’t used to holding up all that snow, and ended up toppled over on power lines.

Since this may be the biggest snowfall I’ll see in my lifetime if I continue to live here, I wanted to remember as much of it as possible so I took a zillion photos.  Here are a few:

Adios, snowstorm of 2010!  You were a bit of a pain, but you were a blast while you were here!  🙂
